Semua Bab The Unknown Lycan Heir (The Lycan Trilogy: Book 1): Bab 31 - Bab 40
48 Bab
Chapter – 30
Raymond couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Humans were weird. He had earlier heard few guards talking about the human realm in the castle. His eyes followed their every move. While the Lycans stood with extreme tension this side, on the other side Alexa and her human family sat comfortably on the picnic chairs.The boys had brought something in big bowls, inside was white sand rock kind of things found on the shore side of Qlors Slopes back in the supernatural realm. Raymond wondered if they were eating sand rocks. He frowned when Quentin excitedly picked up a hand full off those white things and put it in his mouth chewing it noisily.The humans should cower at the sight of a deadly beast, especially someone like Antonio. Instead, they sat as if they were waiting to watch an entertainment. None showed even a hint of fear. Raymond had sniffed the air several times still nothing.As expected, Giselle had embraced her son the moment Mirunalini drew the
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Chapter – 31
Lucian gazed at the oncoming attack with no interest in indulging with him. He was tired of these Lycans who dare show up at his home and their constant need for showing power only annoyed him. Their aggression may work well in their Kingdom, but this right here was his territory and he would never tolerate someone who tried to rip the peaceful life he had here.He did not shift as he couldn’t risk hurting his father, even by accident. Lucian wanted to show him that his son was not weaker like he thought. He could choose his own mate. The love he developed for Alexa was not forced by anyone. He doesn’t remember when exactly that happened.Maybe it happened when he first met her, or maybe when she stood up for him, or because she was always there for him when he was ugly and unworthy. Her emotions for him never changed, not when he was that thin skinny boy, or not when he filled out and became stronger, or not when he changed into a terrifying beas
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Chapter – 32
Gretchen Wraith, the most feared witch in the supernatural realm watched the fight between Lucian and his father with a malicious glint on her face. The dark cauldron bubbled with a popping sound now and then, letting out dark smokes which swirled around her.She appeared more vicious than ever. The attack on the fire demon was unexpected. The knowledge of a Qistina being already mated to Lucian did not bode well for her. The reason she couldn’t find Lucian all this time became clear.He was being protected by a Qistina all this time and she had claimed him for herself. Her heart, soul, and body already belonged to Lucian. No wonder his beast was so strong when compared to that of his father or any Lycan.She must have an alternative plan. Getting Dominick mated to the girl was out of the question now and she thought of a way to break their bond. Anyway, she never intended Dominick to gain Qistina’s powers.A Qistina can only be kille
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Chapter – 33
Antonio paced the guest bedroom like a caged beast.I lost!My son defeated me.Shame poured out from him and his beast screeched, destroying the bedpost. His claws ripped the wood into shreds causing splinters to fly across the room.I had a reputation of being undefeatable. All lost.I should have fought till my death.Did I go easy on him because he was my son?However, there was no mistaking the dominant beast, and he witnessed Lucian shift into his enormous beast. Hell, he even smelled a warrior pee his pants at the sight of Lucian’s beast. Lucian might be strong, but he was not the King material and that mate of his was worthless.Lucian was soft and compassionate. A King should be ruthless and ready to kill to protect his people. Lucian did not even bother implementing any serious harm to his opponents. He shifted and showed dominance forcing them to submit.He sh
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Chapter – 34
Lucian stirred in his sleep. The temperature grew hot all of a sudden. His breathing grew harsher. It felt as if someone suffocated him. He woke up with a start and clutched his chest as an excruciating pain shot through his heart.“Lucian!” Alexa woke to hear Lucian’s painful grunts, screamed not understanding what was happening. “Dad!” Alexa shouted. "Mom!""Help!""Lucian!""Lucian! What happened?" She held him close as she couldn’t understand the reason for his sudden pain.An excruciating pain hit her chest as Lucian’s walls came crumbling down. She felt what he felt.“It hurts!” Lucian stated gasping for breath. Tears welled up in Alexa’s eyes as she watched Lucian tremble with pain. She felt only half of that pain and couldn’t imagine how he was coping.Victor rushed towards his daughter’s room when he heard her cry for help. &ldqu
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Chapter – 35
Alexa’s lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling as her parents cried over her ashen body. Blood pooled on the floor, soaking the carpet. Their helpless cries echoed through the walls.Abram couldn’t believe what happened. He blinked and shook his head, praying for this nightmare to an end. Nothing happened. I should have done something sooner. I should have fought for my sister.“Alexa!” Amanda wailed. “My baby… Come back.”“Please…”“Victor! I can’t see her like this. Do something. Oh, God!”Abram’s body shook as his mother’s cry infiltrated his numb senses. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his knees gave out. Beside him, Nate stared at Alexa with no emotion on his face.Nate had responded to Abram’s distrust call and arrived with his parents. The pain was too much to bear. They were sleeping when they heard the screams and now their daught
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Chapter – 36
He chased around a beautiful girl with chocolate brown eyes and brown hair through the woods. Her giggles were like chiming bells and his name on her lips felt so right. He caught her and pulled her flush her against his firm body. Her warm frame pressed against his as he ran his hands over her curves. Her body shuddered as he placed a kiss on the crook of her shoulder where it met her neck.His beast purred with delight when she ran her tiny hands tracing his muscles. The scent of gardenias surrounded them as he made love to her and everything felt perfect until the perfect scenery changed into a more horrifying one.They were surrounded by darkness and all he could smell was death and ashes. They were ripped apart by invisible hands as the girl screamed his name. His beast roared and snapped at the invisible force trying to get to the girl. His heart clenched in pain as the girl screamed for help.With
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Chapter – 37
Raymond closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his hands gripped the golden throne, relishing the way it felt. The huge throne swallowed his body, cushioning his back. He traced the red velvet as his lips curled up. How long had I craved for this day?With the Alpha King out of commission, it was his duty to lead the kingdom, and he just did that. Who would dare to ask me if I sit on the throne? I am their King now. He didn’t care if Lucian ever woke up. He’d find a suitable Lycan for his daughter and maybe bid Goodbye to the unconscious Lycan forever.His eyes rolled back into his skull as he inhaled the air with greed. He’d renovated the throne room with the interior he preferred. Raymond couldn’t thank Giselle enough for her sudden decision to break the bond with Antonio. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t be sitting on the throne.“Beta!”Raymond’s eyes snapped to the Lycan warr
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Chapter – 38
Alexa’s family including Arthur’s sat in their living room contemplating the situation. Alexa never came out of her room after Lucian’s disappearance and the family feared her occasional outburst.Their exams had started and Victor informed the university that, Lucian and Alexa were in a small accident. He also forwarded a fake medical certificate stating the same which made the university believe their claim.Alexa seemed fine around Abram and Nate. Now and then she placed her hand over their heart listening to their silent bond with Lucian. The boys were growing restless without Lucian and the Steller’s were clueless about what happened or how they could help their daughter.Inside the room, Alexa rubbed her chest for the millionth time to soothe the ache she felt in her heart. After all these years of living with Lucian, she couldn’t bear the emptiness she felt inside her heart. She let out a silent tear that soaked her already w
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Chapter – 39
Alexa dressed in black jean shorts and a red loose fitting t-shirt with a pair of comfortable sneakers and didn’t bother with anything else as she knew the boys would take care of it. She noticed Abram rummaging through her closet a few minutes back.When she went down, everyone was ready. Abram laughed at Victor for handing them a credit card. “Dad, I don’t think they will have any shops in hell,” Abram quipped earning a glare from Victor.“We packed clothes, water, food, rope and few other things we believed we will require and we sure as hell taking the extinguisher,” Nate intervened when Victor opened his mouth to speak.Amanda appeared crestfallen, but put a brave facade for others to see. Alexa hugged each family member, hoping this shouldn’t be the last time she saw them. She picked up a medium-sized backpack from Abram without a word and stepped out.“Can you fly?” The fire demon asked Alexa wh
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