Все главы Saved By The Alpha: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Chapter 21 - Beauty
Chapter 21: Beauty VOLKThis wasn't the first time I was seduced by a woman. Different werewolves had made advances at me, both within and outside our pack. I had never fallen prey to any of them. I wondered if it was because my emotions had been in disarray since I met Rudina. It was as if I could not control how I felt around her and I was constantly on overdrive.I had stayed in my room since the even with Marissa, I knew I would have to go down to fetch dinner but I wanted to wait til Rudina had retired to her room. I hear a soft knock on my door and I figured Mum had fetched Lowell to get me. " Come in." I say. Mum walks in carrying my dinner with her with a glass of water. It was barbequed ribs and the rich aroma filled the air. Mum rarely came into my room and if she did, I knew what it meant, I'm about to receive a lecture. " Rudina put so much effort in making this dish. I'm sure she's heartbroke
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Chapter 22 - Fated
Chapter 22: FatedRUDINAMy life had taken a drastic turn. From living off scraps and not knowing what my next meal would be to being able to make the meals I ate every day. It gave me a new sense of being and self-worth. It had been a month already, and I have never regretted being here. The Lycaons had shown me a whole new definition of humanity and kindness. Every day seemed like a dream come through. I always woke to smiles since Marissa left. No one had asked why she was leaving abruptly as she did not even have dinner.Like with everyone else, Volk and I had grown closer and I could feel sparks flying between us every time we were together. He was always in my room at night and would tell me stories about his many adventures with Lowell and Ashina as children. As Diane had said, he wasn't so tough on the inside. It was as if he puts on a mask for the world to see then he would keep it aside anytime he came to me. It made me feel special and wanted. I still
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Chapter 23 - Luna
Chapter 23: LunaRUDINAEveryone had already moved to the woods and Ashina had taken the last of my luggage two hours earlier. She and Lowell had just arrived from their last trip when I came out of the kitchen. Diane had left me in charge of lunch and I had been tidying up the kitchen. Lowell waves then head upstairs where Volk was. He had been in his room since our weird exchange earlier. " I don't know if I am ready to leave here just yet." I had been getting cold feet as the hour drew near. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to be around any other people. I was content with the Lycaons I had everything I needed with them.Ashina looks at me pitifully and takes my hand in hers, giving it a gently squeeze. She had been trying her best to convince me for weeks that everything would be fine. I had tried to believe her but after my past experiences, it was impossible not to worry." Firstly, you have the entire Lycaon family on
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Chapter 24 - The Fall
Chapter 24: The fallRUDINA"Luna!" The little girl screams again." Hello." I say. " Hush, Sabrina." A middle-aged woman walks to us and takes the girl by the arm. The lady smiles at me and looks at Volk." The universe is too good to Volk, our Luna is beautiful." She says. " We have a Luna!" The little girl screams again then pulls out of the lady's grip, still chanting the same words.The woman sighs then shakes her head. "I'm sorry about that, she's one of my many monsters. I'm Candice Morrighan.” She tells me. My heart began to race as I could not find the words to reply to her. I look to Volk with pleading eyes and he seems to understand. He whispers something in Candice’s ear and she smiles at me.”I’ll see you later.” She says as she begins to walk away. ” You'll get used to them in a few days. That was Lowell’s sister and those are her boys.” He points to the three shirtless teenagers. ” Rudina!” Ashina screamed with a wave. She was standing in front of one of the sma
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Chapter 25- Heartbreak
Chapter 25: Heartbreak RUDINA I open my eyes and realize that I had fallen asleep. Ashina and Lowell were no longer with us and Volk's arms were still around me. I see that the sun is about to set and I wonder how long I had been asleep. Volk had been sitting earlier while I rested on him but now we were both laying on the ground with his chin above my head." Are you awake?" He says softly. I don't have any intentions to get up as I could not think of a better place to be. My palm was flat on his chest and I could feel the rumble of his voice."Yeah." I say.I feel his heart starting to beat faster and his body gets tense. " Is something wrong?" I ask.He draws in a deep breath then exhales." Watching you slowly become this happy person makes my heartache for all of the days that you were sad and in pain and I know those memories still hunt you. I want to take away all of those bad memories and replace them with good ones. I want you to tell me everything. Gabe says it would mak
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Chapter 26 - Clarity
Chapter 26: ClarityVOLK”For heaven’s sake Conri, you would scare her even more.” Conri had been frantic. He was screaming and clawing at my mind so that I would let him out. Rudina’s story had stirred him and he was in a big fit. ” Kill them, all of them.” He was furious and I know if I let him, he go on a rampage. I was equally as upset but with the pack gathering and Rudina recovering, I couldn't afford to let him take control.I was stomping off into the woods, trying to get as far away from Rudina as possible. I could not have her see me like this. It would frighten her and I was not about to make her have another panic attack.” Volk!” I hear Rudina say.I turn to her and Conri growls and she grimaces. His hold was becoming stronger and if I slipped even a second, he would take charge.” Lowell! Come! Hurry!” She screams.”Rudina. The fall. Alone.” I bark. At the mention of her name, Conri growls again and I start running, I had to get him far away from everyone.I get to th
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Chapter 27 - Muse
Chapter 27: MuseVOLKConri was too excited. He had set off into the woods rejoicing and I fear Rudina would not be able to hold on to him but everything turned out fine and it seemed like she was having the time of her life. We arrive at the Village and I tell Conri to head for my room. I needed to transform back and apologise properly to Rudina. Conri heads into my room and I shift, turning into Volk. " Thank you." He says in my head, contentment dripping from his voice.I turn to face Rudina who had been behind me and she looks stunned while her cheeks go red. " What's wrong?" I ask, already worried." Your...Your...Your clothes." She stammers.It occurs to me then what she meant." Shit!" I hurry to my wardrobe and find my towel hanging on the door. I pull it down and wrap it around my waist. "I'm sorry.” I say. Her cheeks had not changed colour as she nodded and stared at the floor. She was the most adorable thing I had ever set my eyes on. She seemed different now, brigh
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Chapter 28 - The Reveal
RUDINAI cannot stop thinking about our kiss as I lay in bed. Volk had taken me out of this world and I had felt good in every way. For the first time, my body craved the touch of a man. I was more grateful for how it ended than anything else. His thoughtfulness was beyond my comprehension and he had not left after he heard about my past. He was ruining every idea I had of a man. Ashina walks into the room. It's 1:30 a.m and She looked almost as flustered as I must have been earlier. It occurs to me that we may have been involved in the same activities. I smile at the thought, everything seemed so natural and it felt good to be a normal girl." You didn't have to come back." I sit up with a smirk." It seems you have a sharp tongue now." She retorts and joins me on the bed. I had chosen the blue bed. If she and Volk had shared this room, the blue must-have belonged to Volk." No really, you shouldn't have. I doubt it's me you want to spend the night with." I tease." Speak for yourse
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Chapter 29 - Be The Alpha Rudina
CHAPTER 29: BE THE ALPHARUDINAIt's a beautiful bright morning and I'm hungry the instant I'm awake. I look to Ashina's bed and she's asleep. I get up to brush, wash my face then pee before I head outside. My body seemed to be declining today. I felt weaker and tired as I stepped out of the room. I spot Diane picking berries again and I go to her."Good Morning." I say gleefully."You're in high spirits today." She returns, with a smile." I'm hungry. What's for breakfast? I'll help." I say.She chuckles slightly and then begins to walk towards their room. It looked bigger than the others and as I followed her in, I saw why. It wasn't just a room, it was a house. We walk in to find Malcolm reading a book in the living room. This was a much bigger building and not just one room. He doesn't lift his head as we enter and Diane uses a finger to indicated that I stay quiet. We head into the kitchen and she puts down the basket of berries. " We're making sandwiches. We'll make the jam of
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Chapter 30 - Love
VOLKI didn't realize when the conversation had centred around Lowell but hearing that Ashina was worried made me uneasy. If Lowell was having trouble with Draeger, he had to get it under control or things would get messy. I try to ignore all thoughts of Lowell as I had finally just gotten Rudina to be mine and I could not hear over it. I had barely slept last night, thinking about every moment I had spent with her. I loved every contour of her body that my hand's hand touched last night and it only filled me with more need to be with her. " There is going to be a game tonight." I say.Her eyes start to glow with excitement." I would love to watch." " Don't you want to play? I'll make sure you don't get hurt." I tell her." I would love to but I can't.""Why can't you?" I ask." I have healed here and regained a lot of strength but I am still very weak and this is how my body has always been. I can't do as good as the next person at anything." she explains. It explained why she
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