Semua Bab Alpha's Destiny: Bab 41 - Bab 50
68 Bab
Back home
Jake ascended to his chamber. He was unsure what to say because he knew Destiny would be enraged. 'I am not sure how I'm going to calm her down.'He could tell Destiny hadn't returned because the suit was empty and the bed was neatly made up. He was lying in his bed, feeling empty, and wondering where she was.Maybe she went to her grandmother's house? But her stuff was still there.When Destiny didn't come up he started to get nervous. It took some effort but he decided to go looking for her. He was thinking that he should just apologize or tell her it was a misunderstanding. Depending on how angry she was with him maybe he'd beg her to forgive him depending on how upset she was with him. He tried to reach out to her. She had blocked him or was not in a condition to reply.Jake became terrified after searching the entire complex, including the school and every other place she had never been in. He practically threw a few wolves out of th
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The trouble is brewing
No way! This can't possibly be true. Destiny's heart was racing and she was gasping for air. She was in the midst of a full-fledged panic episode."Take her inside." Her father gave the order.She was starting to have a funny feeling in her stomach. She reasoned that the trip was making her nauseated and dizzy."Can you tell me where Heather is?" Michael stated matter-of-factly. Once Destiny was gone.David gave the man a friendly grin. He was well aware of the wolf's thoughts. "Why wouldn't I keep my half of the bargain, my friend?" he asked, with a horrifying smirk on his lips. "I wouldn't want to deprive you of a lifetime of self-loathing because of what you've done." He found it amusing."Now, if you don't mind waiting in the entryway," David added. ***************Jake was in the security suite at the time. Destiny had been discovered on the footage by security. His gut was sinking into his hea
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The battle is won
Jake parked his pickup in front of the main gate. The gate had been lowered. Rodney was without a doubt already on the scene. Jake's best option would be to try to sneak in because Rodney had numbers and positions. However, Jake had the advantage of knowing the forests and hills far better than Rodney ever could.The orders had already been sent to the pack. The ladies who couldn't fight and children were hurried to the safe house. If Rodney was able to breach the defence, therefore Serra was left behind to guard them. The men and women piled out of the vans, stripping off their garments and shifting their bodies. They walked along the wall in various directions. Jake, Sam, and a small handful of others set out on foot through the front gate.Jake and his companions made their way to the standing stones. They shed their garments as they proceeded, yet they remained human for the time being. They were going to follow Jake's lead. There was no attack right away. Rodney, Ja
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In captivity
Sam took a cautious approach towards Jake. He could see he needed to be careful based on his expressions. He knelt by Jake's side. "You took a hammering. Do you think you'll be able to walk to the clinic on your own?"Jake remained silent. He only returned his stare."How many of us are dead ?" He inquired."A few," Sam said grimly, "but I haven't counted them yet."Jake instructed, "Take the injured to the infirmary and make arrangements for the cremation of those who have died.""All right," Sam murmured after a long sigh of exhaustion. "I'll despatch someone to return you to the suit. I understand you haven't bothered to pay close attention, but you don't appear well." He swallowed his saliva and cleared his throat. He lowered his voice."Didn't Dr Connery mention he created something to aid in the healing process?""I am fine," Jake brushed him off.Jake's betas went to work assisting the injured. While Jake returned
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Race to Save
Destiny strained to break out of her bonds. There had been the figure of a shadowy man in her room for a few brief moments. Because the other males in the room didn't react to him, she felt she was the only one who could see him. He went about the room, looking for something as if he was trying to figure out what was going on. She tried not to respond when he got closer to her.He then touched her, and she recognised him. She noticed the golden coloured threads encircling her body reaching out past the shadowy man to... him.....Jake!He was seated in a chair, and the threads drifted through the air until they came into contact with him.Jake! She muttered. Is he able to see her? Was she dreaming once more? She looked in horror as the vision, or whatever it was, faded, straining to hear what he was hurriedly saying. As he departed from her view, she felt a wave of despair wash over her. She muttered faintly, "Nooo...""What?" Deman
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The blood challenge
"Hurry, for the love of God! The clock is ticking, "Jake hissed angrily. "If he touches her, I swear to God, I'll-""You need to relax, Jake," Sam said. "We need to achieve this without any violence if at all possible. Don't let this turn into a bloodbath, man! Again.""How are we going to do it?" Connery inquired."We arrive, divide up, seize control, and put an end to the fucking mating. Because I am her mate, no one can dispute my claim. I doubt we'll encounter opposition, but if we do, kill them."Jake shrugged his shoulders.Dr Connery stated, "You barely escaped with your life, Jake." They had just vanquished Rodney, he was correct. Even with his super-healing, Jake was still weak."I'll speak with the Alpha; he won't be able to refuse my claim to my mate. That would be tantamount to breaching a fundamental law." Jake remarked.**************Destiny waited for her father, dressed in that dreadful gown. Her mother had a
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Jake wins his mate
Destiny was in a daze. She followed her mother after seeing her hurry towards her unconscious brother."Chris?" She screamed."I didn't kill him, so he'll be fine," Jake stated calmly.She looked at Jake with wide eyes.Long wounds had been scratched into his cheek, but they were mending swiftly. Blood was also visible in the corner of his mouth."He only has a chance to live because of you. I didn't want to begin our life together with your family's blood on my hands."Destiny stood by and watched as Chris was wheeled away to the hospital."I just... I had no idea you'd find me in time. What were the chances of that happening? I mean what were the chances of that happening?" She remarked this as she approached Jake. She then saw his battered appearance. He seemed a little more frazzled than normal, and she sensed something else."What happened, Jake?" She inquired.He sighed but d
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The mating starts
It was still dark when they arrived at the white claw pack, and Destiny was still asleep. As her eyes fluttered open, he gently shook her shoulder and smiled a little more. She pushed her hair out of her face and sat up straight."We've arrived," he said.Destiny leapt to her feet when a loud knock on the tinted windows interrupted his thoughts, causing Jake to grin broadly."That's Serra," he identified the figure.She knocked once more."Dude, she's going to break the glass if you don't open the door," Sam complained.Jake walked out the door after opening it. Destiny slid across the seat of the SUV and stepped out of the vehicle to greet Serra. Jake turned around and extended his hand to Destiny. Destiny was snatched from behind by Serra in a bear hug after she shoved Jake aside."Oh! Luna! I am overjoyed that you have returned." Serra said."I'm relieved as well, and I'm relieved to see you safe," Destiny said, referring to
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A mating and joinning
"I declare you soulmates with the power bestowed upon me by the Godess Luna. Please accept her blessing." The holy priest made the announcement.Jake and Destiny drank wine from the same goblet. The crowd applauded. Their mating had not yet been completed. He hadn't claimed her or marked her yet.She dashed towards the end of the forest, beginning the pack run, with a smile. The fight was enjoyable; she hadn't sparred with someone as skilled as Jake in a long time. He'd challenged her, and even though she'd lost, she felt better. When he lifted her from the ground, she was breathing heavily, but her nerves were frayed. Growing up in a pack, surrounded by sex, didn't make it any easier when it was your turn.She returned her gaze to Jake, arched her brow, and waited for him to make a move; she met his eyes, which shimmered with hidden promises. He drew her firmly into his arms and kissed her softly at first, but as she melted into his body, he became more insiste
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Visiting mom
Jake had been startled awake by the sensation of her warm body pressed against his side. Her breaths swept a nice path across his chest. He hadn't wanted to move after waking up this way, with her cuddled up so close to him. He was content to lie with her in his arms, yet there were things to be done, as usual. When he stared down at her, he couldn't help but trace the profile of her face. He traced his finger across her brow and down the bridge of her nose. He stroked his fingers over her lips, savouring the softness of her lips. He slid his finger under her chin and grabbed it with his fingertip and thumb. The kiss was long and lingering. He took his time, examining her mouth thoroughly before her brain could register anything else. Her body responded even though she was half asleep. Her hands went up and down his arms and back.Her eyes were clouded with sleep and longing when she opened them. He could even make out the beginnings of gold. He grinned as he saw her ey
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