Semua Bab Operation Date The Playboy: Bab 11 - Bab 20
55 Bab
** ZACH's POV **     What time is it? I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes and shut it the moment sunlight touched them. Immediately, I covered my head with a pillow trying to fight the massive headache I was having. I sat on bed scratching my head trying to piece together what went down yesterday. Images flashed in my head. The time I spent with Tori, the boys, Chloe... how did I end up in bed anyway? I reached for the clock. It was already half past ten in the morning. Damn it! I missed two classes! I quickly stood up from bed. As I was heading to the door to look for Boris, I suddenly felt a massive headache. "Fuck!" My cursed as I held my head with both hands. "Care for a glass of milk sir?" Boris came out of nowhere with a glass of milk in his hand. "Boris! Thank God! Give me that!" I finished the whole glass in one gulp. A
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* TORI'S POV *     I was never much of a party girl. The loud music, overcrowded clubs, awkward conversations, it just wasn't my thing. Yet, here I am looking for something to wear to Zach's party, or rather Zach's friend's party. I kept on scanning my closet for clothes and I just couldn't find anything or maybe I just didn't know what to wear. Chloe would always receive invitations to parties. Since I'm always with her, I'd also be invited but I always make up excuses not to go. "I give up!" I said in frustration. I walked out of my closet and jumped on my bed landing on my back. What are you planning Zach? Does he plan on making me jealous again? I thought of the time he introduced me to Samantha. That's just stupid. He wouldn't do the same thing twice. Unless... I had the worst realization of the situation at the party. I im
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TORI'S POV *     "Zach, I..." I was surprised at what he did. I looked at his face. I was so close to him I couldn't help but blush a little. 'Stop it! Use your brain silly!' I scolded myself and avoided eye contact with him. This is actually the first time I saw him in casual clothes. He was just wearing a polo shirt and simple pants but the way he looked right now is simply awesome. He wasn't trying hard to be the hot guy in the party but I had to admit, he really looks good and hot! "Are you blushing?" He asked giving me a smile. "No! It's just... I'm kinda embarrassed with all these people staring at me." "No worries, you'll be fine. Besides, everyone knows you're with me now." He moved his face close to mine and put his hands gently on my cheeks. I couldn't take my eyes off him. "See what I'm doing? You
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* ZACH'S POV **     "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Tori hurriedly stood up and walked away. "Cute girlfriend, Zach." James said with a grin. "Lucas? Seriously?" I asked him directly. "What about it?" He answered as if it didn't matter. "Let's not play games, James." "It's been my name for as long as I remember, what's the big deal?" He said with a snicker. "You told me before you didn't like that name." I stated firmly. "I didn't mean that. I kinda like it." James said sipping from his drink. "Don't you think it's kinda stupid of you to give out your real name to some stranger you just met?" I said in frustration. "She's not a stranger. She's your girlfriend." He emphasized. "You just knew that." He's really trying
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** TORI'S POV ** James' party was kicking off. A lot of people were dancing, drinking, and laughing their socks off unlike earlier. I could tell they're having a blast. The place is more crowded now. As I made my way through the sea of people, I thought of the things James said to me. I just don't get him! I went to Zach as I saw him sitting alone. "You alright? Who was it?" Zach asked the moment I sat at our booth. "I'm fine. Sonia was just wondering how I'll get home." I said sipping from my drink. "You didn't tell her I'd take care of it?" "About that... she's not very fond of you." "I can see that. Anyway, you and James had fun?" He inquired with a smirk. "He actually apologized. We're cool now, I guess." "Well that's good to hear." He said finishing his glass. "Where is he anyway?" "He said h
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** TORI's POV**     "Looks like someone had a pretty good time." Zach said coldly. We were halfway to my place when he finally broke the ice. All this time from the moment I entered his car, we were so quiet. I could see it in his face that he's not in a speaking mood. I guess I was wrong. "Yeah. It was fun." I looked at him and smiled sincerely. "I know. So, what do we think of James?" He asked abruptly. Of course I expected him to ask me about his friend since James is the reason we went there. But I was surprised that he's so straight to the point regarding this topic. "He's pretty cool. Funny, a bit of a jackass --" "--you like him?" Zach cuts me off. "What? No, of course not." I chuckled. "Of course you don't." He said in a sarcastic tone and then he continued. "You two were hitting
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* ZACH's POV *     "What's that noise?" I groaned. I slowly opened my eyes and saw people in lab coats and scrubs walking everywhere. I tried lifting my head but stopped as soon as I felt it hurt like hell. "Aaaaggh!" I cursed and I lifted my hands to my head. What the hell is this? "Please lie down." The woman in the scrubs ordered. "What's happening?" I wondered. "You just came from CT scan, dear. I'm Nurse Jackie. Please try to rest. It'll only get worse if you don't." She tucked me in and left in a hurry probably to attend to other people. "Wait... What's a CT? Where..." I tried calling the nurse back but she just closed the curtain on me. I could hear people screaming around. I just ignored them, lay down and stared at the ceiling trying to recall what happened. Great. Just great. M
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** ZACH'S POV **     After everything that happened last night, it's finally a new day. My head still hurts a little from the accident and I'm hungry. I got up from bed, turned on the media player in my room and started doing push-ups just to make sure I'm in good condition. The song, Keep Your Head Up is playing. Other than the mild headache, I feel normal as if nothing happened. I stopped at twenty and headed to the bathroom to wash up. I was whistling the whole time inside the shower. I've never felt so refreshed after a bath. It was already past one in the afternoon on a Sunday. Walking my way to the kitchen, I heard people talking and something smelled delicious. Boris is cooking something and Tori is sitting at a stool by the kitchen counter. "Please don't tell me you're a morning person." I said out loud. 
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** TORI's POV **      "Here you go." Nathan handed me his jacket the moment I came into the passenger's seat. I took it and thanked him.  It's the small things like these that make me like Nathan. He's exactly the complete opposite of some self-centered jerk that I need not mention. "What brings you to this side of town?" I looked at him and waited patiently for his answer.  "I know you have a lot of questions but I have to drop you off at your place first. Sonia's looking for you." He told me, his eyes still on the road.  The whole ride is silent. It wasn't uncomfortable silence, I just felt secure. He is so concentrated on the road. The rain had stopped now and sun is starting to shine up again.  I suddenly felt different. It's been a while since I'm with Nathan. I'm kinda used to being with Zach where he never fails to sh
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** TORI's POV **    "Start talking." Zach ordered the moment we entered the empty room. It's the same room I confessed to him. I'm still kinda wondering if we were still together.  I had no idea how to start this conversation. I don't even know why I followed him in the first place. I could feel the tension in the air, speechless.  I continued walking forward away from him. Zach just followed me from behind. Then I decided to lean on the teacher's desk with him in front of me. He sat on an armchair not too far from me.  "So?" He started. "What do you want to know?" I asked bravely. He ran his fingers to his hair and looked at me.  "You don't get to ask, Peige." He smirked and then he continued. "So that was the reason why you never bothered to call or send messages."  "Since when did
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