Semua Bab ONLY HIS: Bab 31 - Bab 40
66 Bab
Chapter 30
Ricardo Sanguin’s POV I pretended not to see her, but I knew from the way her smile suddenly disappeared, that my plan was working. Marina walked toward me, passing Ivyrose and her mom who was also staring at me. I met Marina half way and she gave me a hug before kissing me. I liked the fact that I didn't need to bend so much because with her high high heels she was almost as tall as me. As Marina's tongue explored my mouth with her hands on the back of my head, all I could think about was if Ivyrose was looking at us. It took a lot of energy for me to resist peeking right away, but when I finally did my heart sank—she wasn't even standing there anymore. I pulled away from Marina's arms and wiped her lipstick from my lips with the back of my hand. The other guests were smiling at us and the younger gentlemen were clearly jealous of me for being with a beautiful, sexy and tall woman.I took Marina's hand in mine and we walked together toward Ivanna Foxworth who was smiling from a
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Chapter 31
Ivyrose’s POV I stared at him in disbelief. The warmth of his hands on my cheeks burned me. It was all so surreal. Everything happened so fast. What do I do? How could I have let him touch me? Pleasure me. Oh my god, I cheated on Christopher. He’s never going to forgive me. How could he be Gareth? He denied it when I knew it was him at dad’s birthday party. How could dad do such a thing to me? Ricardo must be lying. “Rosie. Say something, please. I’m sorry I lied about being me when you asked. I had to make sure you still love me.” Ricardo said, putting a stop to my jumbled up thoughts. I managed to stop my tears from falling by letting the rage I felt come out again.. “You’re not Gareth. He's probably somewhere out there married with kids. Or dead for all I know. You’re lying. My dad could never do such a thing. He’d never threaten to hurt anyone. He never hurt anyone in his life.” I hit his chest repeatedly. I wanted him to feel the pain, anger, confusion, guilt, and sadness flow
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Chapter 32
Christopher’s POV“Cheers! Kyle said, clinking his wine glass with mine. “I’m glad the two of you figured out everything. I hate seeing you drunk, Chris. Plus we’ve got big plans ahead and I need that genius brain of yours to be focussed, not love sick, ey?” he patted my back, chuckling and I shook my head thinking about how I lost it after drinking all that Macallan on my own at the office. I made a mental note to give Lea a raise for going the extra mile and taking care of me last night. Kyle was talking to his wife about our upcoming new project. I looked around for Ivyrose and saw her dancing with her dad. She looked so beautiful as she smiled when she saw me watching her. I love you. I mouthed to her and she sent me a flying kiss. My heart leaped for joy and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered. Everything was going to be fine. I excused myself from Kyle and his wife and went over to Ivyrose and her dad just as the music had ended. When the band played Witchcraft, I asked he
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Author's Note about the slow updates
Hello everyone. I wanted to apologize for not updating for a long time again. My day job has been brutal along with taking care of my kids. And when I do get a few hours of free time to write at night, my Impostor syndrome prevents me from polishing what I've already written to be uploaded. It's so bad that even though you guys tell me you love the book and I'm earning, I'm still doubting myself :( Especially since my first book has been published on the app for a year now and it's still not as big as I dreamed it would be (lol dream big, right?) I'm sorry for disappointing you with the slow updates. As a reader and eager fan of TV series myself, I know it can be frustrating (George R. R Martin I know how hard it is now lol). Jokes aside, I'm so grateful you like "Only His" so far and over the moon that you've invested your time, money and feelings on it. You have no idea how much you've changed my life. I have five days to work on the book starting today so here's to hoping I can u
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Chapter 33
Ivyrose’s POVMy gown, uncomfortably tight, wrapped around my abdomen, making me gasp for air as I kicked off my high heels and ran away from Christopher who kept shouting for me to stop. I longed to go back to my room in the mansion, to undress and let the warm shower wash away all the information that had been forced down my throat. My tears blurred the dark path, but I continued to run and sob loudly until I reached the green house where I knew some guests could be hanging around. I slowed down and wiped my tears even though the pain in my chest demanded me to let it all out. I wanted to go straight to my dad and shout at him to tell me none of it was true. I wanted to go back to Christopher and ask him to turn back time. I wanted to find a way to prove Ricardo really wasn't Gareth. My Gareth, whom I was willing to forget. I wanted to disappear—to think without the nagging pain of both my heart and mind.The dry ground and sharp bermuda grass made my feet sore by the time I was ne
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Chapter 34
Ricardo Sanguin’s POV I stopped walking when I reached the greenhouse and looked back at them. Even though I could only now see their silhouettes, I could tell they were still talking—fighting. I knew it could still go either way; she forgives him or she doesn't. Either way, it felt good to finally tell her the truth. I brushed off the dirt from my tux once more before turning the corner and going back to the party. The Foxworth's back garden was still overcrowded with people dancing, eating, talking, or just laughing without a care in the world. I wished I felt the way they did though no one really knows what a person is truly feeling because everyone can hide behind a fake smile. Ivanna Foxworth’s birthday celebration was over the top in my opinion. Too many fake people. Christopher got it right when he told Ivyrose they only wanted her for her father’s money. I went straight to the open bar and ordered a drink. "Champagne, please." I suddenly felt like celebrating. Break up
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Chapter 35
Christopher’s POVI don't know if it was pure human survival instinct imprinted in our DNA or the fact that I've watched enough James Bond, Jason Bourne or Mission Impossible movies, but somehow I managed to swim to shore at pebble beach and get myself to Lea's apartment in the DUMBO area.Her eyes widened when she saw me drenched. She pointed at my arm. I looked and it was bleeding. I hadn't felt any pain at all, but when she said I was bedding it was like a switch turned on and the gunshot wound hurt like hell. My mind suddenly rewinded everything on the bridge. I was talking to that mafia lord. They all died. I saw the bullets dug through their chest. The look of shock in his eyes when he realized his bodyguards were falling on the ground and that he had been shot too. I looked away and saw the dark glistening water, and felt weightless the moment my feet left the railing. My heart was beating too fast for my lungs. I felt the sting of a bullet hit me right before my skin constric
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Chapter 36
Ivyrose's POV The past two days went by in a blurr. I was alive and walking, yet I felt like I was on autopilot. I did all the work needed to be done in the flower shop with no emotions. It was easy enough because I had so much paperwork to do I didn't have time to think about all that had happened. Last night I finished all the hotel orders for the next three days and fell asleep on Hailey's couch as soon as we got home. "Good morning, boss." Hailey said chirpily. "What are you so happy about?" I asked, amused at her ear to ear grin. She handed me a cup of coffee before sitting down beside me on her couch. I loved that I had been staying with her and she didn't mind it at all. "Oh nothing. Just that Hudson finally called and said he can come home again.""I see. Well, I'll be out of your hair by then." I smiled back at her, wishing I could be as happy."Oh shit. No. I didn't mean it that way, boss. You can stay here. I'm going over to Hudson's hotel.""I know, Hail. But it's time
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Chapter 37
Ricardo Sanguin’s POVOne look at Christopher Standford and I knew he was who my men shot at after he jumped off the Brooklyn bridge. They weren’t sure who Vicenzo Biancis was talking to because it was dark and he jumped before they could kill him too. Their description made me think of Christopher, but I didn’t bother to confirm it. But as he stood by the doorway pale and looking like shit, I knew it was him. I whispered to Seb to find out what Biancis wanted with him.Christopher’s smile evaporated the moment he saw me stand up and at the exact same time his jaw and fists clenched, looking at me like he was about to murder me infront of everyone at the meeting room. Seb snickered beside me and I knew he noticed it too. I saw the woman beside him was quick to realize how Christopher was feeling and she pulled him out while she looked angrily at me. Kyle, his partner, put on his winning smile and greeted everyone. He walked over to me and shook my hand profusely, having no idea I was
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Author's Note
Hello everyone..I wanted to inform you that I've decided to update only when I've finished editing all the remaining chapters so that I can upload it all at once which I hope will be before the middle of this month.Thank you all so much for the gems, comments and positive reviews so far. I think there are only 30 of you reading for now, but you have no idea how much all your support means to me. (I'm terrible at advertising so I leave it all to the app. I tried doing tikt*k and failed. LOL) I'm sorry if this decision upsets you. I'm also a book series reader and a TV series follower so I know waiting sucks big time, but I think this is the only way to make sure I can give you the best of the rest of this story. I really sorry again and hope you all understand. By the way it'd be cool if I knew which part of the world you're from, so if you don't mind, comment down below. Thanks! Love,KM
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