Semua Bab Poor Unfortunate Wolf: Bab 31 - Bab 40
124 Bab
             Hayden stood there looking at her. Did he hear her correctly? He barely got the words out, questioning what he heard her say.             “Oh, come now. You can’t shift in here. It’s warded against things like, so you might as well come clean.” April didn’t look entertained or happy in any way. In fact, to Hayden, she looked unimpressed and irritated.             “Warded. What? Why would I…? Are you crazy? Wait, do you think we’re like the others?” He couldn’t believe she thought he was like the other pack.             “Of course, I do. What would make you different from them?” Her right eyebrow raised as she asked this, showing how skepti
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             Franklin Kilburn sat in his office with his morning coffee. Nothing was going right, and it started when the upstart Alpha McDonnell showed his nose in the area. Right before he found two of his men visiting the healer’s cabin, and would be there for some time yet. He didn’t have enough patience or caffeine in his system to handle listening to either of them explain their failures to him. But he would have to hear their reports. He must know how this Magnus fool found such powerful fighters. Another reason to curse not having the non-aggression treaty with them. He could have gained his training techniques, but not now. Not without that treaty.             Then he still needed to deal with the issue of them hiding Sapphire from them. She’d run away with them and only the gods knew what the girl was telling them. Sapphire was t
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Breakfast Culture Shock
             Sapphire didn’t know what else to do. She went to get dressed after leaving the bathroom, but her sundress was gone, and a new outfit was on the chair. Someone came into her room while she was in the bathroom and moved things in her room. There wasn’t much else she could do but dress in what they left there.She felt like she wore a costume that didn’t belong to her. Sapphire kept expecting someone to tell her to go change, but beyond Magnus telling her, she looked nice. She didn’t hear a single harsh word or encounter any disapproving stares.This only made her feel more self-conscious, and she feared spilling everything on the jeans and blouse. Whoever selected these things even remembered jewellery and a pair of boots. She wasn’t used to wearing jewellery, and the necklace wasn’t choking her, but her awareness of it made her mind feel like it was. She couldn&
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Getting Down to Business
             “We aren’t a pair. But don’t you have some research to do? Give me some details on what and went we’re looking for.” Hayden wanted to tell her they weren’t a pair yet, but he felt it was too early to tell her. Witch or not, she was still a human. Gods, he wasn’t happy to tell Magnus there were witches in town. A fourth faction to deal with would not be welcome. Better knowing about it now and not after they cursed them with something horrid.             “I’m afraid dates aren’t something we have. But we’re looking at property line changes dating as far back as possible. As well as who were the owners’ names, and any history about them?”             “Well, that’s definitely vague and will t
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Duelling Excuses
             Cliff faded back into consciousness as the door to the healer’s cabin opened and two men carried a third into the room. They tossed him on the cot beside him with a grunt. It was Lenny, and he was looking no better than Cliff. At least Lenny’s throat was in one piece. He must have fought in wolf form because he lay there in nothing but his skin. Cliff wanted to ask him what happened, but he figured he could work that out. Lenny met with the same dude that attack him.             He couldn’t believe how violent that jerk was. Cliff wondered what he needed to prove so badly. Who was he trying to impress? It wasn’t like there was anyone worth his while or in his league at the Black Hole. That’s when he remembered Ivory the numbskull telling everyone who’d listen that she planned to mate with him and that he&rsqu
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Alpha’s Proclamation
             Ivory couldn’t believe she was on the second day of being held prisoner in her own bedroom. All she got to see in the way of people was some stupid wolf who brought her a tray of food. They wouldn’t even speak to her. As if Ivory would degrade herself and talk to a lowly omega wolf. Why her father let a wolf with no status deliver her food, she couldn’t understand it. What did she do? She was innocent in all of this. Sapphire was the one running around with the enemy. It was that stupid Alpha that got all up in Cliff’s face. Who did he think he was with his attitude and leather jacket? Did he think that made him big and tough?             Ivory threw her hairbrush against the wall but missed and it bounced off her bed, sending another rush of frustration and anger coursing through her body and mind. She wasn’t the
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A Lot About Nothing
             “Now that we have proper lighting, I want to show you more of our territory.” Magnus again turned his full attention back to her. She still wasn’t sure how to understand his mood. For an Alpha, he seemed so happy and jovial. Sapphire was used to everyone around her passing judgement on her and others. She could handle being found wanting for one thing or another. But this wanting to include her in his day or dragging her with him everywhere. That concerned her.             “More? What do you have in mind?” Sapphire wasn’t sure what Magnus had in mind.             “Well, I’ve been going around every morning and looking in on the repairs and construction. Then going into the shop to work on a couple of rebuilds they have commissione
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To Tell or Not
             April kept Hayden busy for most of the morning. He didn’t suspect a thing. So far, he’d passed all her little tests. She knew it was ridiculous, but she wanted, no need to know he was trustworthy. Her coven struggled, keeping under the radar of the Vagas Pack’s angry glare. It was getting hard to keep them at bay. They warded half the town against the Vagas Pack members because of how they bullied the townsfolk. The coven could only do so much because the old treaties were still magically enforceable. Until the day the Vagas Pack not long existed or permanently left the area. Their interference and harassment trapped the people of this region.             If Hayden said about his Alpha not signing the nonaggression treaty, it meant the old agreements did not trap his pack. That meant the tides could change with their influence
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Threats From Strangers
             Magnus finally got Sapphire on his bike and delivered what he needs to. From forgotten lunches to a new set of drill bits. He got them on the road to town. As they rode her silence, let him think further on the idea that Kilburn’s abuse was to keep her Luna traits buried and stunted so his failure of a daughter could benefit. But one word she kept saying bothered him. When he asked Sapphire why Kilburn called her parents traitors, she couldn’t explain the situation that labelled them as traitors. He’d never told her how they became traitors. Only that they fled the pack and were a disgrace. That reasoning sat hollow with Magnus, and it concerned him that Sapphire lumped herself into the status of a traitor because she was born to them.             Alpha wolves were most often born to alpha wolves. Yes, there were exceptions, b
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Thwarted Again
             Frank Kilburn stomped back into his office after questioning the two fools. If Lenny thought he’d believe that he took on eight wolves and got out alive, he was as much of an idiot as he looked. He doubted Lenny even saw McDonnell at all. But seeing the white wolf was telling. Lenny knew exactly what Sapphire looked like in her fur. If McDonnell was there for real, then he too knew.             Sapphire knew better than to open her mouth about the pack’s business. If she did, she knew what would happen to her. Others showed her long ago what happened to snitches who betrayed the pack. Either way, he needed her back under his control, and the sooner the better. He needed to make her come back to them. Willingly, if possible, but if he needed to drag her back, he would do it. Her place was here, and she’d stay there for the rest
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