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The Attack.
Luciana POVIt seemed Simon doesn't remember me .He doesn't know I'm a Galterio , I guess that's a good thing though.When I saw him at the Park yesterday , I felt this weird feeling , like butterflies in my tommy.I just hope it's not what I think it is ... I can't fall for Simon.I shook my head trying to get rid of the thoughts.Then I saw Theodore walking towards Noni's room , he looked angry... I decided to follow him."Noni , why did you take away the Romanos mansion?" I heard him ask before I entered."The Romanos mansion?" I questioned as I stepped into the room."It was never part of our plan , there are innocent people living there too." Theo said."None of the Romanos are innocent, don't be deceived!." She scowled."Moreover , you have no right questioning my actions." She added.I felt my blood boil."Yes , we do ... Especially when you are doing something that isn't fair." I chided."I don't have to explain myself to you." She snapped walking out of the room."Everyth
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Blinded by hate.
Theodore POVAfter making sure Aria was okay , I called Pancho and told him what happened.He insisted that he was coming over with some men to pick us up , I agreed ... it would be better to just return to the mansion , at least for now.I looked at Aria , she was still shaking , she must have had a fright.I squatted in front of her and took her hands in mine.“Hey , it’s okay ... we are okay.” I reassured and kissed her knuckles.“Can ... we ... go back to the mansion?” She asked shakily.I nodded.Pancho and the men arrived , with their guns fully loaded , Incase of another attack.We arrived at the mansion , it was late midnight already but Noni and everyone else were still awake , I guess they are worried , Pancho must have told them.“Nipote!” Noni cried out immediately she saw me and ran to embrace me.“Are you okay , are you hurt?” She asked worriedly.“I’m fine Noni , we are fine.” I replied soothingly in order to calm her down.“I knew you shouldn’t have left , it’s too ris
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Bitter Truth
Madam Alexandra POVI have to find a way to make Theodore believe it was the Romanos that was behind the attack.“Yes , Madam Alexandra doesn’t suspect a thing.” I stopped when i heard someone whispering , I walked closer and saw Greta , the new maid Esma brought to me some months back.I have been suspicious of her lately , especially when I caught her in my room , she claimed she was cleaning , but I didn’t believe her.I hid behind the wall and listened closely to her conversation.“Yes Ma’am Celine , I will make sure to report back to you if there’s any news." She said.So she is a spy for the Romanos?She ended the call and walked out .Her face turned white when she saw me.“You ungrateful thing , after employing you , you still have the guts to betray me.” I spat.She immediately fell to her knees with pleads.“I’m..I’m sorry Ma’am.” She stuttered.“Who sent you , tell me!.” I yelled.“Mrs ..Celine..Romano.” She trembled.“How long has this been going on!” I demanded , she ke
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Her Scheme
Aria POV I woke up to the scent of flowers.I slowly opened my eyes to see Theo with a bouquet of fresh roses .“Good morning Beautiful.” He greeted with a smile handing me the flowers.I blushed and collected them.“To what do I owe this lovely gesture?” I smiled.“Beautiful flowers like this belongs to a beautiful woman like you.” He commented staring intensely at me.I blushed deeper , I can’t help it.“I fear You are becoming too soft Mr Galterio .” I joked.“Well , I’m only like this to you . you are very lucky you get to see this side of me Pumpkin.” He teased.I laughed , “Pumpkin?.” He scratched his beard nervously , “too cheesy?.”I smiled , “I love anything you call me.”He leaned and gave a peck on my lips .“Aren’t you angry about yesterday ... because of Simon?..” I asked as I played with the hem of my gown.He raised my face up with his index finger , “it’s quite the opposite Princess , I’m exhilarated ... you declared your feelings for me in front of everyone , I was
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Theodore POVI grabbed my suit Jacket and walked out of my room.Aria door was slightly open , I checked but she wasn’t in.“Theo?” I heard her soft voice , I turned around ... she held a cup of coffee in her hands.“Good morning.” I greeted with a smile.“Morning ... you are heading out?” She asked , seeing as I was dressed.I nodded , “yes , I have a meeting.” “Oh.” She mouthed.I walked closer to her and played with her hair .“Don’t miss me too much.” I teased.She glared playfully , I chuckled.Then Pancho approached us ,“Hey... leaving without me?” He whined.I groaned and facepalmed myself ,“God... I can’t believe you are just waking up.”He smiled sheepishly ,“I thought the meeting was in the afternoon.”I shook my head , “just meet me in the office.”I kissed Aria and left to my car.Noni walked towards me , “Theodore , you are leaving already?” I nodded.“Why don’t you take one or two men along? , since Pancho isn’t going with you.” She suggested worriedly.“There’s n
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Alexandra POVI paced around angrily.I can’t believe my plan to implicate Hernando didn’t work.Well , there’s nothing that can be done.moreover , Theodore believes the Romano are responsible for the first attack on the house.It’s time to carry out my next move.“Rocco!” I called out.He ran over immediately.“Is Theodore home?” I asked .“No ma’am , he left with Pancho this morning.” He replied.“Good. Gather the men , we are going to attack the Romano mansion.”“But Ma’am , Theodore isn’t aware of this.” He argued.“If I give you an order , you do it ... don’t question me.” I barked.“Yes ma’am.” He hurried away.The men were ready with their guns.They all assembled before me at the Veranda.I stood up , “we are going to catch them off guard ... fire at the house from a distance to make it seem like an attack , am I clear?” I instructed.I turned around to see Mother Esma and Aria , they both looked confused at the scene.I smiled smugly at Aria ,“You didn’t really think i woul
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Celine POVSerena Handed me a cup of water.“Try to relax ma’am.” She said.“How can I relax? , Giovanni almost got himself killed!.” I stressed.“I know , but it’s still important you calm down ... for your health and that of the baby.” She added.I touched my belly and smiled.When I discovered I was Pregnant , joy filled my soul.After i had Martina , We waited for a long time before we had Paola.I had series of miscarriage which made childbearing difficult , but we eventually had little Paolita.But I really want a male child because Giovanni is ready to make Simon the heir over everything and I can’t allow that.If I can give birth to a boy , I’m sure his mind would change.I rubbed my belly again and muttered,“I love you son.”Then Giovanni walked in looking all sober , he squatted in front of me and kissed my hands.“I’m sorry you were stressed today.” He apologised.“You were ready to die without even considering any of us.” I chided.“I’m really sorry.” He said again and t
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An unknown enemy.
Theodore POVIt's almost midnight now.I couldn’t sleep, I called the Police department to confirm if there was any progress with their search but still nothing.I ran my hands through my hair.Then Noni walked in.“Theodore?.” She called gently.I kept mute and turned the other way backing her.“Grandson, please let’s talk... I know you are angry with me, even though I don’t understand why.You have always planned to attack the Romanos and I tried to do that but you stopped me.” She grumbled.“Did you even consider they are innocent people in that house?.” I asked in disbelief.“You didn’t care about that before, Aria has really messed up with your mind.” She rolled her eyes.I sprang up angrily, “This isn’t about Aria!... It’s about you and what you are hiding from me.” “What are you talking about?” She eyed me.“What other enemies do we have apart from the Romano?... I keep asking but you always deny it.First I was attacked, now Aria was kidnapped!, who is behind all this!.” I ye
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Is He Really Leaving?.
Alexandra POVAria keeps messing up my plans.Though I wonder who was behind her kidnap, is there another person plotting against me?I paced around in thoughts.But That isn’t my problem now, I don’t think I have the upper hand on Theodore anymore and it’s all because of Aria.If she’s gone, he would turn to me fully.I sat on my bed as I played with the rosary.That Simon was crazy in love with Aria, he still is.He can be useful in helping me get rid of her.Though it will be impossible for Aria to be with Simon but all I need to do is prove to Theodore that Aria is planning on leaving him.With enough proof, their relationship will be shaken.Theodore is a Possessive man, he doesn’t even want to see Simon around Aria, so the thought of her leaving would really provoke him.I walked outside my room and called out for Rocco.“Yes ma’am.” He approached me immediately.“Tell your men to confirm the location of Simon Romano.” I instructed.After few minutes, he returned with feedback.
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Her Deceit.
Simon POVAfter meeting with Alexandra, I thought about what she said carefully.I would want nothing else than for Aria to come with me but it’s time for me to stop deceiving myself.It’s so evident that Aria loves Theodore with all her heart.I will always love her but the best I can do now is just protect her, especially from Alexandra.Alexandra thinks she’s got me on her side, and that’s exactly what I need.So I have decided to tell Theodore about his Grandmother’s plan.What I’m about to do is really hard for me, but for Aria’s sake.I stepped out of my car and walked over to him.He had the usual scowl on his face directed towards me.“Why did you request to meet?.” He asked coldly.I placed my hands in my pants pocket and stood uprightly,“I don’t care about you and as much as I detest you, Aria is someone we both care about and I intend to protect her anyway I can, that’s why you need to know what your grandmother is up to.” He cringed his forehead in confusion,“What are y
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