บททั้งหมดของ Addicted: บทที่ 31 - บทที่ 40
Chapter 31
Isabella's POV'' This was really fun, thank you for taking me out today,'' I said as I looked up Aiden.'' Anything to put a smile on that beautiful face of yourself, and just keep in mind that when I finally take you on a date it would be much better than this,'' Aiden smirked, instantly making me blush as he hauled down a taxi. Aiden quickly opened the door for me as he ushered me inside the car.We continued to chat and laugh, as we reminisced about our time at the skating ring. Aiden was sure a sweetheart. He made sure I didn't think about how messed up my today was. He made sure that I was happy, even if it was just for a few minutes, and I was so grateful to have him with me.But I constantly cursed my thoughts, for always being invaded by the thoughts of the Draco and the memories of all that happened today, even when I knew I didn't want to.Xander was like a virus spreading through my body and I had no idea about how to make him stop. But I was willing to try, I was willing
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Chapter 32
Isabella's POV I didn't leave my room again that day after Mia and I talked. I stayed back in my room as I tried to look for a solution to all of my problems, my work problem and also my love problem.But no matter how hard I tried to look for a way out of all of this, I still came out more confused than I was before.Feeling confused about everything, I knew exactly who to call.So I picked up my phone, and called Judith.She picked up immediately as if she had been waiting on the phone for my call.'' Isabella... honey,'' Judith called out to me.'' Hey Judith, I know you would hate me for not calling soon,'' I said softly through the phone.''My child, I can never hate you,'' Judith said, and I could feel her smiling from ear to ear.'' So tell me, what have you been up to, how is the new city treating you,'' she asked.'' Judith, I don't know what to do, my world is falling apart,'' I cried out to her.'' My child, what is going on, you sound so distraught,'' Judith said with so
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Chapter 33
Isabella's POV'' A Date with Aiden, how long was I asleep for,'' Mia let out as she sat on the bed looking up at me.'' Aiden asked me out this morning and I said Yes,'' I said and Mia looked at me as if I had just done something wrong.'' But just yesterday, you told me that you weren't sure about anything, so tell me what changed,'' Mia asked.'' I decided to take a chance on Aiden, I want a good guy, and Aiden is a good guy,'' I answered.'' Are you sure about this,'' Mia asked, as I knew she wasn't in support of this.'' No I am not, but I am willing to give this a try. I like Aiden, so I don't see why not , and honestly I would not let Xander or the stupid thought of him stop me.'' I answered.''Who is Xander... Fuck wait, is that the Draco's real name,'' Mia let out as she looked at me with surprise.'' Yes, that's his real name,'' I said, and Mia looked at me , with a mixture of fear and confusion in her eyes.''Isa... do you think the Draco would be happy when he finds out a
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Chapter 34
Xander's POVI still couldn't let go of the fact that Isabella had a boyfriend and the worst part of it is she didn't even deny it. I was livid , so angry that I couldn't sleep at all that night after my call with Bella.The mere thought of her being in another man's arms kills me so deeply. And I couldn't wait to find out who this dude was so that I could teach him a lesson.The morning came quickly, and I hurried out of bed, took a shower and got dressed for the day, as I sent for someone to look for Diego so that he would give me the answers that I so desperately needed.I waited in my office for Diego to show up but I was soon told that he had left very early in the morning.'' Fuck... Diego,'' I yelled in anger, as I just couldn't wait anymore to find out who this mysterious Bella's boyfriend was.I couldn't concentrate on anything today, as I desperately waited for Diego to show up, but the longer I waited, the longer it took for him to show up.I was about to send someone to go
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Chapter 35
Isabella's POVI didn't know what was happening, it all felt like a blur. I soon regained consciousness, but everything was still pitch black. Fear immediately took hold of me as I noticed that we were in a moving car. I struggled with the rope that was tied behind my back, trying to set myself free. But no matter how hard I tried to set myself free, it was just hopeless because the ropes were just too tight.I quickly remembered that Mia and I were taken by some men wearing masks, and I wondered who they were and what exactly they wanted from us, so I called out for Mia softly hoping that she was alright.'' Mia... Mia are you alright,'' I whispered out, but I didn't hear anything from Mia, and that really scared me.'' Come on Mia, please say something,'' I let out, but still, there was nothing from her.I couldn't help but be afraid that these men had done something to Mia.'' Would you shut up? If you don't, I will have to shut you up myself,'' I soon heard a male voice scream at
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Chapter 36
Isabella POVI and Mia were still held bound, taken by these unknown men. I was still so oblivious about what next to do, so I continued to pray for some kind of miracle to help us out of this dreadful situation.But our situation looked like it wasn't going to change anytime soon.'' Isa... Isa,'' Mia called out to me softly.'' What are we going to do, how are we going to get out of here,'' She asked and that was a question I didn't know how to answer.'' I don't know Mia, I don't what to do. These people didn't seem like thieves, I think they have some other plan for us,'' I answered.'' Oh God, we are so doomed.'' Mia cried out.'' Is okay, is going to be okay,'' I said as I fought to believe my own words.After a few minutes of silence, the car stopped.'' Isa, what is happening,'' Mia cried out.'' Shush, Mia, I think someone is coming this way,'' I let out and soon we heard the car door open, and before I knew it, I was immediately grabbed by the arm.'' Let me go, Let me go,''
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Chapter 37
Isabella POV''What did you just say,'' I managed to let out.'' You heard me, I came here for you, Bella, and I am not leaving without you. You will be living with me from now on,'' Xander said as he continued to look at me with those eyes of his, and could also hear Aiden and Mia gasp behind me.'' No never, I'm not going anywhere with you, Draco.'' I yelled out with so much anger in my voice.But, Xander just smiled as he folded his arms across his chest, as he stared at me so intensely, as if he was trying to read every bit of me.'' Bella, I don't think you have a choice here. First, what happened today? I can not take the risk of that happening to you again,'' Xander said, and I rolled my eyes.'' Oh what happened today, what happened today is all your fault Draco, those men took me and my friend all because of you,'' I yelled.'' And that is the other reason, Bella, why I am taking this action. They know your connection to me, and they can easily use you to get to me, and I wou
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Chapter 38
Aiden's POV I was still trying to come to terms that Isabella and Mia had almost been kidnapped. I hated seeing Isabella so shaken up and so scared about everything that happened. We were supposed to have our date tonight, but none of that mattered now. There would still be many more chances for that, but little did I know that Isabella would soon be taken from my hands. I was on the phone with the police when we heard a knock at the door. '' I will go see who it is,'' Mia said to me as she walked to get to the door. But the fearful gasp from Mia made me turn and I saw a man with red eyes walking into our apartment with a bodyguard trailing behind him. I did know who he was, but damn he looked so familiar , but with a fearful look on Mia's face, it was sure that she knew who he was. '' Who are you? and what do you want,'' I asked, but he only ignored me, as his focus was fixed on Mia. '' Where is she,'' He asked Mia. '' Where is who,'' I asked, but he ignored me again. '' Wher
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Chapter 39
Xander's POV'' You can not be serious, Cousin,'' Xavier bombarded my ears as soon as I worked back into my office.'' What are you going on about Xavier,'' I let out as I took my seat in front of him.'' Your dancer, the red queen, why did you bring her here,'' Xavier asked as he looked at me for answers.'' And again Xavier, I ask you what are you going on about,'' I rolled my eyes, asking.'' Cut the bullshit cousin, you know exactly what I am going on about. Why is Isabella here?'' Xavier asked and I rolled my eyes.'' Wait, is this all your plan to win this bet we have,'' Xavier asked and I huffed.'' Shut up, Xavier, it is nothing like that. I didn't bring her here to win a bet. I brought her here because she is in danger out there, because you could not clean up a simple mess. But if I win the bet process, I think it would be a win-win for me.'' I said.'' Please don't blame me for something you clearly caused, you killed Alvaro , so technically you are the one that put your da
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Chapter 40
Isabella's POV'' You wear my shirt better than I would ever would,'' Xander smirked, saying.I rolled as I tried to ignore all the unwanted emotions his words made me feel.''Any ways, it is good of you to join me for breakfast,'' Xander smiled and said.'' Whatever,'' I huffed.'' You know what, it is very big of you to say that , for a person who threatens to kill someone, just to force me to have breakfast with him.'' I rolled my eyes saying as I sat far away from him, and thank goodness it was a big dining table.'' What can I say, you forced my hand, Bella,'' He smirked.'' But threatening your help, just to have your way, do you not think that is below you.'' I let out.'' Just like you said,threatened... I wasn't going to do it. I just wanted to get you to come down. and I am sure you did understand because you also threatened to starve yourself if I didn't let you go.'' Xander said as he totally turned the table at me.'' Fuck, it wasn't a threat, Draco, because I was really
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