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A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.-Dave Meurer _______________________________________Anastasia Today was the day I am going to marry a man   whom I never met.. How ironic, My mother always told me that marriage is the most important part of anyone's life. It not only united two people but two different families. But I was marrying to save my mother's precious save my mother's dream. I don't know who Xander Knight is, I just heard from my aunt that he is a ruthless and arrogant billionaire, who also has a girlfriend outside. She told, so ill about him that my heart was a little scared to marry Xander. But I am ready..I am ready to sacrifice myself for the sake of my mother's last love..I am ready to sacrifice myself to save my mother's shop. M
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A new beginning of the journey with new the toughest one...__________________________________________The ride towards the home was silent. Xander left me in between the aisle for his important business meetings, maybe  marriage for him was  less important than his million dollar deals, it was a big thing for me..a new change in my life. A new beginning of a journey with the unknown man..with an unknown family...with an unknown surrounding. “Madam we have arrived,” The driver informed and we arrived at the gate of his big...luxurious mansion,The gate was opened by the watchmen, bowing his head. I look here and there with curiosity in my eyes. I was in awe with the beauty of the mansion, it looks like a beautiful mysterious castle with a hidden princess inside. The mansion's boundary was covered with beautiful flowers and trees. Not only this but there was a big fountain at the entrance of the mansion. Dr
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Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret.AMBROSE BRIERCE___________________________________________________I was dreaming about my childhood days, when my father was holding my mother's hand, she was smiling looking at him, I was playing with my brother, who  was teasing me, holding my two cute little braids. I was shouting at him, To stop teasing me but he was still doing it.  I was complaining about him to my parents and Then he threw water on my face.  I ran towards him, shouting his name and my parents were laughing, looking at us.  I also laughed hard, throwing bucket on my brother's faceI laughed hard, and didn't wake up from a beautiful dream...but suddenly I felt droplets of water splashed on my face. But why do I  feel wet? I touched my clothes, they were indeed wet."What the hell are you doing on my bed who the fuck allowed to sleep here?"  someone roared, near
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 Some things are meant to kept secret___________________________________________________I open my eyes at 6:30, it's my morning routine to wake up early in the morning, rubbing my eyes, I yawn then wash my face. After Going downstairs for making breakfast for my aunt, I was still rubbing my eyes and then suddenly  remember that now I am married   smashing my head, I giggled at myself  Stupid Ana,You are married now, Ohh!! I almost forgot,  I have to go back to university. I didn't inform my teacher about the reason behind my holidays so I wrote a letter and then wore black crop top and white jeans. I went downstairs. The maids were serving breakfast to xander  still that arrogant face. Actually, when was the last time he smiled?I want to ignore him but I have to ask him for the permission to go to the university Ahmm ahmm I coughed to gain h
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The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table...Unknown__________________________________________________I don't usually like to eat alone so I called the housekeeper to accompany me. Firstly she was not ready to share a meal with me because I am the madam of the house but I told her to treat me like her own child. She is a kind lady and her name is Mrs Steele. She has two granddaughters. It's a homely feeling to sit with her. She told me about her granddaughters, about her husband's death and it's really heart touching, a beautiful love story. A story everyone wants. Listening to her, talking to her, I feel so relieved. After we were together for hours, I went back to my room, changing my clothes, into loose pajamas and a t- shirt. Putting my parents photo  on the bedside table, and hugging my pillows, I switch off the lights and sleep, Next day, when I went downstairs, the housek
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The best things happened unexpectedly…Unknown ________________________________“Don't you dare to talk to me in that tone pumpkin” mom shouted at him and his eyes fell on me.“” “What am your mother and I can shout in front of your wife..also can call you pumpkin in front of Anastasia..“ She replied.“Okay leave this fight...and tell them the gift..we have prepared for them” Mr Knight Hushed her and she immediately became excited. "So xander, me and your dad have decided that..“ There was a pin drop silence for one second..and “As this is an arranged marriage, so... it's time for you to spend some quality time with your wife, " Mrs Xander excitedly said."but dad" Xander was about to say but "No buts...It's time for both of you to go to your honeymoon and spend some time alone with each other..." Mrs Xan
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One cannot plan for the unexpected_____________________________________________________After returning back to the home..he left for his office and I went back to my room..Mrs Steele and other maids kept all the bags in my room. Sitting on the balcony door and looking at the sky..I felt a relief..Closing my eyes I felt the air on my face...The silent air...Suddenly my phone rang and I got a call from Samar.He wants to meet me  at Nicholas cafe. The same cafe we spend our days...talking and laughing with each other.I informed Mrs Steele that I am going to meet my friend and  will come before lunch time. Wearing my blue jeans and a pink crop top, I braided my hair and  took my wallet with me.Going downstairs...bodyguards bowed their heads and I left the mansion, Booking a taxi. I reached the Nicholas cafe on time  but was looking for Samar but he wasn't here... I wante
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Truth can be manipulated but can't be hidden.______________________________________________________After discharging..Mom dad takes Sterling with them..and Xander takes me back to the mansion. He didn't talk in between and neither did I...but I still glanced at his face..he was still looking handsome as ever..but his face was still a deadpan. After coming back to the mansion..he left me and I went back to my room. Laying on the bed, I closed my eyes and let the dream overpower me. Next day, Sterling came to the mansion  to help me in packing some clothes for the honeymoon. I was so grateful to her. She is so cute and unlike her brother, had an ability to speak continuously. Her presence makes everyone laugh, which is a rare trait. Not only this, she bought so many things for me.At first I didn't take her presents but she was so good at blackmailing that at last I  lost...lost from her.&n
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Every time is special when I am with you________________________________________________ I woke up at 6, quickly washed my face, and took my luggage with me downstairs. Mrs Steele smiled and was coming towards me to help with my luggage but was stopped by Mr Arrogant man.  Xander came with his bodyguards handling his luggage and looking at me. "She can handle her luggage you don't need to do it" he ordered with a cold tone and left. Giving an apologetic smile to Mrs Stelle, I ran with my luggage towards the car. I  gave my luggage  to the bodyguards and they  put my  luggage in the car.  I opened the car door and take a seat next to him.   He was attending his business calls,  and I was looking outside, enjoying the view, but suddenly driver takes a U turn and I fall on Xander.  His eyes fell on me, and I  could see anger in his eyes. I immediately apologized to him with a "sorry". He shook his head and st
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Feeling blossoms....Love conquers inside your heart._________________________________________________ I gritted my teeth and immediately called Sterling. “Hello”  “Did you pack these clothes?“ I asked. “Ohh..Anastasia..I did..enjoy your is calling me and don't forget to wear those brother would love you them” She shouted and cut the call. I was dumbfounded..and looked at my phone.   At last, I chose the less revealing clothes  and hurriedly went inside the bathroom.  Switching on the Cold water, I closed my eyes..cold water dripping over my body, it makes me relaxed..all tension..worries were all  vanished.  I take soap and lothe all over my body. After cleaning myself, I  wrap myself in a towel and check if Xander is  in the room or not.  Ohh he is not, I took a step and went inside the bedroom,
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