Semua Bab Fated To The Werewolf Huntress: Bab 31 - Bab 40
46 Bab
blood bath 1
Episode 31Location: Party's venue.Damien's POV."This is no birthday party mom,it's a bloodbath!" Her eyes widens."What are we to do?" She shivers."Leave of course. Get Drake and leave!" I decide."Certainly not Damien, everyone here is at stake!" She objects."Major reason departing is the perfect decision"I exclaim."Departing stains out palms Damien,it signifies our participation in any recorded death" she advice."Why so?. I pulled no trigger nor tore any throat,why will I be viewed an associate?" My expression cringes."You permitted the attack. Permitting the murder tags you an indirect associate" she explains."They'll never know, we'll depart unnoticed" I persuade."I know and I'll speak" she mumble,I sigh."Geez mom,they're not even red blood members,just some unknown, unrecognizable and unpopular pack members" I cringe in disgust."Quit selfishness and self centeredness!" She knocks my head."An alpha potrays selflessness. He or she battle's for everyone,his pack or not
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Blood bath 2
Episode 32Location: Birthday venueDamien's POV"I suggest we ditch this god forsaken blood bath before situations worsens" Drake selfishly suggest."Hell no boy,we remain and rescue our best" Mom finalize."Yeah yeah,good thing the party's at it's peak, Tyson is up the stage" Drake mentions."Great explanation for the sudden silence…" mom whispers."Good day ladies and gentlemen" Tyson greets with a champagne glass within his grasp.Tyson regardless his age remains all hot and cute. Beauty of the werewolf gerne.His perfectly squared jaw line impeached with well shaved hairs and jaw boards sources his beauty.His masculine stature and shape reveals through his red suit. He's pretty hot for a birthday boy or celebrant.His continuous smiles signifies genuine happiness within his heart. How bad his death day commences in minutes or worse, seconds."It's with great pleasure and gratitude I stand before you celebrating my 40th birthday. It's never been an easy and happy forty years. Tr
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Birthday attendants
Episode 33Location:Mrs Dark bedroomRoselinePOV."She's the one isn't she?" Lydia startles."I have no idea" I deny."Quit lies Roseline, you had clearer views today, you pictured her numerous times. She's the girl isn't she?" She ask again."Yeah she is" I lean confused and head ached on my sofa."This is bad isn't it?" She dumbly questions."Certainly it is!" I fustrate."Advising Damien to ditch her will ruin our relationship and harming her will loose and break him forever,this is all messed up!" I clutch my head."You can rid her without loosing nor breaking Damien" lydia suggests."How so?" She earns my attention."Pay the packs priest, he'll create an artificial mate bond between Damien and another she wolf,block Damien's love towards Kara and with that you can indirectly murder her without breaking or lossing Damien" she explains."Sounds nice but extremely dark lydia" I hesitate."Our survival or Damien's happiness!" She rages."Our survival" I sigh."Then get to it. The pri
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Acceptance 2
Episode 34Location; The woodsDamien's POV."We undeniable love ourselves Kara,why no be my Luna,my wife and rule besides me" I request."I wish such Damien but our differences remain an obstacle. A wolf can never relate a princess,it's impossible" she mumbles sadly."Come here" I pull her into a passionate cuddle."We'll figure this, certainly we will" I assure."I hope we do but my dad remains the obstacle. He'll demand your head if disclosed you're a werewolf." she sigh painfully."I can handle your dad".I blurt."You bet" she scoffs."He's a legendary Damien, he's the beserk slayer,he slayed the beast of Gevadon,an alpha is an omega before him, he's no ordinary hunter, he'll muder you before transformation,you possess zero chance against him" she explains."Guess I underestimated him" I heave."Certainly you did" she leans deeper towards me.Her dad's an obstacle. He's dangerous, brutal,the beserk slayer and a god before alpha's.How worse can situations emerge. I heave again but
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Broken relationship
Episode 35Location:Red blood packDamien's POVBreadth thickens,senses heightens,skin pales, feeling cozy, heart wells, weakness involves,bones melts, fingers twitches,feets cripples and dumbness emerges.Kara wouldn't do such, she's a goodie Huntress, she wouldn't break my heart.She can't love another guy,she proclaimed love towards me numerous times. I can't be a pawn within her game,it's impossible."Damien…" mom happily calls rather I ghostly walk past her towards my room.Her demands and irrelevant blabbings are my least problems.Flash back.Location: The woodsDamien's POV."Kara's attack was a present alpha Damien but today we've got you a present"They advance deviously."A present?. What present have they which sooths my Desires."What present type am I earning?" I stand my ground.Hope it's all positive and never negative."We never mention a good and heart gladdening present" the elder amongst them smirks.Smirks procures evil and danger. Pretty obvious negativity linger
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Episode 36
Episode 36Location:The woods.Kara's POV."Hello kara Dugan…"He greets,I scoff."Believed I'll find you here" he smiles.His perfect and hypnotic charms are ineffective towards me.He seems pretty acttractive. He's well built, muscular, perfectly heightened and good looking but all are dormant towards me as the man I crave is a whole hotter and sexier than him.Damien's features, cuteness,charms and attractiveness are twice his."What's is it?"Am in worse mood for chit chat from a living devil" I visibly express hatred.Damien's unexpected harsh behavior remains a blow to my face and chit chattings from his devilishly brother are my least desired events."Pretty harsh kara…" he leans besides me.His tough fragrance collides my nostrils, urging terribly I question the products name and details."The dark devious prince from red blood. How dumb it is conversing a hunter princess" I broaden our gap.Feels wrong but seems best all rage,hurt and negative feelings are adverted towards his
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Episode 37.Location: Black eagles hunters clanKara's POV.I sit on the bed, depressed, dumbstruck and fear gripped at Drake's so called advice.How dare him!?. Who in the world does he think he freaking is blabbing such words.He's certainly a big time jerk and his dumb so called advice ruins everything. It ruins my shared relationship with Damien.Without proper explanation,Damien will presume Tyler's theory true.Geez!,I wish Drake never birthed or died during child birth.Wrong bestowing and wishing one evil but he's freaking devious and annoying. His selfish gain's and profits are he's freaking desires, nothing else.Expenses at which they're earned are his least worries,he's such a selfish bitch. Impossible believing himself and Damien were both raised and nurtured by same mom.He's such an earthly devil.Leaning spine crashed on the bed,silent tears trickle down my face.Contacting Damien within the next few days is impossible,all thanks and gratitude to hearth stone Drake.My
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Who's the killer
Episode 38Location: Black eagles hunters clanKara's POVIs Alex right?. Is Damien a second time murderer over a sex tape?."I doubt so Alex,Damien wouldn't do such" I battle grimming tears within my eyes.He definitely wouldn't. No Damien can't. Damien is the good brother,he's loving and caring,he wouldn't."Quit self denial kara. Damien mudered Freya Posey over your attempted murder. What assurance have you similar fall didn't befall Tyler and Dolan over a sex tape" Alex Continuously pastes Damien the murderer.Would enraged Damien murder over a sex tape?. Is he a wolf in sheep clotting?. I clutch my head tightly.Scanning Dolan's lifeless corpse from our conversing coner,his slitted throat confirms a theory."It's definitely not Damien. Their throat were slitted and no claw marks on their skins. They were mudered by a human, not a beast, vampire nor werewolf" my defense continues.Damien's the love of my life. Immediately accepting him a murderer showcase's ill and weak mate bond
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Episode 39
Episode 39 Location:Red blood pack Damien's POV "Today commences yours Drake Dark" elder logan turns towards all smiling Drake. "Certainly it does" Drake mumbles delighted. Why wouldn't he remain delighted,his greatest wish since birth is finally accomplished. The alpha throne is finally stolen from my grasp. "I'll locate my mate you all and restore peace and order unto red blood" he blurts confidently. "Imbecile.." Ryder curse,I chuckle. All eyes turns towards me at my hilarious chuckle. "Anything funny your highness?" Elder logan questions. "Certainly not elder logan, everyone and everything is extremely boring" I scoff. Drake shoots fierce deadly,daring and threatening glares towards me before recommencing his dumb speech. "After discovering my mate and ascending the throne I'll stable our rules. The rules require modernization. My dad's rules were for acient packs but we're modernized and obviously we're more powerful!" He brags to the smiling and loudly supportive el
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Episode 40
Episode 40 Location: Black eagles hunters clan Alex POV. Extremely bothered over Kara's silence after numerous bangs and knocks on her door,I break open the lock. Her room's untidy environment hangs my lips agape. Her wardrobe wide ajar,clothes roughly littered, cosmetics scattered and poured and floor lack efficient cleaning and mopping. This certainly is unlike Kara. She's always extremely neat and ensures I remain same. Am always scolded at my littered room. She's obviously not against her scoldings is she?. "Kara..?" I search for her through the stuffy room. "Show yourself kara,quit hiding" I call again. Slight sobs and whimpers within a huge cloth heap catches my attention. The largest clothes heap for specifications. "Kara!" I scatter the cloth heap. Beneath the heaps,she lay broken and whimpers. Her pink coloured nighties stinch tears and catarrh and please washing. "Come over here.." I pull her to her bed. "Not Damien is it?" I ask,she nods. I definitely could
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