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Chapter forty
Emily's POVWhen I get home that evening, I find the house empty so I decide to make myself lunch and take a quick nap. By the time I wake up, it's already 6pm so I get dressed and wait downstairs for Anna to show up.By the time she arrives, it's already 8:30pm and we drive down to the party which is being hosted by one of the seniors from Kyle's year.The party is as you would expect it to be, hot and loud with music playing in the background. It was still fairly early which meant that no one had gotten that drunk yet so everything was still fairly normal. The music was obviously way too loud which did not help with the massive headache I had going on and people were gathered around in groups talking. We push through the crowd and walk further into the house to where the rest of our friends are. Thankfully,Tyler is nowhere to be found. I hope I find Jace and talk to him before Tyler gets here. That's if he's even gonna be here. I don't want him to see me or else he might blow me up
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Chapter forty one
Emily's POV"Hey, what's up Em,did you find him?" Anna asks as soon as she sees me."I need to go" I tell her and she and Tiffany looks at ne worriedly"What's wrong Em,are you okay?" Tiffany asks at the same time as Anna."Yeah I'm fine,just take me out of here please" I tell them"Why,what happened?" Anna asks"Let's just go, I'll tell you on the way" I tell them."Oh okay,let me get my keys" Anna says and goes to take her keys from Asher."Do you want me to take you home?" She asks as soon as she gets back."No, just take me anywhere. Anywhere but my house please, I don't think I can face Tyler right now" I tell her. I can't bear going home to Tyler after all of this mess. What would I tell him if he asks? That I broke up with Jace? He'd just laugh in my face."Okay,we could go to my place then?" She tells me"Yeah that would be great" I agree and we say our goodbyes to Tiffany who stays back with Logan telling me she'll call me and I should take care.When we get to Anna's place,
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Chapter forty two
Emily's POVWhen we get to our apartment, I quickly change my outfit into something more appealing and then we leave.During the drive, I look out the window in awe as we drive past tall buildings and night lights that give a beautiful view of the city and when we get to the museum the gates are locked. There's a watchman there and we somehow manage to make it through the watch man as I distract him and Tyler gets in and helps me get through the back gate from inside."Aren't we breaking in? This seems wrong" I whisper as we sneak into the building."Don't worry about it as long as we don't get caught" He tells me."And what if we're caught!" I deadpan."Well.... I never thought about that but let go" He whispers back as he leads me further inside."Oh come on" I groan."I think we should go back Tyler,we didn't think this through" I tell him."Come on,stop overthinking and have fun, will you? Nothing's gonna happen and even if we're caught we'll just get thrown out, nothing more. It'
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Chapter forty three
Emily's POVWhen I wake up the next morning,Tyler drops me at college and informs me that he'll be picking me up by 3pm sharp. I go straight to Class to see Cole and I tell him about everything about my breakup with Jace which he seems to be extremely happy about. The professor comes in shortly after."Good morning class. I am Professor Schwartz by name and I'll be your substitute for today" Says the gray haired professor as he pulls out a textbook from his briefcase and turns to face the class.After class, I walk down the hall and make my way towards the art studio but I run into someone on my way."And if it isn't the heartbroken little nerd" She says twirling her hair with her friend Samantha by her left."What do you want, Rachel?" I ask,not ready to banter words with her."Oh nothing,just came to check on you. I hope your little heart isn't broken too badly. I know you must be so sad that Jace dumped you" She says and I laugh."If I remember correctly, I'm sure I was the one who
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Chapter forty four
Emily's POVWhen I wake up the next morning it's already 6am so I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. I decide to take my time in the shower a bit more than usual to wash my hair and scrub my body. After I'm done, I go to the room to get dressed. I decide to go with an oversized black tee with a matching ripped black jean trouser and a pink baseball cap. I apply a layer of mascara and lipgloss and then I wear my white lace up converse shoe before grabbing my backpack and going downstairs. I grab a banana and a water bottle from the kitchen on my way out before joining Tyler outside in his car.By the time we get to college, it's only just past seven and classes haven't started yet so I text Cole to meet me at the Cafe. We have breakfast together and study a bit before class begins.After class, Tyler texts me and informs me that he'll be arriving in a few minutes to pick me up so I bid my friends goodbye and make my way towards the parking lot to wait for Tyler. Tyler se
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Chapter forty five
Emily's POVThe buzzing sound of my alarm ringing incessantly forces me to roll over on my bed as I grab it on the nightstand and turn it off. I check the time and it's already 8 O'clock. My eyes flutter wide open upon seeing this,every trace of sleepiness leaving me as I jump off the bed.I rush into my closet and decide on a blue shirt with matching black pants before dashing to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. Once I'm done bathing, I towel dry my body and rush back into the room to apply deodorant before sliding on my clothes. I take my time to fix a bit of makeup which is basically mascara and lip gloss and a layer of eye liner on my eyelids.For some reason, I feel the need to pay extra attention to my looks today. Once I'm satisfied with the outcome of my little makeup,I pack my hair into a haphazard bun and then slide into my shoes.Taking a look at my reflection in the mirror for the last time, I sigh and grab my backpack before rushing out of the room.Kyle has a
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Chapter forty six
Emily's POV"Let's do something," Tyler says after a few minutes, breaking the silence between us."Like what?" I say as I turn to face him. "I don't know... Let's go for a walk." He suggests."Okay...let me put on my slippers" I tell him and stand up, hurrying up to the room. I slide on my slippers and take a few minutes to touch up my face before rushing back downstairs to join Tyler in the living room."Let's go" I say and he leads me out of the house."Where are we going?" I ask,panting heavily from our walk through the woods."Patience,nerd" He says as he continues to lead me further into the bushes."Stop calling me that,I've told you severally Tyler, I'm not a nerd!" I scoff in annoyance."Whatever makes you sleep at night darling" He says and my face flushes at the use of the pet name but I try to hide it.We continue walking down the path and twenty minutes later, we reach a clearance. It is an open field with green grass and as we walk forward, I gasp at the sight in front
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Chapter forty seven
Emily's POV"Father," Tyler says quickly,his voice stern and cold.He walks towards us and he draws nearer. I see the resemblance, it's maddening. The man standing in front of us looks so much like Tyler, only that his hair is a shade darker than Tyler's and his jaw is sharper than Tyler's. His hair is styled perfectly into a wavy curl and he has a painful look on his face as he stares at his son."What are you doing here? I thought you were in prison." Tyler asks angrily. His eyes are full of rage."Yeah, I got out six years ago and I've been looking everywhere for you.. It's been a while" He says."Years!" Tyler yells angrily. "It's been fourteen fucking years!" He yells even louder. He looks mad. This is the angriest I've ever seen him and he looks like he's about to explode any second from now."Yeah... I miss you son. I've been looking everywhere for you since I got out of prison but your aunt and uncle would never let me come anywhere near you" he pauses for a split second. "I
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Chapter forty eight
Emily's POVThe following morning, I wake up to the continuous buzzing of my phone on the nightstand. I groan as I tumble over and reluctantly sit upright. I get off the bed and reach for the alarm clock to turn it off, yawning sleepily. I hadn't realized when I slept off last night.All the muscles in my body ache in protest from barely getting enough sleep all through the night. I look over at Tyler's bed to find it empty and untouched. It looks like he hasn't returned home yet since last night.Sighing heavily, I push myself lazily up and change out of my clothes before rushing to the bathroom. After a few minutes of relaxing under the cool water, I finally come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. When I get to the room, I take my time to dry my hair and then I simply put on a navy blue sweatshirt with black pants and matching shoes. I comb through my hair with my fingers lazily and pack it into a messy bun. After that, I look at my reflection in the mirror
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Chapter forty nine
Emily's POV When I look up, I come face to face with none other than Tyler. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out as we stare at each other,lost in our gazes. All of a sudden,my pulse rises and I pull myself away from his grip angrily. "Emily I.." He starts off and I push past him but he grabs my arms, trying to stop me. "No I don't want to hear anything from you,Let go of me" I say,my temper rising. "Please hear me out Em, I know I've..." I cut him off before he can finish,"Save it, I don't want to hear it. You made it clear already that I mean nothing to you, I'm just your best friend's obnoxious little sister aren't I " I say through gritted teeth. "I know I said all that but I was only angry,please hear me out I'm..." I slap his hand away before he can finish and start walking away. "I'm sorry,please forgive me" He whispers,his voice bringing me to a halt and I turn to face him. "You're sorry? Can you hear yourself speak? You act all mean to me and say
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