Semua Bab Pure Blood: Bab 41 - Bab 50
245 Bab
Chapter 9.4 - Abnormal
Diana fell asleep in the same position as before. Tonight she was too tired even just to leave the room her body felt heavy. Meanwhile, Albert was in the kitchen tidying things up."I didn't even think this day would come. The day I would clean up this kitchen and cook for humans," he said.Al cleaned the kitchen and all the things that were there. Organizing the groceries he had bought on the shelves in the cabinet, he also planned to cook the ingredients he had previously bought."But still I don't like her existence," he mumbled as he cut up the ingredients.Rai's arrival in the kitchen surprised Al. "Your Majesty!" shouted Al.Rai looked at him strangely and sat on the chair, "Are there other vampires here? Where is your impoliteness?""No, I was just surprised to see you come.""Why? I can't come here? It's still part of my castle."Al just sighed and continued chopping the ingredients."I didn't think this kitchen
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Chapter 10.1 - Sweet Scene
"Lily of the Valley is not a flower you can find in a forest like this. They grow around the valleys, especially the mountain valleys." Kevin muttered."If this is not the flower, then there is no mistake, it is food. Moreover—" he took another deep breath, "—this is the smell of a woman who is still a virgin.""But it's close to the Haltz border. One misstep and my history are finished.""Ah! F*** with all of this! This smell is very tempting, and I'm already very hungry!!" Kevin raved at length.He then steadies his steps towards the big tree in front of him. However, Kevin was immediately surprised by what he saw. "My food... Spilled..." he said. *** A woman lay weakly on the backside of this huge pine tree. She was wearing a pretty simple white dress, but the bloodstains on her belly stained the dress, turning her dress into red color.Her feet looked dirty because she wasn't wearing any foo
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Chapter 10.2 - Sweet Scene
Kevin then grabbed this woman's body and carried her in bridal style. He held her very tightly so she wouldn't fall. With every step he took, he always said, "I will stop everything. He and this madness must end."A strong gust of wind did not prevent the woman who was in between conscious and unconscious from hearing what Kevin said. With her eyes still closed, she kept hearing this vampire talking irrational things."S***! But is this going to work? He's not an easy vampire to deal with! If I don't do something now, I'll be a slave forever. Akh! D***! D***! Why is my life like this!" Kevin cursed continuously."Do what you think is good," she whispered.Ssrrkk...Kevin stopped his steps after he almost hit a tree because he heard this woman's sudden speech. He looked directly at the woman who hadn't even opened her eyes yet."Almost..." then sighed, "Hey... You're still conscious?""If you don't like it then don't
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Chapter 10.3 - Sweet Scene
"... Beautiful," Kevin said without realizing it."Isn't that right? I told you it's beautiful.""It's not the snow. But your smile... it's so pretty.""Are you delusional from hunger?" the woman asked in surprise.Without a word Kevin leaned forward and kissed the woman's lips, making her instantly speechless. This woman was still silent when Kevin broke the kiss."Sorry if this hurts, but I'll make you mine, Pine," he said and buried his sharp fangs into Pine's neck."Pine...?" the woman muttered as she tightened her grip on Kevin's back.After this bite, the woman who was now called Pine by Kevin slumped weakly. She fell unconscious. Kevin stared at Pine's face without even blinking."S***! I wouldn't even know if I'd fall in love with a human. What's more, save her and bring her to my castle," then he gently stroked Pine's face."Sorry, but you will never return to the human world. You will stay here with me, without
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Chapter 10.4 - Sweet Scene
"Mmm... mmm..." Rai stuttered in response."Are you cooking?""No. Al made it. I was just looking," he replied quickly.Diana approached the pot and saw what was in it. "Cream soup? It's made by Al? So vampires can cook too?" he thought."Where is he?" Diana asks about Al's whereabouts."I do not know."Diana frowned, "He cooked for me didn't he?" and Ray nodded."You're not going to eat this are you?" she asked again afraid that in her hunger she has to share her food with other creatures.Fortunately, Rai nodded again, meaning he will not eat this food. Diana smiled faintly and went straight to the cabinet for a bowl and spoon. Before taking what was in the pot, she first tried the soup."Bland," she thought.After giving enough salt, Diana then spooned this soup into her bowl. "Would you like to try it?" she turned to offer this to Rai, of course just politeness of her, but that vampire had di
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Chapter 11.1 - Rebel
Benedict walked into an old building alone. There stood a man who had been waiting for him for a long time."You're late," the man said."I have some crumbs to clean up," Ben replied."How is the situation?""Not so bad, we can continue to exploit her.""And the other woman?""Ahh... her? I was thinking about what should I do with her. She already has nothing, not even for a heart," said Ben with a terrible smile."That woman who carries the heart, how are you going to find her?" this man asked."A smell.""Smell?""Just like her mother, she has the smell of Lily of the Valley." *** In a hurry, Julio ran to meet his master, Kevin. Julio had been waiting for the arrival of this vampire since yesterday. However, upon hearing that he had returned, Julio immediately wished his master had never returned. For him, this was a nightmare.Julio can barely breathe after confr
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Chapter 11.2 - Rebel
Julio shouting at him without stop, but Kevin didn't stop his walk or respond at all. He just kept walking very quickly to his room. Julio couldn't help but go after this vampire, he needed to explain things before things got any worse."Your Majesty!" cried Julio when he got to his master's room after he had caught up."Hmm..." Pine hissed at the noises that bothered his ears."Shh!" Kevin put his finger to his lips, "Don't make noise! Or you will die today!" he threatened.Glek!Julio swallowed. Both Haltz and Raltz, have vicious leaders. If Rai is a vampire full of charisma, then Kevin is a vampire full of recklessness. However, they are both equally vile leaders.Even though he doesn't have full power like Rai, Kevin's position cannot be ignored. The vampire's pure blood which was only thirty percent in his body made him even more aggressive than the Haltz Clan vampires. Making Kevin's carelessness a weapon that attacks the clan
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Chapter 11.3 - Rebel
Rai looks confused, "Empty? My mind is full right now," he replied.Al was even more surprised to hear, "What were you thinking to hit another creature for the first time?" he investigate."I'm confused.""Confused...?""What should I do?""Ha??" Al asked increasingly clueless. He gave up, "Never mind. I'll go back to the kitchen," he said, but Rai immediately grabbed his hand."Do not go there.""Why?" with knitted brows."She's eating.""Eating...? You mean the woman?" asked Al and Rai nodded in agreement."Then what's the problem? I'm cooking, Your Majesty," he replied emphatically and then released Rai's hand."You told me to finish it. How come you want to cook now? Why are you being wishy-washy?"Al sighed "From the start, it was my cooking. I'm not sure you can finish it, all you can do is poison it. I don't want to be a part of her death," and Al insisted on leaving.But Rai took his h
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Chapter 11.4 - Rebel
"Are you coming?" asked Al to Rai."Should I?""Even though you're not part of Harawaltz, you still have your influence. After all, there's a wedding invitation, you can use that excuse."Rai propped his chin and looked straight at him, "Why is it that since the arrival of that woman, everything has become so tense?""She didn't come but I brought her to be your food.""I knew. Then what's your problem?"Al clenched his fists and approached Rai's seat on the throne, "That woman is like leftovers. You have to finish her or throw her away before her rot.""She's alive, how can she rot?"Al sighed and took a step back, "You'd better make it clear to her identity in this castle as well as the Haltz Clan. All the vampires have been talking about it, they don't understand why there are humans who roam freely and even interact closely with the main families of the Haltz Clan.""As you said, you can tell them that I am unfinishe
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Chapter 12.1 - You Will Know Me
Julio looked at Kevin in confusion and started to ask, "She doesn't remember her name, where she lives, or even her family?" and Kevin nodded following the end of this question."Then Your Majesty plans to make her Queen Raltz even when she doesn't even know who she is?" asked Julio."Actually who is the leader here? Why are you so bold of forbidding me to do this and that?" Kevin was irritated by his right hand, Julio."Yes, that's right!" Julio shouted. "I forbid it! It's not just about a woman or a man. But it's a matter of who will be the Queen! You can't be this reckless in deciding everything!""Woman or man? So it doesn't matter to you if your Queen is a man?""Don't change the subject, Your Majesty. You know that's not what I mean. The problem here is you and that human. H-u-m-a-n!""Watch your mouth, you're just a right-hand man. I am the leader here!"Instead of being afraid, Julio grew bolder. Because if not him, then who else will awaken his master from his non-sense? "For
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