Lahat ng Kabanata ng Mafia Men: Nikolai's Inferno: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
129 Kabanata
Chapter 31
•Nikolai•╌═❁═╌The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound that could be heard in the room. My focus was on the tumbler half-filled with whiskey, I twirled it around and the ice clinked against the glass. A full-bodied cigar burned between my fingers. "I have been told that there's a girl living in your house for months" I faced my father, he looked displeased. Anger radiated off his body, he rolled his shoulders to get rid of some of the tension. "Two and a half months to be precise" I answered smoothly. "Why?" he asked, I could pick the annoyance in his voice. "She's an orphan" "You tellin' me that you did that to be charitable?" I rolled the cigar between my fingers and took a drag. "Precisely" He chuckled, shaking his head, and muttered something under his breath. "There's that fundraising event coming up, be charitable there not in your fucking home, son" A sardonic breath escaped me. "I don't take orders from you anymore, pops" "Get rid of her" he ordered. My r
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Chapter 32
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌I was glued to one place for days with tears pouring down my cheeks. I didn't cry for this long even when my parents died. I was rattled, confused, and hurt. I couldn't believe that it had happened. For some reason my mind was trying to make me believe that it was all a bad dream, Nikolai didn't treat me that way, and Nikolai didn't say those words to me but the deep cuts underneath my feet were telling me a different story. A white bandage covered both of my feet. Last night, I somehow made it into the bathroom where I had to pull the shards out of my feet, and then I sloppily bandage them. The cuts weren't too big but they were deep enough to bleed like hell and they hurt so bad. Every time I thought about the night before, goosebumps covered my entire body. That was not the Nikolai I knew, it was the monster that I saw when he locked me in that room. It was the monster that had killed that man outside this house. It was the monster that lives behind his eyes
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Chapter 33
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌My eyes were locked with Nikolai's, I didn't look away and neither did he. All of a sudden, I realized how alone I was in this room full of people. He was the only one I considered mine after the death of my parents but he belonged to someone else. I broke eye contact to look at the unfamiliar faces around me. They were mostly Costellos... his family. Bianca was also a Costello, she was his cousin. I had no one. I had no one... "Angie, are you alright? What's wrong?" Bianca's voice echoed again. I ignored her and took off. I walked down the hall toward the exit. A sarcastic laugh dripping with bitterness left my lips. My eyes had turned red and were glistening with tears but I didn't let them fall. I walked past the security, keeping my head down. The cold air bit into my skin. I had forgotten my coat inside but I didn't care. I just wanted to be away from here, away from him. I don't want to see him again.My heels were a little unstable on the cobblestone d
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Chapter 34
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌"I'll be right outside" Scott announced once we reached Nikolai's home. I fiddled with my fingers resting on my lap. Nervousness crept up from the pit of my belly, I didn't want to see him, face him or talk to him after what he had done. I wanted to get away from him and never see his face again. His words resonated in my mind. His shouts, his monstrous dark eyes. “JUST STOP WITH YOUR FUCKING NIKOLAI BULLSHIT! CALL ME DON NIKO LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! FUCKING GIVE ME THE RESPECT A DON IS ENTITLED TO”A shiver ran down my spine and I chewed on my bottom lips to keep the tears at bay. “You weren't saying that three nights ago when begged me to fuck you like the whore you are”He humiliated me, insulted me, and then left me alone for a week just to get engaged to some other woman. The woman he loved. That is why he didn't want me in the first place and I was too dense, too stupid to throw myself at him like that.I mustered up some courage and nodded at Scott before I
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Chapter 35
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌I scrubbed it again and again and again but it just won't get cleaned. The stubborn bloodstains were starting to get on my nerves. I didn't go to sleep last night. I couldn't, I kept thinking and thinking and thinking about so many things, so, now here I was. Cleaning. I decided to tidy up the house myself. And for the last hour, I have been trying to remove the bloodstain from the floor.Ugh! Annoyedly, I threw the washcloth onto the stain and held my head in my hands. "I hate this..." "Woah!" Scott strolled down the stairs, looking at me with confused eyes. "What the fuck are you doing?" "Cleaning..." I mumbled He frowned. "Why?" "Because..." I heaved a sigh. "I couldn't sleep... I just wanted to do something and turns out I suck at cleaning!" His eyes lit up with amusement and he laughed "Niko has sent me your bank details, I'll hire a team of cleaners to take care of this, replace the furniture and I think it's time I buy a new cell phone" Hearing his
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Chapter 36
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌For the past hour, I have lain in my bed trying to make sense of what happened between Scott and me. Was it all there was to his friends? Is that what he wanted all along? I couldn't believe that I refused to believe that it was the only thing Scott wanted, from the past few weeks our relationship had been nothing but platonic. He never showed any interest in me, he treated me like you would treat your best friend. I picked up my cell phone from the nightstand and scrolled to his number. I contemplated if I should call him or not. As I was about to click on his number, a loud clattering sound from downstairs fell on my ears. I shot up from my bed, there was no one else in the house except for me. All of the household staff had gone home, maybe it was one of the guards. I swallowed as a feeling of unease crept up, I felt heavy footsteps coming upstairs. This doesn't feel right. Scared out of my wits, I clicked on Scott's number, it rang and rang but he didn't pi
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Chapter 37
•Nikolai•╌═❁═╌The gunshot rang out the entire dining room. Everyone glanced at me and then diverted their gazes back to their meals not questioning me or my authority. The Russels seemed wary of my decision to kill my own men off.The truth is he had pissed me off two months ago and since then I have been trying to get my revenge. He had shown a desire to marry Evangeline and that for some reason pissed me the fuck off. Leaning back, I rested a forearm on the table. Anger burned in my chest, I had to keep it in check so, I won't kill every single fucking person in here. And I really wanted to put a bullet in Paul Russel's head. Grace's mother showed her distaste by glaring directly at me. Apparently, she did not like the idea of blood while she was peacefully eating her dinner. Why the fuck was she married to a Don then? I'm pretty sure Paul had done some pretty fucked shit in front of his family. It was the reason Grace turned out to be a fucking walking disaster. In all honestl
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Chapter 38
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌They had taken me out of that cell for some reason. I was now in a bedroom with no windows and dim lighting. They hadn't tortured or beat me up for two days now but that did nothing to the pain and swelling all over my face and body. I pulled the covers closer to me and tried to snuggle more under the sheets. I wanted to disappear and reappear somewhere else. I just wanted this torture to end. The bedroom door opened and a woman walked in. She offered me two pills and a bottle of water. I looked between the pills and her. "For the pain," she said dryly like she wanted to be anywhere but here. I slowly got up and took the pills from her. I don't know what it was, these pills could be anything but painkillers. I wasn't going to swallow them. She kept staring at me, waiting for me to put them in my mouth. So, I did, I placed the pills under my tongue and took a sip of water. The woman took the bottle of water back from me and left the room. Once she was gone, I g
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Chapter 39
•Nikolai•╌═❁═╌I gripped onto the weapon in my hands. I gestured for my men to stay back. The dirty old building stood in the middle of nowhere. This is the location that man had sent me. It could be a trap and here I fucking was. It looked like something Ignacio Reyes would own. He was a fucking scum. He didn't belong to any of the mafia's family, he was more of a small-town gangster that had made big and decided to cross me after I had put a bullet in his father's head. I had more men, more wealth, and more power than him but that didn't stop him. He was hellbent on destroying me. Someone gotta teach the fucker that no one gets away after crossing Nikolai Costello. A few of the men were out patrolling the area. They were unaware of our presence. Putting the silencer on our guns, I aimed at one of their heads. A bullet shot out of the barrel of my gun piercing into his skull. One bullet, that's all it took before he slumped on the ground like a puppet released from his strings. A m
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Chapter 40
•Evangeline•╌─═❁═─╌I opened my eyes to a familiar ceiling. A ceiling I hadn't seen for more than a month ago. The last thing I remember is Ignacio hovering over me. I have no idea what happened after that. How I ended up here. I couldn't believe I was here. I was in Nikolai's home. I couldn't believe that I was in this bedroom. At first, I thought it was the figment of my imagination but then I tried to touch things around me and they felt so real. They were real. I was no longer in Ignacio's captivity. I was no longer in that dingy, dirty cell. I was no longer in Ignacio's bed, tears pooled in my eyes as I thought about what Ignacio might have done to me. I lost consciousness, I don't remember anything. I looked down at my clothes, they were just simple PJs, not the kind of revealing clothes that he had made me wear. Did he force himself on me? Did he assault me? I didn't feel different. How do you know if you have been assaulted? I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. I sa
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