Все главы Lustful Eyes: Глава 21 - Глава 30
chapter 21
The Kings were at the dining table, everyone was sitting in their situated seats. Mr & Mrs. King were talking with each other about something, Sofia and Lucas were busy with their phones. And Alexander... his eyes were as always looking for that one girl. His father didn't know about his announcement yet. He wouldn't be happy and Alexander knew that. But, he could care less about his father's bullshit lecture.After a few minutes, the maids began to appear with various meal trays in their hands. He didn't even look at a single maid since his eyes were desperate to see her. He didn't mind if he was a little too harsh on her. He was going to obtain what he desired. And he was just interested in her at that moment. The heinous ruse, on the other hand, would break her... but that was exactly what he wanted. He intended to break her till she gave up. He intended to put her in a position where she would have no one alongside her except him.He was unaware that his wicked smile was seen by
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chapter 22
She tugged in her clothes and other necessary stuff inside her bag. She wished she would have been doing it for a positive reason. She was told that Alexander had given her four days and that on the fourth day, she would be in his house, the man's house from whom she was fleeing. Mrs. King, thankfully, persuaded Alexander to allow her a few days. That wasn't like it was going to be a solution for her. Worst of all, he planned to take her on her birthday. It infuriated her. She might also dislike her own birthday.Sighing, she chained her bag and kept it beside the bed. She didn't want to leave that place, she was tearing up thinking she might not even be able to see Martha and Venessa, worse, she might not even see Caroline again!She glanced at the calendar that was hanging on the, it said 10th august.Her birthday was on 14th August. She was never really excited about her birthday or never hated it but, at that time she was truly hating it.Alexander was doing that intentionally. Hi
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chapter 23
Emma"Wow, Emma...th-that's a lot..." Venessa stated, flabbergasted. Emma sighed. She knew it was a lot. A few hours ago, Martha told her that Alexander was going to increase her salary and the amount was $800 a week. Why would he pay a maid so much? Maids normally didn't get paid more than $400 and he was ready to give her double the amount she was paid. She understood why he was doing this; he simply wanted her to stay. He had some men spying on Miss Garcia, installing cameras and using her against Emma, and then there was the salary thing.Emma sat beside Vanessa on the bed and exhaled deeply."That's a really big amount though, Emma. What are you planning now?" Venessa asked."I don't know. But, I have to work there anyway. I cannot leave this job.""Emma, you know if you are not happy with your job. You can leave it anytime," Venessa placed her hand on Emma's shoulder and said.She looked at her feet helplessly. She was right. Emma could leave anytime but, could she anymore? He
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chapter 24
Author's POV:She lightly dropped her small pouch beside her bag full of clothes and looked at the bedroom. It wasn't what she was expecting to see. The room was full of purple and white balloons.Just how I like... But how.... who did this?She took a few more steps towards the wall that was full of balloons. She frowned when she noticed something written on the wall. She pushed the balloons aside to have a better view.Her jaw dropped when she saw what was written on the wall."Happy Birthday, butterfly."Butterfly? It's him who did this... of course, it's him. This is his house who else will do it?It was not written, it was plastered on the wall with colorful papers that were cut into alphabets. It looked beautiful and mesmerizing. Emma couldn't remove her eyes from all the decorations. Yes, it was true. She always wanted these things for her birthday when she was a kid. Although she never regretted the birthdays she celebrated with Caroline, she just couldn't believe her eyes s
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chapter 25
EmmaA middle-aged woman approached her and handed her the maid outfit, instructing her to wear it. Emma didn't spend much time in changing into that attire.The woman appeared to be stern and demanding. She had a blank expression on her face and was not as chatty as Martha. With a severe expression, she handed her the clothing. That disturbed Emma because she was concerned that the woman would not be as courteous to her as Martha had been.Of course! Not everyone's the same.She sighed heavily as she examined herself in the large floor touch mirror. It appeared to be rather good. It didn't fit her figure well, but it was pleasant to wear. It was a white full-sleeved top with a dark blue skirt that went just below her knee. It didn't have the feel of a second skin.Why does he want me to wear this kind of outfit? I didn't have it before.It wasn't like she didn't like it. She surprisingly did. But Alexander was not the type of person who would think about other people's comfort.Emma
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chapter 26
EmmaThe next day felt like it was occurring in slow motion. Emma had been rushing around the house, performing chores. It seemed surprising that Alexander had not engaged more maids for such a large grandeur of a residence. The maids were limited in number. However, they were not permitted to enter the majority of the house. So they didn't have much cleaning to do, but because it was her first day, she needed to know a lot about the place. Emma had a particularly busy day."Emma," she heard Alexa call out her name so she ran towards her."Hey, if you are free, can you please put these files in the master's study room?" Emma frowned."I-I thought we were not allowed to go there," Emma replied."Oh, master has two study rooms. One is beside his bedroom and you have to put these in the study room that is beside the library," Emma nodded her head and took the pile of files from her hands. Emma turned and began walking towards the library. Fortunately, it wasn't too far, as she arrived i
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chapter 27
EmmaShe gasped loudly as the photo fell from her hand to the floor. Lucas was staring at her with an annoyed and angry look."What the fuck are you doing here, maid?" He asked again. This time louder than before."I-I was j-just..." He did not let her finish and said. "How dare you touch Alexander's belongings! If he finds out about this you will be out of this house immediately if he doesn't kill you first!" He roared at her and took long strides, making her go back. Picking up the photo from the floor, he put it back on where it was before and glared at her. She looked down without saying anything."If you ever touch a single thing here, you will regret it. Do you understand that?" Emma nodded her head swiftly and walked past him muttering sorry.Her heart was racing as she bolted from the room. He didn't even give her a chance to explain before lashing out... yet she was relieved it wasn't Alexander. She was sure he would have punished her, which was the last thing she wanted. S
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chapter 28
AlexanderHe couldn't stop himself from touching her. Her alluring scent, her little frail body wriggling away from him. He couldn't help but surrender to his demons.He was on top of her in an instant, trapping her hands over her head on the bed. Her eyes were filled with tears and were filled with dread. He was enthralled by the gleam in her eyes.No, this cannot be happening!She pondered to herself. She was frightened and afraid for her dignity, which was on the verge of being stolen by the man above her.On the other side, Alexander enjoyed seeing her in that state. Unable to restrain himself, he seized her jaw and smashed his lips on hers, forcing her to close her eyes firmly and press her eyelids together. She struggled and did everything to get away from him, but once his heavyweight was on her, it was impossible.His other hand slipped down to her body, exploring around. His rough touch melted her smooth and delicate flesh. His hand contacted her creamy thigh and squeezed it,
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chapter 29
Past time"Slow down honey, you will fall and hurt yourself!" The woman remarked to her son, who was playing in the school's playground with other children. The boy returned her smile and giggled before sprinting towards the other children who were playing.She shook her head, a sweet smile on her lips, and returned her attention to her newborn child. He was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms, his tiny hands curled up as he took a small yawn. His mother smiled at her son and drew his little form closer to her. Her four-year-old son wanted to play with the other kids even though school was over. The day appeared to go longer than usual. She looked at her watch; it was almost 2 p.m. She looked at the sky and gasped. Grey clouds were starting to gather, signaling that it might rain anytime. She hurriedly called her son and told him they must go. "But mommy, I want to play for some more," he whined.She sighed. "I know baby but if it rains then we are gonna get drenched and your lit
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chapter 30
EmmaHer body was sore. Her head was hurting the most. She awoke dizzy, but it went away after a few moments, and her eyesight was clear after a few blinks.Emma was the only one in the room. When she turned to her side, she noticed a jug of water beside her. Next to it was an empty glass. She gently picked up the jar with her trembling fingers and poured water into the glass. She sipped it in a few gulps. She realized her throat had been dry, and the water helped to ease it. Emma was still dressed as a maid, in a modest knee-high pencil skirt, a white blouse, and black stockings. She yanked her stockings off her legs and dashed inside the bathroom. Her body was sweaty, so she decided to take a shower.She emerged from the bathroom wearing a fresh pair of maid uniforms after spending 15 minutes inside. They were all handed two sets of clothing. She combed her hair and immediately dried it with a towel. She didn't put it in a bun since it was still moist, put on some fresh stockings a
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