Semua Bab Alpha's Enchantress Mate: Bab 21 - Bab 30
146 Bab
MILAMila moved out of the fog with the precious flower in her hands. Arthur was lying still on the ground and Tony was crouching beside him."He is still unconscious," Tony muttered as Mila knealed beside Arthur."Not unconscious," Mila sighed as she placed her palm on Arthur's cheek, "just asleep."And as if he was waiting for her touch, Arthur stirred."What?" Arthur woke with a start. "What happened?""You lost consciousness," Mila smiled."What happened to you?" Arthur asked, abashed. The horror in his wide eyes said more than enough. Mila touched her face and felt her fingers get moist. She had blood all over her body."You are hurt," Arthur snapped as he sat up straight. "You need a medic, where does it hurt?""Nowhere," Mila smiled.But Arthur was not willing to listen. He was already on his way to his horse. Mila grabbed his hand and stopped him."Listen to me," Mila insisted but Arthur was babbling something. "Please listen to me, my love. Do you have a moment to hear me out
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ARTHURThere were only a few things that Arthur enjoyed thoroughly in his life - fighting, unleashing Bash and running around with his pack, spending time with his mother and now this... This, the way this incredibly tiny human was wrapped around him, this, the feel of her body, the scent of her hair, the soft but firm grip of her hand on his arm, this was something that now precedented everything else in his life.Mila's eyes were closed and she had her head on his chest. Oh, how much he wanted to jump from this horse, tear away the armour and clothes that were a barrier between them, and make her his own. But it has to wait... "Maybe longer than you think!" Bash's sarcastic voice rang in Arthur's head."Oh, shut up," Arthur growled.Mila's head jerked up and she blinked at him. "But I am not speaking," she looked offended."Oh, not you," Arthur couldn't help but smile affectionately at her."What then? Are you talking to Tony?" Mila narrowed her eyes."I thought you were raised bet
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MILA"Stop," Mila ordered as she saw the boundary of Arthur's city loom ahead in the darkness."What happened?" Arthur asked, suddenly pulling the reins of the horse, bringing it to a halt."I think this is close enough," and sliding down from his horse, Mila gained distance from him. As she was about to move away, feeling sad from the distance, she felt a tug at her hand. Arthur had grabbed her fingers.She looked back and saw the same look of sadness reflect in Arthur's eyes. They had spent the entire day in each other's company, cherished some incredible moments, but now it was time to get back to reality. And the reality was too bitter to bear. Arthur was someone else's mate and Mila was nothing but a mere human girl who was his servant of sorts."I don't want to part ways just yet," Arthur spoke heavily."My lord, it is time..." Mila's voice was a mere whisper. The dark had fallen and she could see sentry up ahead.As she took back her hand and walked away, Arthur jumped from his
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ARTHURRaul Collins, aka the Alpha, aka Arthur's father had the most bemused expressions on his face. And Arthur didn't like this look... no he didn't like it at all. Arthur knew something was cooking up in his father's head and it would not bode well for anyone."Why are you happy, father?" Arthur asked seriously."Why are you so frantic, son?" the Alpha asked back, though in a mocking tone."You answer me first," Arthur asked with narrowed eyes.The Alpha huffed and sat straight up. They were in the the hearing chambers and he looked around to check their audience. It was quite early in the day and only Arthur was there. "Why did you call he so early here, father?" Arthur stressed.The Alpha sighed but it was not some thoughtful sigh, instead one that said the Alpha had something vicious on his mind. Arthur loved and respected his father a lot, he had even fought and won wars on his say so... but Arthur also knew his father was overly ambitious and with growing time he had turned m
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ARTHUR"Let her be," Bash screamed in Arthur's head as he rushed after Chloe. "It is kind of good, let her believe it. And then we will be free of her!""Shut it," Arthur growled back. "Are you forgetting how powerful Chloe's family is? Chloe can have Mila murdered in her sleep.""And are you forgetting how powerful Mila is? She is a weapon!" Bash continued."It would be better for everyone if that remained a secret," Arthur muttered as he quietly followed Chloe to her chambers.Chloe was about to snap the door shut in his face when he reached her."Listen to me," Arthur started but Chloe just growled at him. "Let's get inside first," he insisted and Chloe moved aside.The moment he closed the doors, Chloe flung her hand and slapped Arthur squarely in the face. He was so takenaback by this action that he just stood rooted to the ground for a moment. He only moved when Chloe fell on the floor sobbing harshly."Never," Chloe spoke between her sobs, "Never had I thought you would betray
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MILAAs Mila got dressed and accessorized herself in Arthur's gifts, she felt a tingling sensation.Was Rah right? Was she indeed Arthur's love now? Well, only one way to tell.Rah led her to the palace where every eye was turning in her direction. No, it is not that anyone recognized her... how could they? Until yesterday she was a pathetic human who was always covered in stinking mud. No, today they were staring because she was covered in royal attire.Her mask was custom made. It was so perfect that it felt Arthur had sat with the tailor and got it made specifically for her. It was so amazingly created that not even her eyelids were visible. Her lips and eyes everything was covered, and yet she could see perfectly through narrow but perfectly aligned slits. The material was so breathable that she was not suffocating and she was not feeling hot. The gloves were made of some rare silk that felt like her own skin. They too were extremely light and didn't bother her anyway.There was
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MILAMila stood rooted to the ground as everyone around her moved. All eyes were on her, but her eyes were fixed on the door behind which Arthur had disappeared.Why did he look so worried? Why was he panicking? Did someone say something? Was it because of his gifts? Mila was lost in infinite questions when someone cleared a throat behind her."He won't come back," the voice said.Mila didn't have to turn to recognize the malicious voice. It was Chloe and she had the most sinister expressions on her face."Did you really think that a foul creature like you can snare her?" Chloe went on. The crowd around them was thinning, but still there were quite a few onlookers.Mila fisted her hands to control her temper. Chloe noticed the movement and laughed loudly. She came close to Mila and whispered in her ears, "He knows..."Mila looked at her sharply. Chloe was so close that it was too easy, too tempting for Mila to put a curse on her. But her next words stopped Mila. "He knows you are witc
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MILA Mila rushed out of the hearing and found Rah eagerly waiting for her. "So?" Rah asked ecstatically. But Mila didn't respond to him. Suddenly she was feeling hot and suffocated in her mask and gloves. She was feeling like she was getting strangled by the neckband. She was feeling humiliated. Fear of losing control in the middle of the palace, Mila ran to the exit. Many heads turned, as usual, but Mila didn't have the care for them. "What happened?" Rah shouted as he ran after her. Only if Rah left her side, she could transform and disappear. She wanted to unleash Grace and hide behind her thoughts, but Rah was persistent. Down she ran to the secret tunnel and her cottage, Rah still on her heels. "Wait up!" Rah panted as she stopped outside her cottage door. "Go away," Mila replied as finally she entered her small house and threw away Arthur's gifts on the bed. "What happened?" Rah asked again, but Mila didn't want to hear another word. She just wanted to get out of the c
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MILA and ARTHUR How many times, so many fucking times Arthur had pictured Mila sprawled on his bed, waiting to be his? And finally, finally that moment was here. Mila swallowed as she pushed herself on the bed and turned her back to him. A moan escaped her lips as she felt his fingers rake her back as he pushed her hair away. And then, he kissed her. He started from the nape of her neck and slowly moved down her spine. It was a slow trail, a gentle shower of infinite kisses, making her groan and moan and fall down in bed, helplessly. "Oh, Arthur," Mila cried as he pulled down the belt of her underwear and kissed on her butts. Hearing his name from her mouth like this, excited him even further. Biting one of her butt-cheeks, making her shriek with passion, he moved back up her spine, kissing her over and over again. As he trailed his hand up hers, she found her fingers. They were curled in a fist, clutching hard at the pillow. Slowly, she turned at his insistence. The sight of hi
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MILA As Arthur's face met Mila's most intimate part, she felt her entire world had exploded. Her body jerked and she sat back up. There was something exceptionally intimate at the sight of Arthur's head in between her legs. She was about to grab his hair when a sudden tap on her door stopped her. Arthur placed his finger on his lips and pulled away. Groaning, Mila got out of bed and demanded, "Rah, if it's you!" "Mila Grace?" another man's voice boomed. "Who are you?" Mila demanded. "I am ordered to search your quarters," the man continued. "I know that voice," Arthur spoke with furrowed brows. "On whose orders," Mila scowled. She was suddenly hyper aware of her nudity. If a man could go crazy at mere sight of her hand, what would happen to this one if he saw her naked? "The orders have been issued from the palace," the man continued. "Oh..." Arthur whispered hurriedly, "He is Chloe's guard." "What are you looking for?" Mila demanded, now grabbing a blanket and pulling he
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