Semua Bab The creature inside me: Bab 31 - Bab 40
100 Bab
Threat to the pack
“What’s the process of mating?” He asked Irvin before he could control himself but now the words were out and he wanted the earth to swallow him.“Eager huh?” Irvin teased him which made his cheeks heated.“I’m just curious,” Zadkiel informed, looking down at his lap.“To claim a mate you have to mark him first because if your mate, mates with someone else, the bond breaks. But after the claiming, it’s on you when you want to have sex but the longer you take, the weaker the bond becomes.” Irvin explained it to him.“So, you want to tell me we should hurry?” Zadkiel smirked, raising his eyebrows. Irvin laughed.“I just told you what you asked.” He put his hand in the air, chuckling.“What do you mean by mark?” Zadkiel asked, scooting closer to Irvin because he had enough of control.“The Alpha bites the omega and leaves a mark there. It stays there for a while but it’s a sign for other alpha’s to stay away because the omega is taken.” Irvin informed. He could sense that Zadkiel
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Big reveal
Three days had passed since Zadkiel heard that heated argument of Irvin with his dad about kicking him out. Since that day he hadn’t been able to find rest. He was always anxious that any moment Irvin is going to realize that Zadkiel is a threat and will kill him or worse, kick him out. He was living in fear. Again.When he was informed he was a werewolf, he was disappointed but he was satisfied as well. He was satisfied that after waiting for 20 years he finally had his answer for the question “who is he?” but now it’s blank again because he wasn’t a werewolf. He was different from them as well. He was back to square one.After that day, whenever Irvin tried to mark him, he made an excuse to avoid it because in his head, breaking up a marked bond would be more painful than breaking an unmarked bond and he knew one day Irvin would want to break it so, he didn’t want to make it painful for himself or Irvin.He was aware that if Irvin kicked him out, it wouldn’t be his fault because
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Mate bond
“We are mates.” Sean just threw it in there because he knew no revenge would be better than telling Abel about this.“Yeah… right fact bud-” Abel casually started but then his eyes snapped open and he shot up, looking at Sean with a horrorstruck face.“WHAT?!” He spoke so loudly in shock that even Sean flinched.“You’re my mate, Mister,” Sean answered nonchalantly, grabbing the bottle of water.“Want some water to swallow it? I mean purified urine.” He teased. Abel gave him a blank look.“If all this is some joke to you, it isn’t funny.” He gave him a glare.“I wish it was but now you’re stuck with me,” Sean smirked.“Dude, that’s totally your belief. In humans, there are no mates so, no thank you.” Abel spat but this made Sean sit up and wiped off the smirk on his face.“You can’t reject me,” Sean spoke, totally in horror.“Oh, I ca-” But before Abel could complete this sentence, Zadkiel barged in to save the day. Though he had been listening to the conversation, he acted as
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The strange lady
“This is the place I took you the night you were in heat,” Irvin whispered, giving a light squeeze to Zadkiel’s hand.After their little picnic at the cottage where Irvin had locked Abel in, on the night he brought them here, they walked down to the river bank where they sat the night and talked calmly for the first time.Heavy clouds were covering the sky and a steady wind was blowing, making the trees dance and leaves float in freedom. The woods looked more beautiful in the dim light of the setting day and the clouds that could shower on them any time made it more excited.The river was enjoying itself, singing a song as it splashed across the big rocks in its way. The water was cold and clean but the sound it made was enough to soothe the nerves of any listener.“That seems like ages ago.” Zadkiel chuckled sitting on the rock where they sat before. Irvin plopped down beside him. He grabbed Zadkiel’s hand which made the younger turn his head to him.“Remember when you thought t
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The perfect first date
“Was she a ghost?” Zadkiel spoke now taking that woman’s place to sit down.“I have no idea. But she wasn’t a ghost at all.” Irvin sat beside him.“Whoever she was, she ruined our fun,” Zadkiel murmured, resting his head on Irvin’s shoulder. Irvin chuckled and turned his face to kiss the top of his head.“Let’s head home. It’s going to be dark soon and look at the sky. I feel like a storm is coming.” Irvin spoke standing up and extending his hand for Zadkiel.“The date is over already?” Zadkiel pouted, giving Irvin a puppy dog face.“No… we can continue whatever we were doing when we’re home.” Irvin suggested and it was enough to make Zadkiel jump up and grab Irvin’s hand.They both walked out of the woods. The cool wind gushed through them, making them shiver a bit but they attached their bodies to keep themselves warm. Irvin’s hand was encircled around Zadkiel’s waist while Zadkiel was rubbing his hands together to keep himself warm.They entered the car and as soon as Irvin
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Undiscovered disease
Irvin and Abel were outside while Dr Hill was running tests on Zadkiel. Irvin finally brought Zadkiel to the hospital for a proper checkup. He didn’t want to waste more time than he actually had. He was busy with some business deals bombarded on him by his father and he knew his father did it on purpose so Irvin wouldn’t get enough time for Zadkiel but today Irvin just straight up said no to his father to do this.Dr Hill exited the examination room with Zadkiel. He had unreadable expressions on his face which made Abel more scared while Irvin still waited for an answer.“Let’s take this to my office.” Dr Hill spoke. They all followed him to his office. Dr Hill took his time in taking off his coat and adjusting on his seat which scared Abel more.“Can you please reveal the big secret now? Is there any cure for him?” Abel finally ran out of patience and questioned. Dr Hill leaned forward on the desk between him and the three of them and clasped his hands on it.“Well, I can’t seem
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A progress
“Irvin…” Zadkiel called him when Irvin was about to leave.“Yeah?”“I’m sorry.”“Why are you sorry?” Irvin frowned.“I’m sorry that you got a mate like me. I know it’s gonna hurt you.” His voice was so weak and held so much emotion. He was genuinely blaming himself for the pain he’d cause Irvin when he’d die.Irvin was astonished to hear that. Even in this moment when he knew that he wouldn’t be surviving long enough, he was scared of hurting others and he was thinking about them.“Stop. I could never get a better mate than you.” Irvin’s fist rested on the door. He could feel the pain of Zadkiel and he just wanted to make it vanish.Zadkiel didn’t respond this time. Irvin could hear him sobbing silently and he hated the fact that he couldn’t just break the door and hold him even though he could break the door easily. He returned to his room, deciding not to eat.Almost at 2 am, Irvin heard a light knock on his door which disturbed his sleep. He shuffled out of the bed to open
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“Did he tell you guys about me? I mean about my short life?” Zadkiel questioned Nora as they were sitting in the living room while everyone else was off to work, including Abel who refused the job Irvin had given him and found himself a new job.“He did,” Nora replied, turning the volume of the TV down and faced Zadkiel.“Then why did you let him do this to himself? Who was the girl he was marrying?” Zadkiel shifted in his seat.“Vanessa. She lost her alpha in a car accident.” Nora informed. “And Zadkiel, you need to stop speaking like you don’t matter. You’re Irvin’s mate. Even if you are dying, no one can separate you two. It’s against the law. Plus I wouldn’t do something like that ever.” Nora frowned at him.“Irvin told me, an omega without an alpha dies really quickly. Irvin was going to marry her which gave her hope to live but then he didn’t. That’s cruel you know.” Zadkiel gave her a look.“Do you know that omegas don’t want to live without their alpha that’s why they die
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Unexpected guest
“Hey, Vanessa.” Irvin greeted the lady and then Zadkiel understood who she was. She was the one Irvin was going to marry.“Hey, Alpha.” She gave a short smile but that smile held sadness and Zadkiel could feel it.She placed the tray on the table and Zadkiel realized he was sitting on the table when he had to turn his head full 180 degrees to see her. He hopped down and turned around, flushed cheeks.“This is Zadkiel. My mate.” Irvin introduced Zadkiel to her. She gave him a glance and smiled. “You must have thanked the Goddess that you didn’t marry me because look at him.” She said, completely in awe of his looks.Irvin chuckled and turned to Zadkiel “Zadkiel, this is the one I was-” Zadkiel cut him off. “I know.”“You’re very pretty yourself.” Zadkiel gave her the deserved compliment.“Can’t argue on that one.” She chuckled.“Is this some kind of running joke in you omegas to be full of yourselves?” Irvin scowled at them but his lips were still curled upwards.“Dude, we omeg
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First crack
Zadkiel headed straight home after this. His legs were thinking with their own brain because the one in his skull didn’t even know what was happening, the one in his skull was numb to everything. He wasn’t crying. He wasn’t feeling any kind of emotion. He was just numb.He was sitting on the bed, gripping the sheets as his mind was playing the same picture on a slideshow in his brain. He didn’t want to see her face but that’s all he could see.“Zadkiel…” He heard Irvin’s voice as he entered the room but he didn’t look up because somehow the floor was more fascinating than any reality he was in.“Zadkiel, I’m talking to you, baby.” Irvin stood before him. He lifted his gaze from the floor and stared at his mate’s face.“Yeah?”Irvin gave him a soft smile and sat beside him. He caressed the balled fist of Zadkiel that was gripping the sheets, tightly. Zadkiel released the sheets and sighed, shaking his head.“I’m sorry.” He murmured.“Why are you sorry?” Irvin questioned, placing
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10 Protection Status