Semua Bab Arrange Marriage With Alpha Alex: Bab 41 - Bab 50
94 Bab
Seth keeps looking towards his best friend; he really wants to punch him. "Why did you give into her then?" Alex inhaled silently, shaking. He knew he couldn't avoid that question. "I was always in love with Jasmine like crazy, but then Ashly and I. I had prayed that we would grow old with each other, and she gave me so many chances. and I always wasted all of them; I am so blind with my love for Jasmine." Alex paused. "When I met Ashly for the first time, I really thought... I hoped I had found the one who'd stay with me forever. That's why I try to stop this wedding. I tell her everything, but it doesn't work. After my breakup with Jasmine, I tried my way towards Ashly. But I am scared and think she will also leave me. So I play with her, and I always try to break her heart. I want to test her," Alex paused. "I," he continued. "I guess I screwed up. At the end, she leaves me, and I destroy all of my favorite people who love life." Seth thought the same, but all he could think of is
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15 years later (after Ashly leaves everyone) Flashback:- Their soft giggles filled the night's calm, quiet air. "Alex!" Ashly reprimanded in a whisper, but it fell short due to the blissed-out smile on her lips: "Alex, stop it, you big goof." She swatted at Alex's hands, but those two colossals she loved so much just kept teasing her overly sensitive skin. The Omega always got ticklish after a particularly good orgasm, which Alex always loved to indulge in. And Alex had successfully drawn three out of her. Which was a new record for them. And the Alpha was damn proud of himself. "How are you feeling?" Alex finally stopped sickling and laid one of his hands flat on Ashly's side, stroking her still clammy skin. "Any regrets?" Ashly's smile softened as she recognized her Alpha shift in mood as self-doubt. She laid her own palm on Alex's cheek. "I feel fine, no regrets," she promised. "It was perfect; you were perfect." Up until that night, Ashly and Alex had yet to go all the way,
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Then there were some letters. Ray notices that his mother wrote a lot of the letters but never actually sent them. Others were clearly still like newlyweds when his father sent them to his mother for something. There were a few knickknacks, which Ray assumes were gifts from his father. Then there were a few newspaper articles about his father. And the more he reads through those articles, the more he realizes just how much his mom has been hiding from him and lying to him. When he's halfway through the second article, his phone rings, and before he even fishes it out of his pocket, he knows who it is. "Where the hell are you?" Milly, his best friend, asks questions frantically as soon as he answers, before he can even say hi. Ray gulps and takes a deep breath, then blurts out, "I think I know who my father is." He's still staring at his father's picture in the newspaper article as he hears Milly gasp on the other end of the line. His father is standing with a beautiful blonde woma
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All it took Ray was a quick G****e search on his phone, and a whole array of pages, all starring his Alpha father, appeared on his small screen. After scanning through them for just a few moments, he quickly found the address to his father's. It was well past 8 p.m. when he finally reached the train station, and it is luckily a fairly quiet evening, so it doesn't take too long before he arrives at the upper east side. The whole way there, his knee jumped, his heart pounded, and his mind raced. He had no idea what he would find, if at all. It was late. God only knows if his father's even going to be at the office. And if he wasn't, he had no idea what he would do because there was no way of finding his private home address. And he can't just enter the Moonlight Pack without permission. He could always just camp out and wait for him there all night. Yeah, that's what he can do. When he arrives, however, he discovers that his father is very much a workaholic because he's still there a
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Flashback:- What did he do? What had he just done? He already knew that he had just made the worst mistake of his life, and there wasn't much he could do to change or fix that. As he walked away from the love of his life, Alex held his breath and forced himself not to look back, because if he did, he knew he would not be able to stop himself from running back to Ashly. It was excruciatingly hard enough to walk away to begin with; it went against every single fiber of his being. When he spoke, he could barely look the omega in the eyes because it was too painful. Not that he had any right to feel hurt, because he was the one inflicting the pain on Ashly. He was the one who was messing things up. Not that he had much of a choice. But he just knew that if he looked up at Ashly's beautiful, big brown eyes, he would never be able to tear himself away. So he reigned it all in as much as he could and got it done as fast as he could because he knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself toge
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Flashback:- A whole week passes before Ashly finally musters up the courage to even step foot in a pharmacy. She woke up nauseous every single morning and threw up almost all her meals after consuming them. But what got her to finally work up the courage was the dizzy spell she got during her time at the diner. She'd dropped a whole tray of food and almost fell, crashing to the ground. She was lucky that one of the other betas was nearby and managed to catch her. And also that she didn't get scolded. So after her work over, she took Rose's car to the neighboring town because everyone knew her inside the Moonlight Pack. She couldn't afford for someone to see her. Everyone inside the pack house was fast asleep (after drinking and partying) when she took a car, so Ashly didn't think anyone would even notice. But when she got back, someone was up and completely fuming. "How many times have I told you, don't touch anything inside this house?" the man yelled, clearly still quite intoxic
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Ashly cups her son's face and looks him dead in the eyes. "Don't you dare ever run off on me like that again." She reprimands, wishing she could sound more authoritative, but her voice betrays her and quivers against her will. "I wouldn't have to if you hadn't lied to me for 14 years." Ray bites back, then pulls roughly out of his mother's hold. "Ray..." Ashly pleads in a small voice. "No, you kept me from my own father." Ray snaps angrily, pointing vaguely behind him while keeping his eyes trained on Ashly. "You have no right to make me feel bad." "I know, and if you would just let me..." Ashly tries, but Ray shakes his head and cuts her off, refusing to listen. "Explain?" he mocks, then snorts, "Yeah, no, I'm done listening to your lies." "I'm still your mother; you cannot speak to me like that." Ashly reprimands again, this time managing to be more steady. "Whatever, I'm getting my things and going to stay with Alex." Ray throws at her, then tries to bypass her and walk towar
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Flashback:- Everything aches, and she feels so heavy as she wobbles through town, shopping for all the last things she needs to execute her plan. For the past hour or so, Ashly had been to the supermarket to get some snacks and food to last her for the next couple of days; at the baby shop to get her son newborn outfits; then she went to the pharmacy to get some basic painkillers and vitamins; and after that, she went to the bank to withdraw any money she had. It wasn't much, but it was at least enough to get her started. Of course, due to her very pregnant state, she had to sit and rest a lot in between, all the while trying to ignore the endless, shameless stares she was receiving. Rumors about her have been running wild since people started to realize that she was pregnant, and she hated every moment of it. Ashly couldn't wait to get as far away as she could from that god-forsaken town and all the stuck-up snobs that lived there. Once she was done at his last stop, Ashly began
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"Can I get you anything to drink?" Alex questions, and Ashly is glad that at least he sounds just as nervous as Ashly feels. Ashly turns to look at him again and shakes her head. "No, thank you." She declines, then looks around herself in discomfort as a tense silence falls between them. "Is Ray home?" she finally asks, then bites her bottom lip in anticipation. This time Alex shakes his head. "No, but he should be soon," he says, scratching the back of his neck, looking hesitant before he goes on. "He's on the way home; the school bus is dropping him off here." "Okay." Ashly responds shortly, because there's not much more she can say, and really, there's not much more she wants to say. "Look, while we wait, I want to talk to you about something." Ashly looks back at Alex at the sound of his voice, the words sinking in slowly and causing her insides to burn, already sensing this will lead nowhere good. "Okay," the omega manages in a small voice. "Why don't we sit?" Alex gestures
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Flashback:- It wasn't until she was parked outside the huge Moonlight Pack house that Ashly finally realized where she was going. Ashly remained seated for a long moment, her seatbelt still buckled and her hands still on the steering wheel. Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Ashly looked up at the house, unaware of the time passing by. Then, before she could overthink it or talk herself out of it, Ashly turned off the engine, unbuckled the seatbelt, and stepped out of the car, struggling to stand with her 7-month pregnant belly. Taking small, hesitant steps, Ashly made her way up to the front door, all the while praying to hell that she's doing the right thing. She had no idea what she was going to say or what would even happen, but she knew she at least had to try. Unfortunately, she could no longer climb up the tree to the Alex window, so she had no choice but to knock on the front door and pray that it was Alex or one of his parents that opened it, not one of his girlfriends or
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