Все главы We Are Destined Mates: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Chapter: 21
The arrow disappointingly penetrated the dirt. Lydia looked surprised but sad as Caleigh burst out laughing.“Hey, that wasn’t nice of you!”“I apologize, okay?” the huntress looked at her “Did you believe that you will hit the target on your first try?”“Just a little bit.” she sighed.“Well, keep on practicing then! This is not the end! You have plenty more arrows, go! Keep practicing!”Lydia picked another arrow. She tried to focus more this time. She waited a little bit more before she released the string. The arrow penetrated the ground again, but it was closer to the target this time?“See?” Caleigh asked “Keep on practicing!” she whistled to the raven that landed on a nearby branch of a tree.It was a messenger raven. She read the message and smiled to herself.“Oh, does the secret admirer want your attention?” Lydi
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Chapter: 22
The man breathed a sigh.“Cassandra? She will not give up until I marry someone else. However, I have a feeling she might keep on trying even after that.”“She’s sure a persistent little…”“But what do you care? For all, you care I could marry her as well.”“O-of course you could!” she blushed “But I just think… you would deserve much better than her.”“I’m not interested in her, okay? It had been fun, sure. But she’s too much. She has always been.” he shrugged “Did I love the attention? Of course! I am the second son of the Alpha with repressed abilities. My brother could snap my spine like it was a twig.” he sighed again “Who would want anyone like this?”“Anyone who is not superficial. Power is not everything.”“But it’s a lot around here, okay? I get it, your pack is different.&rdq
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Chapter: 23
The huntress sat down as she seemingly was deep in thought.“Well…” she started, “I think the best thing is you just stop thinking when you’re with them. The world stops spinning when you are together and you don’t care about what’s happening. You trust them with your life and you would sacrifice everything for them. You are hurt when they’re hurt, you’re happy when they’re happy and when you’re together… That’s just cathartic. No matter what you two are doing, you feel safe and you’re having fun.”“And does it last?”“Nothing lasts forever.” she sighs “Everything dies with time. But will come back to life somehow. It’s like… When a wolf hunts down a deer. The remains will be part of the soil. And out of the soil, there will be grass. And another deer eats the grass.”“Thinking about it, it’s a
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Chapter: 24
As Lydia woke up the following morning Caleigh was already nowhere to be found. She breathed a sad sigh and headed out of the cave to have breakfast. She was hoping to see Ryan so they could talk about what happened. But the man wasn’t there. Without him and the huntress, she ate alone. She swallowed her breakfast quickly and then headed to Nathaniel. She was already waiting for her.“I sense your power now. Soon enough others will, too,” she said.“Yes, I know.”“You don’t need to worry just yet. You will be able to hide it if you think it is necessary. Not now, but you will be able to. Today you are going to see your wolf again. But this time, you need to remain in charge.”“If I can’t… If I lose control, will you be able to stop me?” she asked worriedly.“Yes.” she mused “However, it will not be easy. But I trust you. Just remain calm as last time. Underst
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Chapter: 25
Lydia hesitated for a moment.“She’s suffering.”“Of course, she’s suffering. With such power, it would be a miracle if she was a tame animal. You are alive. Did she speak to you?”“Not a single word.” she sighed “At least she stopped growling and snarling.”“That is the process. Lydia,” she looked at with a serious expression “I know you might think you have to free her as soon as possible but that is dangerous. For both of you. You need to form a bond first.”“I know. I am trying. But she is as stubborn as me. I think she understood that we will need each other.”“I can already sense that your powers have grown. Can you repress them?”“I think so. But you have to teach me. I’m not sure how.”“Just imagine your power. This will require full-time focus. But if others figure it out it
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Chapter: 26
No, she didn’t start running. She bolted! She didn’t get tired, she felt like she was only walking. She kept on going for a good while. She wanted to test her limits but she saw no end to them! She stopped at the pond where she saw someone. She repressed her powers and snuck closer. Her heartbeat quickened as she saw it was Ryan. She knew Caleigh was right: talking to him was inevitable. She took a step closer but decided on a direct approach instead. She didn’t call his name. She wanted him to notice her. Without turning around, he started talking to her.“You have grown.”“How did you…”“I sensed your power.”“Does it mean everybody knows now?” she asked scared.“No.” he turned around “It’s only because we… we have started bonding. That’s the only reason. Are you repressing your powers again?”“I am.” she nodded.
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Chapter: 27
Lydia thought for seconds. Then she looked at Ryan smiling.“Scary but amazing. She is… amazing. Please don’t believe I’m not scared. I know what’s at stake. I don’t want to die just yet.”“Well, maybe you can help me if my wolf can come out.”“Happily!”“Do you still have time today?” he asked as he grabbed a plate.“It depends.” she sent her a cheeky smile “What do you want?”“Work out.”“We’ll see. I think I can squeeze you in.”“So you do have time before swimming and archery practice?” Caleigh joined them in an elevated mood.“Someone seems happy!” Lydia chimed.“So what?” the huntress grinned.“Will you ever tell us why you are this happy?” Ryan asked.“Maybe,” she said as they sat down.“Com
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Chapter: 28
Lydia sent her a soft smile.“Just ask.”“Did you tell him?”“Told him what?”“That you love him.”“Oh, wow!” she blushed “Love is a very strong word!”“Is it?”“It’s not love.” she shook her head.“Yet. Am I right?”“I can’t…” she sighed “We will go separate ways. And I’m afraid that will be the end.”“So you don’t believe you will meet again?”“Maybe, someday. Who knows. My uncle might kill me, too.”“With such power? I doubt it, Lydia. Show me.” she stepped closer “Release it. Just for a second.”“Okay,” she said hesitantly and released her power for some seconds then repressed it again.“Wow!” her eyes widened “This is not your full power, is it?
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Chapter: 29
Once they arrived at the archery range Lydia picked up a bow and quiver immediately. Caleigh smiled at her enthusiasm. As the girl took her place and bent the bow the huntress stepped behind her and lowered her elbow, making her lower the bow.“Watch me again,” she said as she took her stance and bent her bow.Lydia tried to watch every single she made. As she closed one of her eyes she bent the bow more and in the next second the arrow was flying through the range and penetrated the middle of the target.“You need to remain calm.” she looked at her “I appreciate the enthusiasm though. Now, show me if you can hit the target this time. Calm down and shoot.”The girl nodded and reassured her stance. She lifted the bow and bent it. She tried to remember what Ryan and Caleigh taught her at the same time. She closed her eye and tried to focus on the target. She lifted her elbow a little bit and aimed a little higher as the m
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Chapter: 30
By the time Lydia woke up the following day Caleigh was nowhere to be found. She breathed a sigh and walked out of the cave to have some breakfast. As she kept eating she still couldn’t shake off the feeling about the huntress being in trouble. A deep voice dragged her back to reality.“Can I sit down?”“Sure. Good morning, Ryan.” she sent him a warm smile.“You look tired.”“Rough night.”“Another nightmare?”“No, I’m just…” she changed her mind “Never mind.” she decided it’s safer if she doesn’t talk about things just now.“What’s bothering you? Is it still me?”“No, not at all. Just thinking about training and strength and… It’s scary, you know.”“I understand. So, what are you up to today?“Honestly? I have no idea yet.”“Are you free for training then? Strength training I mean.”“Yes.” she nodded “But nothing you wouldn’t be able to handle.” she grinned.“You think you are already stronger than me?”“I see the possibility. My stamina and endurance are already better.”“That actua
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