Semua Bab You Revive Me: Bab 11 - Bab 20
60 Bab
The moment Mariah entered the ambulance, she sensed that something was not right as she saw three men wearing black masks sitting inside. She tried to make a run but just before Mariah reached at the front of the hospital, one of the men ran after her and grabbed her. He placed a handkerchief om her mouth while Mariah tried to break through his strong grip.But she failed as the chloroform had already done its work and she fainted. They carried Mariah in a rush into the ambulance before anyone saw but soon they realized that Adam’s bodyguards were following them.When the kidnappers saw them, the took out their guns, one pointed the gun towards Mariah’s head to threaten them and others pointed their guns towards the bodyguards. Adam’s bodyguard put their hands in the air as they had been ordered not to hurt or let anybody hurt the doctor. The ambulance vanished into thin air in very short time. Adam’s bodyguards immediately rushed towards their cars and followed the ambulance. One of
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Rescued by the Mafia boss
Mariah shivers at the voice of the gunshot. Her heart rate increases as she tries to process that she isn’t the one who got shot. Mariah is relived and confused. She doesn’t know what’s happening as she is still blindfolded.Pete saw a rundown building during their search and suspected that they might have kept Mariah there as nothing can be found for at least 200 kilometers from here so they decided to search it. They were at the ground floor when they heard some noises coming from the first floor. Mason and Pete took the lead to protect Adam and they walked up the stairs carefully. Pete saw four men arguing with each other while Mariah was tied to a chair in the middle. Pete looked at Mason and he nodded giving him the sign to shoot. Pete aimed his gun towards the man holding his gun on Mariah’s forehead. Pete waited for the right moment and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit right at the target and other three started to panic. They saw Mason and Pete and started shooting at them
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What Now?
Just as Adam thought his heart was going to explode while Mariah tied her white coat around his arm, Pete and Mason arrived at the spot.“They were sent by Ariak. One of them got away Boss. He’s trying to trace Keith to free him” Pete spoke still catching his breath from all the running.“Ariak can’t keep hiding for long. We’ll get back at him during his meeting with Ivan. He’ll pay for everything he did today,” Adam replies. Mariah just stands there listening to them as she doesn’t have much of a choice. She is still trying to process everything that has happened today so she doesn’t utter a word and keeps looking down at the floor.Mason notice the blood covered cloth around Adams arm and Mariah’s bruises present all over her face.“Did you get yourself shot again Adam? We need to get you to the hospital right now. You’re previous wounds haven’t even healed yet and Dr.Mariah is hurt as well,” Mason insists on going to the hospital as he thinks their wounds are not the kind to be tre
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Mason took Mariah to the same office where Adam told her that she was free to go but look at her now she’s back again to the place where never wanted to be. The maid brought the first aid kit and other everything that she had found in the house that could be of any use to Mariah. Mariah went through everything and realized that there weren’t any sedatives to numb the pain. Without them, Adam would die from the pain when she’ll try to take out the bullet from inside his arm.“There aren’t any sedatives in here. It going to be a very painful procedure without them,” Mariah explains as she still looks for them in the stuff maid brought.Adam sitting on the same sofa on which she placed Mariah when she fainted. He’s staring at Mariah as she’s struggling to find the sedatives.“Mrs.Sally, thank you for bringing everything. You can go now,” Adam asks the maid to leave as he doesn’t want her to see his arm being sutured by Mariah. Mason volunteered to stay outside the door in case of emerge
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Silver Lining
Mariah woke up with a dizzy head. She had trouble sleeping in a new place and she was not used to big rooms. Mariah’s psychiatric friend once told her that bigger spaces make you feel small and tiny and you feel more lonely, guess she was right. Mariah felt every bit of it. She was too afraid to step outside the door that someone might think of her as an intruder and shoot her right there and then but she didn’t know that Adam had already ordered everyone not to hurt her and to give her everything she asks for instantly. Adam knew that it would take some time for her to adjust in this new environment but he was relieved as he thought that Pete would be able to make her comfortable so he told him to show this place around. Pete’s soft smile makes him charming and less like a mafia man. Mariah heard the knock on the door and suddenly became alert. She saw the maid and let out a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, Madam, did I wake you up?” Mrs. Sally asked when she saw Mariah suddenly ste
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Chaotic trio
Mariah went out with Pete at 3:30 to meet Blaire while Adam stayed at home all day since he had some unfinished work at home. He didn’t go anywhere since Mariah came yesterday and he didn’t felt like going to his casinos for the very first time to check if things were working fine there. Mason knew something was up as Adam never does this, he always checks up on his casinos on every weekend and takes Mason.It was Sunday and Adam had no plans on going anywhere as he also ordered Mason to postpone all his meetings and that he’ll be working at home today. Adam checks up on his father and asks Dr.Phil about his condition to which the doctor gives him the same reply he has been giving Adam for the past five years.“Mr.Denis hasn’t shown any improvement but he’ll get better by time.”Adam has been hearing this for quite a long time now and he knows his father is not getting any better. He thought of removing his father from life support many times but he isn’t ready to let his father go y
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What Next?
Mariah takes a deep breath and then she lies, because sometimes lying is easier than explaining the truth. So she goes on and lies to her friend she endears the most but she has no choice left.“It’s about Pete. His mother… she’s sick. She needs me right now and I want to be there for her and for Pete, it’s the least I can do for them,” Mariah speaks knowing very well that she has broken her promise. She had promised Blaire to never ever hide anything from her, to tell her everything, but she’s doing all this to protect her and even if she doesn’t want to lie, she still needs to for Blaire’s sake.“When will you be coming back?” Blaire and Mariah just shakes her head.“I don’t know, Blaire. I don’t know it yet,” Mariah replies.“Do you want me come with you? Is her condition that serious?” Blaire asks because she doesn’t want to leave her best friend to go through this time alone. She wants to be there for Mariah like she has been by her side since day one, but right now Blaire’s w
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Crazy for you
Mariah can’t believe the words coming out of Adam’s mouth because Pete told her that both of Adam’s parents died in a car accident five years ago so how is this possible. “He’s my father, Denis Alston. I am his everything, his guardian, his son, I’m all he has now. I want you to treat him,” Adam says as he tries to control his emotions. “I don’t want to give up on him just yet.”Adam would have never even let anyone step inside this room if it was someone else but he has come to trust Mariah. He has hope that maybe Mariah can revive his father, just like she revived him. He wants her try even though it’s useless but he still wants Mariah to try to bring him back to life. Adam didn’t know that he needed Mariah before he met her.“I’ll pay you to as long as your here. Just tell me how much you want. I… I’ll give you anything,” Adam promises to give Mariah everything because if she refuses, then he’ll lose his mind. Adam really thinks that if Mariah can save him, then she can definitely
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Adam leaves early in the morning with Mason as soon as he told him that there have been some sort of dealing going on in one of hotels they own. Adam had trouble sleeping all night so it wasn’t really difficult for him to leave this early. Pete asks if they need him there, but Adam tells him to stay at the mansion and to look after Mariah. Adam takes Mason and Adelmo with him so they can deal with whatever is going on at the hotel.Mariah wakes up late as she had an amazing sleep because of the scented candles. She ate breakfast with Pete that Mrs.Sally made for them and then Pete excused himself as he had some training to do with other bodyguards. Mariah asked him about Adam and Mason to which he replied that they had an urgent meeting so they left early. Mariah thinks it’s good that he won’t bump into Adam today as yesterday her heart couldn’t handle the close proximity between them.He told Mariah that she could visit them whenever she wants as they’re just next door which made her
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Falling for you
As soon as the two of them enter the mall, Mariah saw people looking at them. She saw a few girls drooling over Adam.“Omg, he’s so handsome,” Mariah heard one of them whispering. Mariah rolled her eyes and looked at Adam, who was unbothered by any of the things going around him.“So what now? What are we here to buy?” Mariah asks hoping Adam would give him a proper answer.“We’re here to buy clothes and shoes,” Adam looks at her, “and everything you need. Pete told me that you struggled with dresses Mrs.Sally gave you as they’re too tight for you.”“Oh! I thought it wasn’t noticeable,” Mariah says with embarrassment.Just as Adam is about to comfort Mariah, that it isn’t her fault, a lady stops them. “Sir, would you like to visit our jewelry shop,” she points at the shop right beside her, “We sell beautiful couple rings as well.”“Oh no! No, we’re not a couple. You’ve misunderstood something,” Mariah explains quickly as her cheeks turn red while Adam tries to control his smile. He’
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