Semua Bab Destruction of The Seelie Court: Bab 11 - Bab 20
82 Bab
Chapter Ten
Lisha POV I had forgotten how beautiful my homeland was and felt a sense of belonging for the first time in four years. Green grass and colorful flora cover the forest floor; the ancient trees that hold so much magic inside them call to my soul. It feels so good to be home with the people I love. I didn't realize we had been walking all day until I noticed the sun setting over our mountains. When I feel a slight ripple in the wards protecting our realm, I don't give it much thought, as animals often travel freely in and out of our forest. It doesn't take long before a sense of dread snakes its way down my spine; the birds and animals have disappeared, and it's too quiet. Tyler growls; when I feel a slight breeze brush past my ear, three vampires are headed in our direction, their eyes glowing red with bloodlust. The telltale scent of rabid vampires, stale blood, and rotting flesh reach us before they do. The vampire's movements are staggered, much slower than they usually are; Xavie
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Chapter Eleven
Tyler POV The last two years have been hell; we searched all over the Seelie realm for Lisha. When Allana told my father that the Seelie Queen set up a meeting with the Werewolf and Vampire King, it gave us the perfect excuse to enter the Seelie court. We finally found her, and then I had to leave her again. It broke my heart and shattered my wolf Tristan; it took him months to recover. Once a werewolf finds their mate, we do not cope well with not being near her. Watching Skyla and Xavier's bond get stronger the more time they spent together didn't help my sanity much. We planned Lisha’s rescue carefully. Having Skyla with us was invaluable; even though she never spoke about what happened to Lisha and her, Skyla’s knowledge of the palace was extensive. I smile across the table at Lisha; she is finally home and where she belongs, with me. Lisha has grown even more beautiful since I saw her. Her black hair reflects purple through the ends and falls to her waist. Her purple eyes change
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Chapter Twelve
Gabriel POV I smile and open my eyes, I dreamt of Lisha last night, and after today those dreams become a reality. Nadia is still in my bed; she rolls over, running her hands across my chest as I get out of bed; I clasp her hand in mine and whisper, “I have some business I need to attend to, Nadia; stay here; I won't be long.” She leans on one elbow and looks at me, asking, “Where are you going, Gabriel?” I smirk; there’s no way I am telling Nadia what I have planned; after today, I may not have any use for her, but if Cassandra doesn't give me what I want, then I am still going to need Nadia to warm my bed. I bend, kissing her plump lips, and murmur, “I need to speak to Cassandra; I’ll be back shortly.” Nadia sighed and then laid back down; she smiled sensually, not taking her eyes off my naked body, and whispered, “Don't take too long; I may not be here when you return.” I shrug, enter my bathroom, and have a quick shower; Nadia can say whatever she likes; we both k
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Chapter Thirteen
Lisha POV I wake to the smell of coffee brewing; Tyler is looking out the window, deep in thought. He hasn't bothered to put a shirt on. My eyes drift from his muscular shoulders, running down the curve of his back to where his jeans hang loosely on his hips, covering his incredible arse and thick, muscular thighs. I have always been attracted to him. I didn't realize until I saw him again that Tyler was my mate. If Tyler had been Fae, I would have felt the pull off our mate bond immediately; because he is a werewolf, our bond will need time to strengthen. I stretch slowly and sigh with pleasure; Tyler turns, smiling his sexy half-smile, the one that turns one side of his incredible mouth up. My eyes drift across his muscular chest to his biceps, down his stomach. I smirk when I notice his adonis belt screaming a little on the inside as my need to touch him grows. Fuck, this man is a god. All I can think of is running my tongue along every inch of him. He wiggles his eyebrows cheekil
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Chapter Fourteen
Lisha POV When Skyla and Xavier leave, I sit on the bed, holding my head in my hands. Tyler touches me on my shoulder and asks, “Are you alright, Lisha?” My lips tremble as I try to smile, “I need to go home.” Tyler looked hurt at my words; his voice was soft when he asked, “Why, Lisha, don't you want to stay here with me?” “It's not forever, Tyler, and I want you to come; I just need to say goodbye to my mother.” He sits down and embraces me, whispering, “Let’s go before anyone else decides they need to talk to us.” I never grieved for my mother in the four years I was in the Seelie realm. It took all my time and energy to stay alive. My mother was one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the privilege to know. Her beauty was not only in her looks but also in her soul. She never had a bad word to say about anyone, never judged anyone, and welcomed anyone into our home. I smile when we walk into the front yard of my childhood home, I can see my mother bending over h
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Chapter Fifteen
Lisha POV We have been home for nearly a week, and Allana still hasn't returned; to make things worse, whenever Tyler and I try to get a moment alone, he is needed elsewhere; I am starting to think the universe is working against us, and will stop at nothing to keep us apart. I pace up and down the kitchen, waiting for Tyler to return from another errand Mathew has sent him on. If I don't do something, Tyler and I will never get a moment's peace; there’s so much I have to discuss with him. I grab a bag and pack some clothes for Tyler and myself; I have decided to take Tyler to Allana’s cave. After carrying the bags to the porch, I sit on the steps, not taking my eyes off the lane that leads to our house; hopefully, I can talk to Tyler alone without interruption and make him see how unprepared we are and that attacking Cassandra and Andras would be a senseless waste of all our lives, there’s no doubt in my mind that we would lose. When I see Tyler approaching the house, I pick the bag
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Chapter Sixteen
Allana POV I smiled when I entered my cave; Lisha and Tyler's scent was everywhere. I make myself a coffee before walking over to the bed, raising my eyebrow when I realize what they have been doing. I may have some fun with this; I won't get another chance. I clear my throat noisily. Lisha stirs, and opening her eyes, she squeals. Tyler jumps out of bed, ready to protect her, forgetting he is naked, “My Tyler, haven't you grown into a large man.” He blushes as he tries to cover himself with his hands. I chuckle, looking at Lisha, “Coffee is ready if either of you is interested.” Wiggling my eyebrows at Tyler, I smile, “You don't have to get dressed if you don't want to, Tyler.” Lisha groans as she sits up, “Omg, Allana, stop embarrassing Tyler, please.” I walk away laughing. Once Lisha is dressed, she hugs me. I cuddle her back, saying. “Tyler has not marked you, Lisha?” She glares at me, “I haven't seen you for four years, and that's the first thing you say to me.” I c
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Chapter Seventeen
Lisha POV I can't stop thinking about what Allana has told me. Cassandra needed to be stopped, and I knew that, but now was not the right time. My anger rises, and my magic flows through me; the power is intoxicating. The wind around me gets stronger, leaves fly into the air, and trees start to bend. I can feel I am beginning to lose control when Tyler puts his arms around me; I can barely hear him as he says, “You need to breathe, Lisha. Listen to my voice; come back to me.” He runs soft kisses down my neck, my body responds to his touch, and I relax against him as my control returns. Skyla and Xavier walk over to us when we reach the village outskirts. I look at Skyla properly for the first time since I returned home. Skyla has changed; she still looks like the Skyla I know, only now her skin glows in the sunlight, and her hair looks like silk and falls down the middle of her back. When she walks, she looks like she glides across the ground. Skyla s beauty and grace are breatht
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Chapter Eighteen
Lisha POV I wake up feeling hot and restless, and I need to move. I get out of bed, throwing a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra before leaving the cabin. I am scared I am going to hurt someone. I run through the forest until I can no longer hear any werewolves from the village. Everything comes rushing back to me, my mother being murdered, finding out that Andras and Cassandra killed my father, and the abuse I dealt with at the Seelie court. My legs give way from under me; I can't run anymore; I sit on the forest floor, digging my hands into the ground. Sobs wracked my body; I was so glad to be home; all I want is to spend my life here with Tyler. Why can't Tyler, Xavier, and Skyla see what they are trying to do will get us all killed, and why is Allana encouraging them? Allana has told people for years that I will have immense power when I turn eighteen. Where is it? I am starting to doubt everything she has ever told me. I can't hold it anymore. I feel like I am going crazy. I
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Chapter Nineteen
Lisha POV The werewolf takes us to the great hall where King Damian is waiting for us. My jaw hits the floor when I see him. He is enormous, at least six foot seven inches tall. I can see the muscles on his chest, shoulders, and biceps straining against his shirt when he moves. The animal magnetism that comes from him is overpowering. His long brown hair is loose and falls in heavy waves to his chest, his beard is cropped short against his rugged jaw, and his deep-set dark brown eyes sparkle with mischief as he looks at Allana. He smiles before saying, “It has been a long time Allana.” His voice is deep and husky; everything about the man is sensual. Allana inclines her head at him, giving him a flirtatious smile as she saunters closer and kisses his cheek. “Hello, Damian; it's good to see you again.” “You are still as beautiful as ever, Allana.” She giggles at him, saying, “And your still as handsome as ever, Damian.” I have to admit my grandmother has excellent taste in men
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