Lahat ng Kabanata ng Blaze Within: Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
73 Kabanata
I stood watching him leave, completely thrown off by him. When I had first met him, he had nearly undressed me the first chance he got. And now he was asking if I wanted a drink? Men were fickle things. I wandered back into the condo and looked around the room. Various landscape photos hung on the wall. There was a bookshelf near the large screen television and I walked over, my fingers skimming over several classic books. I noticed a guitar sitting in a stand over in the corner and strolled over to it. I gently traced my fingers over the strings just as Alaric returned to the room. I turned around toward him as he walked in with two water bottles. “I got one for me, too,” he explained as he held one out to me. “Do you play?” I asked as I took the water bottle. “And thank you.” “Yes” he replied as he opened his and took a long drink. “And you’re welcome.” I grinned at him as I opened my water bottle. “Will you play something for me?” He hesitated and I noticed something flicker a
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“Hey”I drew out nervously as I laid in Ace arms in our bed. He turned toward me; his eyes droopy with sleep. His dark hair was messy and curly atop his head making him look rather adorable. “Is it okay if I go dress shopping with Catherine on Saturday?” I had decided the lie would be better than the truth. It shouldn’t matter that I was meeting a client on Saturday. I knew Ace would be thrilled with the news of the payday, and he was the one who initially hooked me up with Alaric. But there was something about the rendezvous that felt wrong. It felt dirty; like I was somehow cheating on Ace to take Alaric as a client. I knew exactly why, though I would never admit it out loud. I had feelings for him, feelings I shouldn’t have. Ace grinned lightly at me, fatigue showing across his face. “Why does she need to go dress shopping?” I mentally smacked myself on the forehead. “Fred proposed! They’re getting married.” “Really?” he remarked in surprise. “What’s so surprising about that?”
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After breakfast, we drove to Sammy’s Skydiving. I stared with unease at the tiny building, but Alaric assured me it was completely safe. He held my hand and led me into the building with confidence. Sammy himself greeted us enthusiastically as he spoke to Alaric about the current, perfect conditions for a jump and heights and equipment I had never head of. My hand tightened on Alaric’s as my nerves began to mount within me. He glanced at me occasionally, giving me a reassuring smile and my hand a gentle squeeze. “This is my friend, Stella.” Alaric glanced at me as he introduced me. “This is Samuel. He’s the best skydiver around.” Samuel chuckled as he shook my hand. “Its nice to meet you, Stella.” “She’s a little nervous,” Alaric drew out slowly in his accent. “No worries,” Samuel said reassuringly. “We’ve already had an accident this morning so we aren’t due for another for” his face scrunched as he thought, “probably a couple days.” My jaw dropped in horror as they both broke ou
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We went back to Sammy’s Skydiving. We took off all the equipment and the jumpsuits and left in Alaric’s sports car. We drove in silence with the windows down, both of us seeming to reflect on the amazing experience we had just participated in. Alaric drove us to his condo and parked. He opened my door for me as he led me into his home. I excused myself to the restroom as he began rummaging around the kitchen talking about burgers and grilling. I returned to find the condo empty and noticed the sliding glass doors off the kitchen slightly a jar. I headed toward them and found Alaric standing outside in front of the grill. I cautiously stepped out onto the stone patio. A large, built-in grill was surrounded by tan and light brown bricks with a beautiful countertop. It made a large L shape and had a dark, wooden canopy over it. Across from it was an oversized umbrella with four patio chairs made of a dark wicker with light brown cushions beneath. Matching ottomans sat in front of each
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We sat out on the patio beneath the Florida sunshine and ate our burgers with some fruit he had grabbed from the fridge. We talked about much lighter topics of favorite movies, sports, and foods. “Favorite song?” he asked as he took a large bite of his burger. “Easy” I replied as I lounged in the patio chair with my feet up on the ottoman. “Everything I Do, I Do It For You by Bryan Adams.” He looked at me in shock. “Really?’ “Yep,” I assured him with a confident nod. “Nothing will ever beat it. I used to listen to that song over and over again in my room and write every single lyric out. I was obsessed with it.” He chuckled as he took a drink of his soda. “Care to explain why?” I shrugged. “It was the first glimpse for me that love like that could exist. That a man could love a woman so immensely and … “ I trailed off as I froze, the Florida sunshine suddenly unable to touch the freezing chill inside me. I slowly shook my head, realizing I was on the brink of revealing too much.
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Ace was in an exceptionally good mood the next morning and it was contagious. He kissed me as he danced with me in our small kitchen. I was dying to tell him how much money I had made. I wanted to break open a bottle of champagne and celebrate with him. But I only wanted to share it with this Ace. I didn’t want drug addicted Ace to know about the money I had made, or where it was hidden. Ace drove me to work my lunch shift at Kiki’s. I nearly skipped into the restaurant in my joy. I was finally hitting a good streak in my life. I had an amazing client, who maybe saw me as more. It was possible, right? He did want to spend an entire day with me. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t truly like me. He would have just had the quick roll in the sack and went on his way like the other men did. And Ace was currently sober. I hoped with all my might it would stay that way. We couldn’t do down the dark path of his drug abuse again. Perhaps I should use the money Alaric had given me to pay
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The bass pounded loudly from the speakers in the large room where the engagement party was being held. It was packed full of all of Catherine’s and Fred’s family and friends, which seemed to be half the state of Florida. It was an interesting mix of Fred’s accountant friends and upper-class family and Catherine’s former co-workers at Blue Hades and her current co-workers at her receptionist job. There was a large dance floor which was constantly full. Ace had taken me out to dance to a few songs, but had since disappeared. Large, rectangular tables sprawled across the half of the room which was not occupied by the dance floor. I sat at one of them, sipping on sparkling water when Catherine approached. “You can’t look glum at my party,” she drawled out in her Southern accent. “It’s going to be bring the entire party down and Lord knows I can’t have that.” I chuckled at her as she sat down beside me and threw her arm around my shoulders. “I’m just resting my feet. These heels are kill
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“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” Ace remarked as I dropped my eyes downward. I was completely and totally ashamed of what had occurred and what Alaric was now witnessing. “What happened?” Alaric asked in his British accent. His voice sounded restrained with anger. “She was clumsy as usual and hit her head,” Ace drew out as he pressed the napkin harder against my head. I winced at the pressure. “Is that what happened?” Alaric asked gently. I lifted my eyes back up and my heart fluttered as he was crouched down, inches away from me. His concerned green eyes bore into my inner soul and I struggled harder than I ever have with the lie. “What the hell, man,” Ace said angrily beside me. “You don’t believe me?” “Yeah,” I whispered out. “That’s what happened. I tripped.” I could see the disappointment in Alaric’s eyes and it tore at my heart. “Let’s take a look,” he instructed as he slowly raised his hand toward my face. He pushed Ace hand away as he reached into a bag behind him. He
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Ace didn’t come home that night. I slept alone in the apartment. I hide Alaric’s suit jacket in the back of my closet. I wanted to sleep in it, wrapped in his scent, but I didn’t want to risk Ace coming home and asking questions about it. Alaric came into Kiki’s while I was working the next day. I didn’t wait on his table and tried my best to avoid him. I did sneak some looks at him, and he caught me once. I quickly turned away and acted busy. Ace didn’t come home until Wednesday. He was there when I came home from work. He was sitting on the futon when I walked in. I slowly closed the door behind me as I looked at him. “Hi.” He quickly stood up and walked over to me. I watched in stunned horror as he dropped to his knees in front of me. He grabbed my hands, kissing them as he broke down in tears. ‘I’m so sorry Stella,” he wept as he laid his head in my hands. “I’m so sorry I hurt you again. I’m a fuck up and I know that. I don’t know why you stay here with me. I’m a piece of shit
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I spent the rest of the week dwelling upon what I had agreed to. I sat in my apartment with guilt weighing heavily on my shoulders. I loved Ace. I wanted to be with Ace. He was doing so much better. Why was I willing to risk screwing that up for Alaric? He should just be a client, yet somehow he was something more to me, and that scared me. I told Ace I was going to Catherine on Friday for a girl’s night. He accepted the lie and it broke my heart the trust he had in me. I gave him a kiss as he left for work before going and changing into a black mini-skirt and a lace camisole. I grabbed Alaric’s suit jacket and slipped into it. This encounter would be my opportunity to return it. I left my hair down but put loose waves into it and applied my make-up. I slipped into black heels and hurried out the door to catch the bus. My legs bounced nervously the entire ride to the fight. Once off the bus, I had a few minutes to walk. As I approached the building, I noticed a man standing outside.
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