Semua Bab Taken By The Demon Alpha: Bab 11 - Bab 20
135 Bab
~Caught ~
Beth POV."Brothers and sister. I present to you filthy Lincoln cunt. Show no mercy or restrain tonight. You know what the ultimate price is. I'm counting on every single one of you to prove that we are very civilized yet the most ruthless when pushed to the limit. Now go" Asher roared and the awaiting crowed cheered, while some growled menacingly.Beth heart raced and churned within the confines of her chest as her eyes dart around for Alex. Call it silly but he seems to be the only one with a heart around here even though he has refused to admit it.Men, women, children all stood in their human form, eager to heed the command of their leader without thinking it as something wrong. This must be some sick joke, She thought in her state of panic, not exactly sure how she feels knowing she is about to be hunted like a little deer in the forest by those wild beast. Alex was no where in sight, making her panic skyrocket even the most.Did he changed his mind about participating in the a
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~Defiled ~
Warning: This chapter contain element of rape and might be disturbing to some persons, so i'd advise you to skip right to the next chapter if you are not up for it.Beth's POV"Asher, please. I will do anything you want but not like this. Don't fucking do this""Well, this is exactly what i want. Besides, and for the record, my beast likes his women extremely weak and pathetic just like you so you might want to cry some more" Asher told her with a snicker and Beth felt a sense of rage surging through at the sound of his taunting little laughs and without thinking, she raised her hands to hit him across the face but he caught them midway and ever so effortlessly and then had them pinned to the ground above her head, trapping her between his broad chest."I can see that you still have some fire left in you but trying to hit me wasn't a smart move. You joke woke something in me. My wolf might like them weak, I, on the other hand don't mind a struggling one so it's a win win for me" He gr
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~Scent ~
Asher's POV.Asher stood in all his naked glory as he watched more drop of tears slipped down her cheek and for a split second, he almost felt sorry for her but that was before he suddenly remembered who she fucking was.She is Elizabeth Lincoln. Daughter of the same man who took every single damn thing that meant the world from him and more so, he did without hesitation. She is lucky he hasn't thought about curving out a name from her heart yet. If he hasn't done it up till that moment, then it's not because he couldn't. In fact, he just realized there is something more pleasing each time a piece of her break. To Asher, that is a lot more satisfying than a quick stab to the chest.A swift death like that would be too merciful and Asher doubt if he posses that sort of empathy for the daughter of the man who is worst than death itself.Not a chance in hell.With that thought in mind, he left her lying on the forest ground after sending new orders to Alex through their mind link to ge
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~Stabs of Pain ~
Beth's POV.Only a sound of dry logs getting crashed under Alex's foot could be heard in the still dark forest as he bend over and picked Beth's trembling form off the floor and into his arms. His head peered down and looked at her for a brief second before he began to walk back to camp. She could scream, kick or pull away from his large hands as it carried her away but there wasn't much fight left in her. Just a filled bucket of tears she refused to let spill over.Though his arms were extra gentle and felt a whole lot comforting than the bare ground she lay on some minutes ago, Beth still felt stabs of pain surge through her heart with each step he took so she clung on to him as though his chest was a safe fortress even though silent war between loosing her sanity and staying still rages on in her mind.With her eyes shut firmly, her shaky hands continued to grip tightly against her shredded clothes,clenching together whatever was left of it to her body. She could hear his heart t
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~Crowd of Lycans ~
Beth realized the woman holding on to her looked awfully familiar even in the dark as her glare reminded her of the girl she fell on to while Asher was busy parading her to be hunted earlier. Her eyes were a deep sea of blue as they glare hatefully at her. Her hair was dark red just like her attitude and something in the way she smiled told Beth she was in danger.From the look in her eyes and how firm her grip against her hair was, it's obvious she also came to growl and snarl at her just like everyone else. It won't make no difference as her scorn can't possibly hurt her more than Asher already did tonight."Came to finish off what your Alpha already started?" The word slipped out of Beth's lips and the girl arched a single brow at her."It's depends on what your response to my question would be, it's not like it's going to make any difference but still, you have to answer with the right words" She said calmly and then cocked her head to the side, "What do you think of Asher's cock
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~Burning Sensation ~
Morning after morning, Beth found herself getting chained on to the shame table during breakfast while food is repeatedly thrown at her after which she is returned back to her cell once again. As boring as her life is turning out to be, this particular practice seems like the new order of the day.A whole week had gone by since she last saw Alex or even Asher. Since she is still very much confine to the four corner of her cell and not allowed to roam about freely just like everyone else, Beth could only assume her tormentors are somewhere out there.The fact that none of them had come around to growl or poke stick at her isn't the root of her worries at the moment but the obvious quietness. Beth has no idea what they could be plotting to do with her this time around but she was absolutely sure something was brewing.The thought of something cynical happening once again and also unexpectedly is enough to make her stomach churn uncomfortably with absolute dread for her life. Each day is
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~Stockholm Syndrome ~
The more Beth spend the rest of that day at Alex room, just seating around and getting fed like a normal human being, the more she felt as though she was starting to develop a Stockholm syndrome towards him. Even though he isn't her main aggressor, he was still aiding in the whole process of keeping her hostage against her will.Beth watched with red cheek as he emerges from the bathroom after taking a bath and began to throw on his clothes without paying her any single glance. Once he was done, he quickly turned to face her before clearing his throat slightly."I'm going to meet Asher. So stay here and keep the door locked unless you hear my voice, understood?" Alex said, looking at her with those green eyes of his.Beth answered with a nod and he quickly slip out the door, leaving her to stare right after him. She released a breath of relief once she was alone once again before leaning back on the bed wishing to be back home in her little apartment.Even though her living space set
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~Brother's Feud ~
All she could feel for the past minutes is slashes upon slashes across her body. First on her left cheek then arm and more across her chest and stomach. Beth was a screaming mess as the man continued to slice away without mercy.If she thought Asher was worst, then she was finally realizing how wrong she had been. The new man who claims to be Asher's brother is hell in itself as he stood with a satisfied grin on his face while his claws drill more cut into her already mutilated flesh.Her chest burn with renew pain each time his other hand yanked at her hair loop,urging her to maintain eye contact with him still. Beth screams has now been reduced to mere whimpering at this point as warm wet blood drip from the wounds onto the floor and all these while, Beth was still trapped in the man's grip.The man himself didn't seem moved by her pain one bit as more tears trickle down her face, her clothes a mixture of sweats and blood as she struggle to untangle his wrist from choking her to dea
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~Council of Elders ~
"That's where you are wrong brother. I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else. Now go back to your pack and prove whatever you must to everyone there and leave me the fuck alone" Asher turned to walk away, stopping only to give his Beta signal to move and Alex quickly sweep Beth's shivering form into his arms and began to head for the exit but paused midway when they heard Jax voice yet again."You are right Asher. You don't have to prove anything to me but you have everything to prove to the council of elders and I will like to announce to you dear brother that, as we speak, they are already on their way here and should be arriving about" Pulling his wrist slightly to glance at his leather watch, he smiled, "About now, so get ready to explain why you are defending a bloody Lincoln"When Asher didn't respond to his brother's statement for an awkward amount of time, Beth dared a glance at his direction and found his hands balled into tight fist by his side. His gaze was in
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~Condemned To Death ~
"What have you really been up to before you came here?" Jax asked her with a dark tone, underlying his voice."Loo... Looking for jobs and...and more jobs to pay off my bills" She shuttered, starting to shift uncomfortably under his fierce scrutiny.Jax let out a disapproving growl under his breath as he raised a brow at her, causing her to swallow nervously.Beth wasn't sure what he was expecting her to say from the unbelievable look in his eyes."Are you sure? Father didn't try to teach his little girl some hunting techniques and tricks?" He shot the questions out accusingly, pulling her wrist behind her back painfully, causing her to yelp in pain."I was abandoned at school after my mom passed away when I was eight years old and I swear to God, that was the last time I ever saw or heard from him. He..he never came to see me" Beth screamed almost angrily, the pain shooting through her arms totally unbearable.Jax finally released her and she stumble slightly before crashing to the f
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