Semua Bab Accidental Claim: Bab 11 - Bab 20
181 Bab
11 Jasper's Remorse
Jasper I could not believe the mess that my wolf, Leon, got me into. I knew he was lonely and wanted a mate but at what cost? Claiming Ruby the way he did was wrong. When I found out what happened, I was furious at myself for getting too drunk to control my wolf. Ruby was angry and bitter; I wasn't mad at her for lying against me. I deserved worse. I had ruined her life completely. She was daddy's little princess, and I had torn her away from her home, her family, her pack, and her friends and ruined her future. I hated myself for it. How will I ever redeem myself for what I did? I knew Ruby was hurting; I could feel every bit of it. We were now connected, after all. I did not know she was promised to anyone. Had I known, I wouldn't have gotten drunk with her. I don't do one night stands, but Ruby was exceptional. When I saw her number, I didn't hesitate to copy it to my phone. I called her to ask her if we could go out sometime. I was not expecting the reaction I got. I was sorry.
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12 Trying To Please
Ruby Two months passed, and Jasper avoided me. He would make breakfast in the morning and leave before I got out. He made sure there was food for me to eat in the afternoon and night. My phone subscription was renewed, and when I called the company, hoping it was my father or brother that paid for it, I learned it was Jasper. I began to suspect he might be seeing someone, which was why he made himself scarce. I had tried to get work in town, but no one wanted to hire me. I was Labeled a liar and a wolf without honour. Talking to Racheal on the phone was my pastime. I was dying inside, and I did not know how to help myself. I would often shift and run in the woods. I was careful not to get caught. It helped my wolf remain sane. When I wasn't talking to Racheal, I would talk to myself. I was very lonely. I was still mad at Jasper for what he did, but as things were, he was the only human contact I would have. I felt it was best we talked things through and tried to be civil among ours
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13 Be Grateful?
Ruby. Another Two Months Later. The living room became my favourite spot. I often watched television to catch up with what was going on in town. Racheal had started becoming hard to reach, and I figured that someone or some people had begun to replace me. It had been three weeks since we spoke, and she was still yet to return my call. I decided not to try her number again and give her space. As things were, I was holding on too tight. Our status had changed. I was a packless wolf mated to a rogue who lived on the outskirts of town and was poor. My dream of leaving the rogue town could not be realised because I couldn't get a job. I was hopeless. I had stopped fighting my situation and accepted it. Jasper's absence was bearable when I had Racheal to speak to on the phone, but now it was just me. I could not talk to Kira because all she wanted was Jasper, so I was by myself. I didn't blame her. He was an alpha, and he had claimed us. Alphas had that effect on other wolves. They did
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14 Rescue
Jasper. I thought if I gave Ruby some space, she would be less angry and might warm up to me a bit. I felt she had been cooped up indoors for too long and had made reservations for us at a fancy restaurant in Moon pack close to our home. It was meant to be a surprise, and Cindy came through. The plan was simple. Cindy would visit, linger and leave during dinner time. I would then use it as an excuse not to cook and take her out. I was looking forward to taking Ruby out, but her response was painful. She did not want to be seen with me. I returned to the garage quietly and lay on the air mattress I bought. Ruby wore turtlenecks and scarves to hide my mark. She was either angry or ashamed of me. I didn't know what else to do. Cindy said I should make the apartment more homely, and it might work, but I doubted it. I doubted Ruby would ever forgive me and move past my mistake. I had claimed her, and she was now my mate, but I was lonelier than I had ever been. My wolf wanted her, and
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15 Much Needed Talk
Ruby I was grateful for our connection for the first time. I stole glances at Jasper when I felt he wasn't looking. His black wolf was huge. I was glad he didn't fight my father and brother. He would have killed them easily. His wolf was a superior breed. Randolph's wolf had nothing on him, yet he was a loner. Jasper could easily challenge any alpha and take over their pack, yet he chose to be alone. After what I had seen, I began to suspect he was packless out of choice and not circumstances. " Jasper," I said, and he looked at me with his brown eyes. I could see the worry in them. I knew he was bracing himself up for me to say something hurtful, but I wasn't going to do that. I was just curious. "What is your last name?" I asked him and his eyes darkened a bit. I had touched on a sensitive topic. " I do not mean to offend you, but since I can't go by my father's name anymore, and you have claimed me, I think it is only logical I bear your name," I said, and he sighed. "I do
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16 Sorting it out, Mentally
Ruby. I wanted to pounce on Jasper. He had succeeded in getting me all worked up, and now I needed him, but he did not feel it was the right moment. This was the part I wished I had sex toys. I took several deep breaths and nodded. " I am sorry, Ruby, but I want us to have something deep," He said, and I nodded. "It is okay," I lied, but deep down, it wasn't. I wanted him to ease the ache between my legs. He walked to me and kissed me on the forehead, and then he breathed in my scent and crashed his lips against mine again. He trapped me against the wall and sucked on his mark on my neck. I moaned deeply. I was trying to control myself, but my body was coming apart. I would give him anything at that moment. He had both the bond and Alpha hold on me. Jasper surprised me and slipped his hand into the front of my pants. I moaned in anticipation, spreading my legs apart to give him access. I wanted it. I wanted him. " You are so wet, Ruby," He whispered in my ear with his deep vo
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17 Surprise
Ruby I woke up in the morning, and Jasper was yet to return. Where the hell did he go to? Where was he? My panic meter shut up completely, and I became scared. Did my former pack find out about the mess we made in the forest and attack him? Was he jumped somewhere? My mind was reeling. I wished I had Cindy's number or knew where she lived. I would have gone to look for her. By nine in the morning, I couldn't take it anymore. His phone was still switched off, and I became scared. I dressed up and went out. I still could not wear his mark proudly, so I wore a high collar shirt and began to roam. I walked for over three hours until I got to town. Nothing much had changed, and I was not so thrilled to be back in it. People whispered as I walked, but I ignored their words. " That is Ruby Marlow, the rogue slut," I heard a couple of people say and averted their gaze. I should not have come to town, but I was worried. When I got to the construction site, the workers were very rude. The
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18 Planning for a future
Jasper I woke up in the morning a very happy man. I could not believe that Ruby walked back to town to look for me. She once told me she hated me and did not want to be seen with me in public. I guess the loathing days had finally come to an end. I made her breakfast before leaving for work, and I left a note promising her I would come home early. I did not want her worrying over me or walking to town to look for me again. I remembered what we did, and I was hopeful. I wanted to make love to her so badly, but I wanted it to be special. I wanted her to feel something for me. That was why I held back. It took a lot; between her sweet scent and her clenching pussy, I could have lost myself and gone for it. Leon wanted to devour her, but I had to hold back. I wanted what we would have to be meaningful. I wanted her to forgive me genuinely and let me love her the way I wanted to, and I was willing to go slow. I wanted the best for Ruby, so I was starting my furniture company. I was crea
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19 Gratitude
Ruby Jasper made breakfast before leaving for work, and I found it challenging. I wasn't awful in the kitchen, but he spared me the torture of eating my food. I had been too angry to see the effort he was making but apart from the fact that we were broke, I had never been pampered like this in my life. The apartment looked better than most people's homes. As things were, I didn't mind anyone visiting me. Jasper had outdone himself, and I was happy. I showered, and I left my neck exposed for the first time in a while. I sat at the vanity table and ran my fingers on his mark. Closing my eyes, I had flashbacks of how he touched me, and I exhaled. I wore an off-shoulder blouse with high waist jeans and went to make dinner. Using the internet, I followed the recipe of a Korean chef, and I loved the result. Once I was done, I went to the couch to watch television and wait for Jasper. Feeling bored, I reached for my phone and dialled Racheal's number. To my surprise, she answered on t
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20 Gratitude and More Surprises
Ruby. Jasper carried me from the living room to the bedroom. We were both naked, and my skin was on fire. My body was anticipating what he would do to me. Placing me on the bed, he sucked his mark, travelled to my breast and suckled it. " Jasper," I moaned, and he continued sucking my nipples. He touched my folds and felt for my clit. I threw my head back and moaned. " Let me taste you," He said and travelled with his lips to my folds. Kissing them, he sucked my clit into his mouth, and I moaned loudly. My body was coming apart, and I was beginning to see stars. " Jasper, I want you," I called on him, and he growled between my legs. I grabbed his hair and pressed myself against his mouth. He continued to suck it, and I continued to cry. Until I came. The orgasm was intense and stronger. It hit me like a moving truck. I groaned and moaned, and it felt too good, and I did not want to come down from the high. " Inside me," I said, and he hesitated. " I do not have protection
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19 Protection Status