Semua Bab Aline's Choice: Bab 31 - Bab 40
52 Bab
31. Others
-Aline- The feeling of raw terror I felt of being watched - stalked- in the woods has me trembling as I make my way to Mei’s room. I enter just in time to witness the happy couple engaged in one of their lovelorn video chats. Talu’s on-screen with his guitar, insert eye roll here, and Mei’s making cow eyes at him as he serenades her. It is a vomit-inducing scene, especially for someone as love-deprived as me. But this isn't the reason I elbow Mei away from the screen and move to take her place. I stare into the camera, holding onto Talu’s glare with one of my own a little longer than normal. He seems to catch on to my unspoken message: Contact me later. For good measure, I snarl into the camera and make my own gruff goodbye. I hit the end call button before Mei can get back on. She shouts at me, with her hands on her hips, but I don’t hear her. I am simply relieved she blocks the door since it’s my only way out. "And to think I was going to warn you about Stefan being back to visit
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32. Unexpected Heat
-Aline-If I were normal, he would have knocked the breath out of me.Instead, the ferocity of his desire inflames mine for him. My inability to give or refuse consent ignites my anger. I still hate him, I still hate this. But I can't seem to stop myself. This is not what I imagined imprinting would feel like. God, please don't let this be an imprint. If it is, this is exactly what Jian described imprinting to be. Lust, plain and simple.Desperately, I reach out for memories of Jian, but the nearness of Stefan and his freakish ability is to wipe my mind clear, neutralize my obstinate efforts to steel myself against this nightmarish obsession for him. I want to sob.A smoldering hunger sets his eyes ablaze, but to my surprise, he pulls away in what I can only guess is shock at discovering my mind’s unmitigated refusal of him and his advances. I glimpse despair in the verdant depths of his gaze.This unexpected confusion and empathy for my plight have him recoiling. When he pulls away,
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33. Secrets
-Talu- For the first time since Aline answered the phone, I truly listen to her. She sounds... scared. The vibe I'm getting off of her is definitely fear. Aline is not afraid of anything and knowing this makes my hot blood run cold. I called ready for a fight, ready to yell at her for interrupting my time with Mei, but find myself truly concerned for my... friend? Weird. I process the labeling of our relationship at lightning speed. In this space of time, I hear Aline’s muffled, pained mewling, trying to hide her crying from me. On a sigh, I decide, yes, she's my friend. "Aline, hey, girlie-wolf, what's wrong?" My tone is unusually gentle with her, using my regular taunt as an endearment tonight. The unfamiliarity of my kindness toward her seems to unravel Aline’s already tenuous control over her distress. "The girl next door, she... she pulled my hair and threw me out of the house." The whining little girl voice Aline adopts sets my teeth on edge. She's losing it, I think. Th
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34. Meanwhile...
-Felicia (Stefan's twin)- I'm pacing. I hate pacing. It's so human. And I am not human. The compulsion to walk back and forth in a confined space emphasizes my lack of control over the situation my idiot brother just placed us in. I despise being out of control. I force myself to a standstill. Clasping my hands, I shut my eyes and attempt to take deep, cleansing breaths. My skepticism of the practice fades with the return of my sanity. My jaw clenches when I, at last turn toward my brother and send him an infuriated glare. The words tripping out of my mouth are ancient, angry, and cutting, reminding Stefan that he does not have the luxury to indulge in such lewd human desires. Inability to satisfy his sexual urges is central to the curse under which we exist. Attempting to satisfy his masculine needs results in the worst mental and physical punishments. And he is not alone in his suffering. I refuse to be punished along with him, not again. Curse the gods! Rather curse that vengefu
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35. Telling Lance
-Aline-Thick fog, named Karl by us San Franciscans, surrounds me in chilly dampness as I fidget on Lance’s porch, still unsure of what I should say to him. Mei and I got home about a week and a half ago. I know she's out there, somewhere, snuggling with Talu. The thought brings a scowl to my lips. I want to be somewhere like that with someone I adore. Despite my want, I am happy that Jian is not home for the holidays. My life is beyond insane.After having put off the chore for days, I'm at last here. It’s the last place I want to be. Staring at the front door, I practice what I mean to say to him for the millionth time.What is it with me and standing on porches, anyway?! OK, Aline, focus! I scold myself. Let's see. What to say, what to say...How about, So, um, hi, Lance. Long time. Yeah, I totally went AWOL on you guys to pursue a frivolous career far, far, far away. But I'm back to tell you, there's something out there that's way scarier than vampires and werewolves. Yeah... And
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36. Alpha Command
-Talu- The summoning Alpha Command I knew would come since Aline and Mei’s return reaches me when I least expect it. Mei and her dad left an hour ago to go pick up their Christmas tree. My Ba is dozing in front of the T.V. I sit cross-legged on the floor, trying to wrap some recently purchased gifts. It’s not going well. Even though I'm failing spectacularly, I simply don't want to meet the pack. I know Lance will make me pay for failing to warn him about Aline's situation — if he discovers I already know about it. Damn, Aline! Crap. I should have broken my promise to her about keeping the guy a secret. I also don't want to shift. The internal alpha command turns into an insistent howl in my head and I can no longer pretend to ignore it. Fine. Damn it! Fine! I toss the colorful Christmas ribbons aside, tug off my shirt, hang it on the back of my chair, kick off my shoes and socks, and run out the door. Lance calls us to gather in the darkest wooded area of the park next to Lanc
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37. Talu & Mei
-Talu- December 30, on an airplane... __________________________________________________________________ "I don't even know if he's there with his sister, Talu." Aline frets, bouncing her leg beside me where we’re crammed in coach. I grip the armrests, my irritation heightening. I hate these flying sardine cans. I'm barely able to fold into my seat without banging my head and knees. She comes up with this only now? “Aline, you couldn't have thought to tell this to Lance before he bought the plane tickets?" I narrow my eyes and snarl grumpily at my teary-eyed seatmate. Her sudden show of emotions makes me surly. "Stop with the waterworks." She bites back a small, soft sob, and I roll my eyes. So fucking dramatic! Lance’s Alpha Command requires that I escort Aline back to her apartment in Syracuse and cuts short the already rare days I have to spend with Mei. And once I get there, what am I supposed to do, exactly? Protect her—Aline?! The toughest wolf in the pack? Am I suppos
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38. Out of Sorts
-Stefan- A feeling of rightness floods my system when I step inside Mei’s garland bedecked home. I know taking the time to visit her father, Dr.Yee, during this holiday to discuss my work is the next step to breaking the curse. Two days ago, I discovered that Mei’s San Francisco home is close to the assigned dig site in Golden Gate Park. Further, making Dr. Yee’s acquaintance will help speed up my connections with the right people for this unexpected excavation work. One of his colleagues, Angela, a fossil preparator at the California Academy of Sciences, was particularly helpful in helping me locate the Yee family’s home. Angela occasionally works with Mei’s dad and mentioned she and Mei are friends. As soon as I asked her where I could find her, the address I needed flashed in Angela’s mind. I caught it just as she told me she wasn't comfortable telling me without Mei’s consent. It was fairly easy to find the state historian’s house after that. Mei’s welcome is typical of her, al
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39. Crumpled Up Paper
-Talu-Day Two with Talu I watch Aline stretch backward, the front two legs of her chair in the air, a crumpled paper in her hand. She shoots the wad of paper toward the recycle bin. The makeshift ball bounces off the rim to land amongst a whole nest of similarly smashed paper projectiles.She mutters a curse and shakes her head, then turns back to her pen and paper."Do you always wear that shirt, Aline?" I’m walking past her, scratching my back, moving towards the kitchen. She makes a noncommittal noise through her nose. I smile and make a loud sniffing noise. "Stinks to high heaven."She narrows her eyes at me. I smirk."Sleep well, Beta?"She’s irritated, and this makes me grin. It was only fair that she is as put out as I am to be here with no imprint in sight.I wonder what's with the Beta, stuff. but I don't ask. It's fine because it sure beats her usual nickname for me - “dumbass.” The truth of it is, I actually had an awful time sleeping in Mei’s bed without her, but that's
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40. Long Distance Conversation
-Aline- I'm sitting on the porch gazing at the forest, thinking how much I enjoy the quiet here when Talu tumbles out into my space and interrupts my musings. I cast an annoyed glance his way, but don't say anything. Not that I'd admit it, but the last two days allowed me to appreciate having a friend like him. He seems to know just when to say stuff, enough to rattle my thinking, but not enough to make me crawl back into my well-worn armor of pissed-offedness. What is most pleasing is that he also seems to know just when to shut up. "Hey, Aline, want to go out for a run before I take off to the airport?" "As wolves?" I already know the answer, but I ask anyway. "Yeah, it's been a long time and you know we're far enough away. We won't hear the other guys. But you'll be inside my head." "Are you bothered by that?" Talu seems unperturbed that I’ll be inside his head. I look at him and find that, besides Jian, this is one pack brother with whom I'd trust with my life. So, yes. It
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