Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 51 - Chapitre 60
"Brandon... What happened? Over here." "How is he?" "Bad. He will live though. That shot was directed to his stomach, even though it just hit his side it causesed a major shock to his system." "To him that shot could possibly mean nothing but a very bad wound or internal damage. Although if he is really connected to Kade..." "The child." "Yes. Go check on your mate mom called, there are open beds in the headqurters Akito and Cassidy need medical attention." "What happened to Cassidy?" "Nothing I am fine, she is just exageratting." "Shes not. You might be bleeding internally, either way we need to be certain." Her husband fussed but his attention was unfortunately far them. Shifting to his beast he hurried to his mate who must be terribly pained. In a matter of half an hour he made it to sanctuary, the look in his people's eyes told him all he needed to know. "His with master Coal right now... He does not want company, they are locked in your bedchamers Lord Donald." With
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Chapter Fifty Two" Sight Trapped
2 MONTHS LATER "Hurry his lossing a lot of blood!""Mom is the room ready?!" "Baby it's going to be fine I promise." "AHHH... Get this thing out of me. Fuck it hurts, it hurts Brandon- MAKE it STOP!" Kade was begging at this point, literal tears began falling and as much as he wanted his baby out with the amount of blood he was losing he is scared his going to lose his child. He woke up from a dream with mild cramps which he tried to ignore because this is not their due date, a baby can't be ready to be birthed after seven months. He went back to sleep this time when he woke up he was screaming, the pain has just gotten to the point whereby it was unbearable. When Brandon smelt the coppery smell of blood every inch of him panicked but as to not stress his now mate and husband he called the headquarters medical facilities. He called ahead explaining the situation grabbed another blanket and wrapped it around his mate before gently carrying him down the stairs and into the car. His
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Brandon ran away. Not from the responsibility... Infact his responsibility is to make sure his mate survives. The moment he arrived at the cave he went to the most important thing he could not hide in the confineds of his own home... He forgot he was friends with the old Avatar and he refuse to believe that love lead to her down fall. [What are you doing! Our mate needs us!] "Shut up! We need him that why I need to figure a way to save his life or atleast our daughter." He felt ridiculous justifying his actions to his dragon. He took the golden object his been looking for. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" His father popped out of no where and stopped him. He grabbed the Horn made with Elder... He growled to the Lord of dragons, his desperate to do anything than lose his mate who finally loves him as much his loved the stubborn man. "Give that back." He faced his father who looks to have woken from hibernation, perhaps Coal let something slip to his hibernation den. Damn that asshole. "Son
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"WHAT IS HAPPENING?""His crashing!"The machines started beeping and his fated is unresposive. he pressed the red button alerting the doctors, seconds later his sisters as well as a couple of nurses and doctors stepped in pushing something into the IV. They were moving him, he stepped infront to them still panicking over his mate..."Brandon we understand you worried but the longer we stand here the more likely our brother will suffer brain damage or even death."Death. He moved out of the way wondering what changed he was doing fine not so long ago, one of the sisters stayed back and she faced him."We suspect there were complications, Brandon. They will do everything in their ability to bring Kade back to you, for now you have a daughter who needs you right now."The noise must have awakened Maya and now her cries contributed to the loud atmostphere. He walked to Maya and picked her up but her tears refused to ease. His tears induced by a cripling amount of stress, Maya stopped cry
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Kade." His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. "Brandon. What happened?" He sat up with his help... He does not know how to explain what happened, he does not know how to tell the father of our child that he almost died... "You crashed. I had to donate a hell of a lot more blood for you and Maya. Hopefully you both will be fine enough to go how and get treated there." "No. Brandon what if Hikari actually died because of love?" "I told you love did not kill her." "Then what? All I keep thinking about is that she died (the first avatar). She left and the bad people got a head start, Brandon. I don't want our daughter to be scared in this world, shes a hunter and this world of darkness." He did not know what to say so he kept quiet and continued comforting his beloved. "There are things I set to do as soon as headquarters under my name and I've yet to even start. I don't want our daughter to grow up in this world of division. I am not ready to die, I love you but there's an entire
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"Do you think its a good idea to push her?" Brandon sits on his office table. Recap. After a couple of months they got married and compromised on their very Taboo mating ritual. Brandons father stepped down but left the clan in capable hands to retreat stolen dragon artifacts. The irony of how tables turn, Kade looks at the father of her child and moves to sit ontop of him. "There are two options. The first is that we shelter her, raise her on the same strict glass house I was trapped in or... We train her. Babi, I am not pushing her more than I think she can handle and I don't ever want her to think she need anyone not even us." "I hope you know that's the reason I love you. You doing great." "Babi, stop it (he blushes). I do hope I'm making the right decisions. I hate being the bad guy in her eyes but-' Brandon kissed his forhead then lips. Ever since Kade implemented the changes in the head quarters, although there are adversities the division between worlds now have a thin li
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At least they made it out the bathroom to the sparring room. "Luka calm the f*ck down."Argh this man is just building a fury that feels incredibly insignificant in its building rage."Kai. You not helping the situation.""Kade stay out of this one."Luka sneers and he raised his hands in surrender stepping of this one. His right, this is not his fight and hell if he gets trapped in this one."What do you want me to say?!""Nothing!""Then why the f*ck are you angry?!""Because we done. Alpha's can not be in relationships together. There is a lot we can not give each other."Luka turns his back on Kai. Before he could warn Luka, Luka is already beneath the hulking body straddling him."F*cking listen!"Luka growled loud enough it sent a clear message, unspoken. When the man refused to let go Luka lost it. His eyes flashed and he bared his teeth in a more lethal warning."For once in your life just submit and hear me out."Did he just tell another alpha to submit to him? Okay, he has
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Katherine placed a card tenderly on the table as if each card she touched was unique and special. The sun pouring light onto a baby in a carriage. Katherine the gorgeous, black haired and piercing blue eyes wrinkled at the reaction of the pregnant man before her and he unconsciously caressed his now very noticeable bump. Suddenly an image of a bow and arrow appeared on the top left, aimed at the image of the carriage. Wow, she's a real seer. This means this will be what she sees for his daughter. “Oh my!” The older woman gasped which increased Kade’s panic levels but finally the woman chuckled when she placed a card of pure blackness. “What?” He questions a tad anxious and uncertain to receive answers. “This card is very rare... It looks like your baby has been gifted by the Gods or this might be a power from strong bloodline. Don't worry the light means that destiny will bring the light ro your daughter. Together the two will be able to face demons beyond hells tormentors. The
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Zoe's P.O.V
Many tragic days dragged since mother died. 'Heart attack'. Doctors informed, after hours I spent anxiously burning a trail on the hospital hallway. Breaking down into mindless sobs here and there, I was a worried mess. My faith broke the laws of logic and tears untamed, some days it was useless that when the day came she was the furthest thing from surprised. She was dead before the doctors could announce the abnormalities that could have led to her death and she left leaving more questions than answers. I have planned on moving these chapters to Book 2 of the Awakening drama :)
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Christian's P.O.V
In the many years of pointless existence and I am yet to comprehend, love. Love, reason too many down falls. Love an emotion I am most frightened of although in deep envy. Love an emotion for the weak, the man I have become have led many to fear me. I don't blame those weak, pathetic cowering souls though… their misfortune is that I own them and their worthless wasteful souls lie in the balance of my whim, don't call me the devil. I have planned on moving these chapters to Book 2 of the Awakening drama :) So sorry for the inconvenience, but I had a dream bigger than what I wrote here.
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