Semua Bab Rebel Rising The Lost Alpha's Mate: Bab 31 - Bab 40
90 Bab
Chapter 31: Damsel in distress
 ~Wren~“Mate” My world spins on its axis as I stare at the dying man before me, the cold hard knife of reality gutting me once again. My mate. Sebastian is my mate, and he is lying here in a pool of his own blood. I have never in my life seen someone in such a condition. Sebastian’s once perfect muscles shredded as they lie exposed and gushing blood, trying to knit his flesh back together. A huge gash oozes above his ear and his eyes wane in and out of focus. “Seb!” I sob out loud, not caring if anyone hears me or comes back. My hands are holding fast to his cheeks, the only place where his flesh looks to be remaining intact as I gently give him another slap.“I need you to look at me, please.”His hand tries to move, to reach for me, but it fails, as the bulging muscles in his chest are bundled and broken. I reach for his hand, moving it to my cheek for him, letting him touc
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Chapter 32: Jump off a cliff
“Twenty minutes, my ass,” I mutter under my breath. I can feel Sebastian’s large frame shaking in laughter. His muscular arm wrapped around my shoulders as he uses me like some walking stick. He had said it would be a twenty-minute walk to this magical cliff we would leap down and -poof- we’d be on Bright Star pack lands. Ok, it’s not a magical cliff. But right now it was feeling pretty damn elusive as we stumble on in search of it. For the past hour. It has officially taken three times longer than he said it would. “Hey, I’m injured. I could still die, and you’re over here complaining like I’m the one slowing you down. You could leave me.” “Don’t tempt me,” I mutter, pausing only to look up at him and regret it. “Are you sure you are okay?” He asks, the corners of his lips tipping down. “You’re kidding right?” I snort. “No, No I’m not ok! Sebastian, it is a million freaking degrees out here, I’m in a sweatshirt, half carrying a freaking mountain man and there is no end in sight
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Chapter 33: Home
~Sebastian~ Every part of me aches and screams in pain, begging me to stop walking. To just lie down and let my body mend itself. I know I overdid it by making us take the longer route, but I couldn’t help it anymore. I can’t help these euphoric sparks that bloom with each brush of skin. My wolf and subconsciousness are both to blame, needing to be with her for a while. When it came down to getting out safely or coming to my aid, she came for me, and shit if that thought isn’t messing with my brain. She chose me. She could have done it because Nickolai had Tank and the two of them are formidable fighters. But for now, I’ll live in the fairytale that this woman under my arm, helping carry my weight, saved me in the heat of battle. I slide a glance down at her. Her hair looks almost red in the morning sunlight, as fiery as her spirit today. Full of snark and determination. Sweat beads from the sweltering heat, holding her hair hostage, gluing it to her perfect neck as she takes an an
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Chapter 34: Healing
Alpha Jameson paces the room they insisted I stay in. It’s far more lavish than what I’m accustomed to with its sweeping windows spanning the entire side of the room and enough space to house thirty warriors. Instead of my typical full-size bed, I’m being forced to lie in a king-sized, four-poster bed with gray linens. The only thing that is similar to my room is the color of the blankets I’m laying in. And hell, these linens are easily much finer than the ones I use. “Alpha, the healer is wrong. I will be available as early as tomorrow to head back out.” I assure him. Though I’m not the only spy we have in the warrior pack, I’m one of the best. A position that I could achieve only because Nickolai had helped to teach me how to use my brains as much as my brawns. Alpha Jameson stops in his tracks and swings his angry gaze at me. “You think that is what I’m upset about?” He scoffs. “I truly am fine, Alpha.” I sigh. “I have asked you time and time again to please just call me Jameso
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Chapter 35: Sneaking in
  ~Wren~   Sebastian relents and falls back into a peaceful deep sleep. Tears are falling from my chin as I swipe at them, hating how much pain he is in. He seemed to handle it fine when we were traveling the distance to get here. I mean fine in the sense that he could walk and even joked a little. I’m understanding that it might have more to do with the mate bond than the healing of his body.    After going our separate ways, I was able to shower and get clothes that fit me thanks to Nickolai. He had insisted he would go himself to get me what I needed. I feel guilty having him dote on me the way he has been and I should feel guilty. Especially when I know for a fact he isn’t my mate, but mentally I am too drained to fight it. It also doesn’t help that my actual mate thinks of him as a brother and doesn’t want him to know yet.   I am hesitant to step away from Seb, but hastening
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Chapter 36: Meeting the Alpha
The incessant pounding on my door draws me from the nest of covers as I tug tighter to my frame. My first instinct is to growl and tell whoever it is to fuck off, but I think better of it when I remember where I am. It would probably be a bad idea to disrespect the pack that saved you and allowed you to stay in their packhouse.  “Wren, I know you must be tired, but the Alpha would like to speak with you.” I can hear Nickolai on the other side of the door. “Give me a minute to get dressed,” I say, biting back my attitude. I am exhausted and hungry, which can be a lethal combination with me. Well, any woman, really.“Tank will walk you to his office when you are ready.” He calls to me before the sound of his retreating footsteps can be heard. Panic worms its way into my chest, making it feel like I might just completely crack open. When I imagined regaling A
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Chapter 37: What you need
“Uh. No, I mean. He thinks so, but I doubt it.” I gulp the hot tea quickly, pretending not to feel the searing burn of it as it flows down my throat like a hot acid burning from the inside out. If I hadn’t just scalded my mouth on the hot concoction, I’m sure I would have found the flavor profile nice. I’m not a nervous person. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t hold my tongue or stutter for the right words. I don’t back down and I sure as shit don’t lie. Yet here I am, knowing for a fact that Nickolai is not my mate, playing under the false pretenses that he might be all because my real mate wants to protect him. “Hmm, and is that because you know who your mate is or because you don’t want to find your mate? I have heard a lot about you, Wren. From more than one person.” He smiles kindly, waiting for a response. “Nickolai is probably one of the best men I have ever met, Alpha. But I am not suitable for the best. I, at best, always fall short.” “Ah, I didn’t take you for one t
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Chapter 38: Fresh Air
~Sebastian~ I hit the button to open the blackout curtains, watching as in a matter of moments daylight eclipses the darkness my room has been shrouded in for three days. After a shower and some fresh clothes, I can honestly say the fog in my head seems to have subsided as has most of the pain in my body. That’s not to say that I’m completely healed. I’m not naïve enough to think that being near death, I’m going to be moving around like nothing happened. Even if I could fake it, no one would care enough to let me do anything. Hell, Nickolai had thrown a fit when the healer said I should try to get outside today and get some fresh air and sunlight. I’m healing faster than they expected, or so they keep saying, so instead of being locked in my room for a week, I’m being allowed to walk around. Thank the stars too because I’m to the point that I’m imagining seeing Wren every night. The ghost of her coaxing me through moments of pain and the sparks that would light me up when our skins
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Chapter 39: Revelations
~Wren~“You need to focus on me, Wren.” Tank scolds me after what feels like the hundredth time getting struck on my right side. “Sorry,” I mutter, wiping my sweaty brow with my forearm. I take a quick peek over my shoulder, feeling the void of Sebastian’s stare. It doesn’t matter that I know he isn’t there, I still catch myself hoping he is waiting for me. I refuse to beg him to accept me or keep me close. It doesn’t matter how many times I have to remind myself that I have too much pride. I can not be the one who gives in. Sebastian knows where I stand. The next move is on him.  A sharp pain vibrates up my side as Tank lands yet another blow on my upper torso. “Fucking shit! Couldn’t you pull your punches or something?” I seethe rubbing my rib cage. “You expect the enemy to care if you are daydreaming?” He quirks a curious brow from behind his f
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Chapter 40: Walk in the moonlight
  Moonlight filters in through the windows, bathing me in its blue hazy rays. After my confrontation with Nikolai and his mother, I was no use at training. Tank was trying to get me to protect my head, but instead of blocking, I tried to strike. Needless to say, Tank punched me right out of my own head, after which he promptly chewed me out and told me to walk it off and go get dinner. He canceled training for the rest of the evening.    So here I am, sitting exactly where I was hours ago, trying to wrap my head around the turns my life has taken. I’ve mourned the ‘what if’ regarding Nickolai. Then, I moved onto pondering the future I may or may not ever get with Sebastian, all sprinkled in with what will happen in this war and the nature of Luna Nikita’s relationship with Alden.   The only things I’ve settled on are that Luna Nikita is covering something from her past and she must be an old pack memb
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