Все главы Wicked Crown : Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter: 11
Katara was staring at the board while Mrs. Ramos is teaching them how to speak and laugh elegantly, she's thinking about something that might ruin her mission. She learns something about the Prince as they continue to talk yesterday, he was in love with someone else already! Sigh. "Hayts!" She whispered, what should she do? The way he talks about her is so freaking precios, he's happy how she talks about her. Should she seduce him? She never encountered a person before that is so in love with someone that you can see a heart shape on their eyes. She might overthink but she's questioning her capability now. What if that someone is more gorgeous? More kind? He looks so freaking in love! "Wear this." The prince offered her a coat and then put it on her shoulder. "No, I'm fine." She tried to decline "No, it's cold." He insisted. "Then do you wanna hear some songs
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Chapter: 12 Are you alright?
      Katara is now inside of the Academy's Library, she's scanning every book in the shelves to find books that could help her. She needs some research, of course you can't be in war without any plan or strategy. It will be like you're baiting yourself in the group of wolves inside of their territory,  this world is different. People here are not normal, she needs to know their strengths and weaknesses. How they're body works with the power inside of them, and how they use their magic. She needs to know what techniques she could use to fight them, she's just a normal person. She doesn't have any power, but she will prove to everyone that she can perfectly manage herself.   That being normal isn't what they should be ashamed of, being normal can be more powerful.   She touches the books using the tip of her fingers, she feels the letters. Good thing she studied what scripts they're using here, she could now read books wit
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Chapter: 13 Negotiable
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Deimos asks. "Yes, so give your whole strength. Don't look down on me, or underestimate me just because I am a woman. I'll eat alive…." "I will not coz I already know what you're capable of." She grinned. "Oh really?" She said, Fortunately they are in the training room as she requested, she requested that she need a sparring partner. As she said, she needs to increase her stamina and other physical strength since she doesn't have any elemental power.  She shouldn't waste any time and prepare for the game, as she read earlier. One of the ancient weapons is in the game as a prize for the winner, she wanted to claim that prize. There's game participation every year, but every just in 50 years the kingdom of Feronia let the weapons as the prize and to find it's next owner. She's wearing a white long sleeve and brown pants and brown boots, she also ponytail
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Chapter: 14 Desmond
After Katara walked to the Professor Alan room, she immediately went to the library to do some research again. It's not time for training yet, that's why. No one wants to spar her again, so she just might read some books while observing each of the students in that part of the game. She can't believe that there's some students asking that Professor to his newly built game setup, they all wanted to win huh? Good thing it seems that Prof. Alan has his own principle. She can't say that he's someone could trust but she believes he's a decent person. Many people respect him, as she read the books about weapons in this world she didn't read any kind of weapon connected to the gun. Perhaps they didn't discover it yet, she doesn't care if Professor Alan will use that weapon for good or bad. The most important thing for her right now is to survive the game, she needs something that will protect herself. She entered the Library an
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Chapter: 15
A peaceful night is perfect for meditation, she needs to clear her mind. Her body is aching like hell, she didn't know Desmond is such a cruel sparring partner. He's part of the game too, that's why he's familiar. He said Deimos was in the palace right now for something important, so the king summoned him. Katara's eyes were closing, she could hear everything. The whispers of the wind, the fireflies, the bees sipping the nectars on the flowers. She heard footsteps approaching the greenhouse, she opened her eyes and then looked at the door where she saw the crown prince enter. "I'm sorry, did I disturb you?" The crown prince gently said, Katara shook her head. "No not at all your highness, why are you here? You should rest, you look tired." "You're calling me your highness huh? I told you just call me Deimos. I'm fine, I couldn't sleep even if I am tired after all…" The pri
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Chapter: 16
Katara and Desmond are eating together, they both eat so fast and eat everything served on the table. Students are looking at them because they move at the same time, they're mouths full of food. It's like they've known each other for years. "Could you please give me that?" She asks Desmond, and he gives him the beef steak immediately. "Shenks!" She said while her mouth was full, they both looked together when Janice came to the scene. "Wow, look at these two! Best buddies  huh?" Janice smirks and laughs together with her minions, Katara just ignores him. "Do you know her?" Desmond whispered. "No…" She whispered back, Janice saw them whispering to each other. Desmond looked at her from head to toe and continued to eat. "You both look together, both losers. Hahahahahahahahaha." Janice insults, Katara imitates the way she laughs. 
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Chapter: 17
Deimos stays at Katara's side for the whole night and unexpectedly he falls asleep while being just by her side, and two days later she is still not awake from sleeping. The game is starting soon, everything is already set up. He told his brother Desmond about what happened to her, even though he didn't want her to participate in the game he couldn't just decide for her. He already offered help and she declined it, and that means she really wants to participate. It seems like she had a goal. When Professor Alan asks for her presence Desmond already told him that she is training by herself, it's not a big deal. No one should know that she's staying inside his room, it would be controversial especially since she's also part of the selection. If everyone knows, she might really end up marrying him and he can't let that happen. It's not that he didn't want to marry her, but this selection is already an economic proposition. He can't marry her if
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Chapter: 18
Katara's stomach suddenly growls, they both stunned and then look at each other in the mirror and laugh. "You've been sleeping for two days, no wonder you're already starving." Deimos stated, Katara agrees. "I miss twelve meals." Only Katara says, they both laugh again. "Then I'll send some food here." "No need, I'll just walk to the banquet hall. Thank you." Katara refuse, they look to each other for a second before Deimos speak "No, I mean…" Katara waited for the prince to finish his words. "I wanted to eat with you, so stay here until the food is ready. Then I'll call Evans…" Katara nodded, she saw the crown prince's red ear and then quickly left the room and glanced at her for three times before finally leaving. She put her lips together, and continued to change. She didn't know that the prince was this honest, she couldn't help but to grin.
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Chapter: 19
The banquet hall was buzzing, every house was here, that's why. While other students are busy chatting, Katara is busy eating. Personally, the Principal calls every student, Dianna says he was going to wish good luck and bless every game participant. This happens every year, as tastes the tasty meat she eats she can't help but eat more. She knows that she shouldn't act this way, she should be elegant but she can't besides. Ms. Ramos is not watching, she'll just need to hide how she eats.  "Are you really going to participate?" Celina asks Katara for the tenth time, she really looks so worried. Katara nodded again, while her mouth was full. She chew her food and then swallowed it before she spoke. "Yes, I won't change my mind, so don't worry anymore," Katara answered. "I know, but still…" Katara chuckles and puts some meat at Celina in her mouth carefully. Celina accepted it and then chewed her food.
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Chapter: 20
Every human being desired to survive, to be a champion, to be on the top. World should be in peace, the place with no discrimination, no woman gets harm by walking on the street alone, questioning what she can do, man get rape, or thieves who stole and kills. But sadly, even in this world none of that exists.    Because every person is unique. They think, desire, and need to survive. Since she was young, she's prone to the words that survive for the most. But she's aware that once you taste a victory, you'll find it more. You'll crave it for more, once you taste the word supremacy you will do everything just to be above in all.    The crowd's voices remain echoing in the whole arena, Katara can't even hear her own heart beat. As they continue, a portal appears and one by one they enter.    Before she steps in, she takes a deep br
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