Semua Bab THE BLOODY ROMANCE: Bab 121 - Bab 129
129 Bab
It was Cosmo all along, it was her, who wanted to sit on the throne and was crowned as the queen. This was all the curse about. She was the one, who wanted all of this.And Mila just realized it now. it was too late…It was too late for her right now to change anything. How could she be so stupid to just realize it now? but then, who would have thought that this kind of magic was existed and moreover, how could someone like Cosmo became like her?This simply didn’t make any sense and moreover, she had never heard this type of magic at all, not to mention that, even Liam didn’t believe about the existence of the curse. She didn’t believe her about Cosmo, he always thought that she was only her imagination, it was only hallucination.“What is it, Mila? I have not yet answer but the look on your face had told me that you already knew what is my ultimate goal is.” Cosmo tilted her head, she gave this look whenever she looked down on Mila. “Why don’t you say it to me about what is your bes
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Mila felt she was so tired, but then when she bent down and her hair slid from her shoulder, she could see her hair was not as white as before. It started to turn grey.The color had started to get darker than before and this made her scared to say the least, because she knew what would come to her after this. How could she do not scare when it came to this.Would she disappear? The thought of it alone made Mila had to grit her teeth and clench her jaw, just in order for her to keep her focus. She needed her focus now and didn’t disarray from her first intention.Yet, it was hard to shake her own worriness, since this was something that she couldn’t deny. Sooner or later, she would disappear, just like how Cosmo told her. Her hair became grey right now, which meant it would be dark black in a few hours again.And at that time, when all of that happened, there was nothing that Mila could do again. There was no turning back from that point.She would doom and if Mila was the only person
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“Are you okay?” Mila asked, as she approached the cage and when she tried to touch it, she immediately retracted her hands and then watched in fear to the blazing steel.Yes, it didn’t burn Aaric, but the steel was very hot because of the fire beneath it.“This is so hot!” Mila complained she was stunned. She was shocked to realize that Aaric had been there for a long time.How could he endure all of that? was he crazy to be able to put up with that? Mila was not sure what she was thinking right now…“How can you be here?” Aaric started to ask her because there was no way she would be here without any help. “Why are you here?” that was the question that he wanted to ask the most.Actually, there were a few more question that he wanted to ask her, but those two were the most question that he wanted to the answer of.“I am here because I have to be here.” Mila furrowed her brows, this was not the time to ask this question, since they needed to get him out of there.Didn’t he want to go
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“This is not you, Mila.” Aaric cupped her face and brushed away her tears. “Now, we need to go out from here, okay? If you don’t want to see it, you don’t need to, you can close your eyes and I will lead you out of this room.”Mila nodded, but she didn’t close her eyes just like what Aaric said. “Do you know how to face this curse?” Mila asked, as she was so afraid because her hair started to become even darker than before, she bit her lisp helplessly.If her time passed and there was nothing she could do, what would happen to her? Leaving like a ghost for another decades?Was this that had happened to Cosmo? Was this what happened to her before this? That soemoene had tricked her in this problem and made her lived in that way for another few decades?Mila gritted her teeth she didn’t think this was a nice idea for her to believe this, but then she couldn’t help it. She was afraid about what could happen to her right now.“Don’t be afraid, we can find a way to this problem.” Aaric kis
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“You know that I am right, right?” Aaric asked her. “You skipped your class.”Pouting, Mila looked at Aaric in disdain look. “I was not skipping class,” Mila said grimly. “I was not paid attention, that’s all.”After saying that, Mila grumbled something under her breath incoherently, meanwhile, Aaric just smiled softly to see her like this.But, his smile faded when he realized Mila’s current situation right now.It was clear to see that her hair and eyes had started to become darker and darker, she didn’t look like herself right now and this was really concerning. He didn’t know what was the right thing to do at this moment, but one thing for sure, this had to be stopped right away or else they would really lose Mila forever.The thought alone left Aaric speechless.For certain level, he could relate Mila’s condition to his own condition, because he didn’t have his own body, his own form, if they lost from this world, it would be only their soul that was left, but in that case, no on
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Liam’s gaze hardened when he heard that. “You were attacked?” He looked at her deeply into her eyes when he said this.“Yes, I were attacked, she attacked me and I couldn’t avoid it and the next thing that I know, this is what happen to me.” Mila looked at strands of her hair, as Liam did the same thing.He took strands of her hair and looked at it closely, as he tried to see what kind of magic was there. “What curse that she used on you?” Liam asked in furious tone.He didn’t want anything happened to his wife, they had just married a few hours ago, but the problem had come bombarding them from all direction, how could they avoid this situation?This surely drove Liam crazy just to think about it alone. He really wanted to kill all of those bastards human.But then, this problem came up and he couldn’t ignore it.“We need to go to the forbidden room,” Mila demanded, snapped Liam back to reality because he didn’t respond to her words. “We need to go there before its too late,” she sai
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“Let’s go.” Liam looked at Mila sternly, but when he tried to take her hand again, she avoided him.“No, let’s see first. They are inside the room.” Mila didn’t want to back down, she insisted for the king to open the door and take a look inside. “This is only for a while, it will not take a minute if they are not here. You are already here, so why don’t you take a look inside the room?”“Why are you so insisting for me to take a look inside?” Liam narrowed his eyes because he couldn’t understand this. “You are so sure that they were inside. How do you know that?”Liam narrowed his eyes to look at her closely because he didn’t believe at all what she was saying right now. How could she know ant insist that they were inside when she didn’t even have any clue about it?“I am sure that they are inside,” Mila insisted, she looked at him with pleading eyes, as she tried to make him understand the situation. “You are already here, why don’t you just humor me and walk into that door to see w
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“Maybe you are right,” Aaric finally spoke and that was the first thing that he mentioned.“About?” Mila couldn’t understand about what was right about her. “Do you have some idea?” Mila asked expectanly.“I think I have, but I don’t know if this will work or not.” Aaric was hesitated to try this and he didn’t think that it would work, but they needed to try this, right? They needed to make it worked, right?Aaric gritted his teeth, as he tried to cheered himself up because this was very devastating and he didn’t know whether it was right or not to do this. The only thing that he could say was for them to try this.“Whatever it is, it will be better than we don’t do anything and wait for me to disappear like dust,” Mila said, determination in her eyes when she said that. she looked very stunning with her black hair and black eyes.Actually, Aaric loved the way she looked right now, this made her looked more mysterious and beautiful.It was not that she was not beautiful in her white h
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“I know that eyes…” Cosmo said in low voice, as she chuckled brightly. “I know that determination to not want to trust me. But I don’t lie when I told you that Mila is in the dungeon. She went to see her lover. What do you think about that?” she taunted the king, but this time, she indeed didn’t lie. “I don’t believe you…” Liam growled dangerously at her, but this creature seemed to not afraid of him at all. “You don’t need to do that,” Cosmo said firmly. “You will never scare me.” The only thing that Cosmo wanted from Liam was for him to bring her here, because even though she looked like Cosmo, but she was not her and whatever she did and no matter what she had done, she would never be able to open this damn door, therefore, she needed to lure him to this place. “So, you fool me because you want to know the knowledge of this place?” Liam asked, the corner of his lips tugged upward when he spoke, but he could only chuckle when Cosmo was smiling at him, which made the dark witch co
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