Marked by the Hot Trillionaire Devil의 모든 챕터: 챕터 31 - 챕터 40
53 챕터
My heart started to race when I saw his fingers move. I sat up on the bed and held his hand, while checking his temperature."His temperature has gone down."Nora stood up from the bed, cleaning her hands up after a job well done. She carried the cloth and bucket of water that she used to cool Elliot."Inform sir I was here. I'll take my leave."I wanted to object and hold her down but when I tried to move, someone's hand grabbed mine from behind and pulled me to the bed.I was in shock but when I opened my eyes to see who I was on. It was him, with the most beautiful red eyes. Red eyes? That can't be right.Elliot pushed me off him like he just saw a ghost. I got confused. I checked the room for Nora but she was already gone."A-Alexa? It's not possible."Oh, he was surprised to me. That was a better explanation.I crawled up to meet him on the bed and sat on his legs. He looked like a lost little puppy.I unbutt
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Clearing things out with amazing readers!
Hey beautiful readers. There are many things I want to clear out and it would be unfair if I don't because I think you're all amazing and you deserve it. This book is not a poor class written book like some books I've seen on Goodnovel. You are a first class reader and a first class reader deserves a first class book like #MBTD. So here they are: Alexa has green emerald eyes and Elliot has red eyes, except their brighter now so don't forget that and don't expect to see anything different. Sorry if there's any confusion especially before this note. You won't see anymore of <> in the story but if they're in thought I'll either put it in italics or '' but mostly ''.  If you see any other mistakes ignore it, there's a 95% chance you won't see more again. I don't think there's more to say but as it is now, things can only get better. So gear up because the lover birds' are just about to start their crazy ride. Stay on the ride and stay
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She held my hands and looked at them, like she was trying to read my destiny through the little details of my handprints. Her smile died down and that worried me. What did she see? "You'll tell me the truth and the truth only Elliot, is that clear?" I hesitantly nodded, fearing what she would do. "How did you meet my Lexa?" 'In this life or the one before?' Lot said laughing. I shut him up and faced Kimberly. "She was a maid in my mansion for a few weeks and..." Oops. I just remembered that Alexa told me not to ever mention to her mother that she worked as a maid. I wanted to reverse my statement but when I looked at Kim, she didn't look surprised so I asked a question instead. "You... knew?" She smiled. "I always knew. Lexa was not so good at hiding things." I smirked. "That's true." Kim said nothing more but impatiently waited for me to go on. "I actually knew her a long time ago and when I saw her, old memories returned and since then we've
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I stepped back from the book in fear. Closing it shut. It was making me fear for the life of one person so dear to me. Kim? Why was the book speaking in riddles? Was something going to happen to her? I knew she was... leaving soon which hurt me every minute of my life but I would never forget and abandon her. Not even if I wanted to. Not even for Elliot. I loved her. If not for her, I wouldn't be in the position I was today. In the process of walking backwards, my leg came in contact with a big book lying on the floor and I tripped. I was expecting to fall since gravity was no one's friend when someone held my waist tight and brought me close to him. I opened my eyes, surprised I wasn't on the floor but in the hands of a red-eyed devil. I looked up to his hair and noticed it was wet and longer than usual. Nora said he only washed his hair on special occasions. "What are you doing here?" I left his hold and turned back, walking away. **
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Though I was just a child when my parents died, I always counted Miss Rica as my first mother. There was a point in time where I didn't remember their faces until Elliot revealed the truth about myself a month ago.But even till now, anytime I try to recall my real mother I only saw my Queen in my first life, not my mother in this life. I knew she'd be the same person anyway.Rica cared for me so much when I was brought into the orphanage. For someone with a bad memory, I remember the big smile and surprise she had when she saw me. And at the same time, the smile died and her face filled with worry as she came to hug me.She took me as her favourite instantly and I had no idea why. I was bullied everywhere I went because of the bite marks I had on my neck. Well, that was why I thought they always bullied me because that was the only imperfection I had.It was either that or they were just jealous of my prevailing beauty. I always tried to find a reason wh
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I held her hand and she calmed down like she had been shot by a tranquilizer. She turned to me, her eyes unable to focus on a point because they kept shaking."Who is he?""An angel. A beautiful angel." 'Angel? Did Miss Rica fall in love?' That was the only sensible thing that came to mind. Could a heart break run her mad? She always told me everything new that happened in her life. If she dated someone then she would have told me. Why didn't she say anything. "Were you in... love?" I asked with the softest voice.She laughed again and her laughs were beginning to creep me out. "Love, no, no, no. It was an obsession with vengeance. He must pay.""Why must he pay?""He failed! Failed!!!"Another thing that surprised me was that Miss Rica was talking normally. Not normally because she was going insane but not in her usual weird way that always felt like she belonged to another century. And it was making me think more of that nice lady at the p
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I gently removed the dress from my body, like it was the most expensive thing in the world. I neatly folded it while sitting on the king-sized bed and placed my dress on a silver table, along with everything else. The way I folded it reminded me of my mother, Kimberly. She told me that if I folded my clothes neatly then they'd look prettier when I wear them. I don't know how true but I still believed it. I was too tired to return them to their normal places. I was even to tired to call the maid. Besides, I didn't want to bother them so late at night. I wasn't heartless. The party was a dream come true. I had never felt so happy, safe and loved altogether so much in my life. Elliot was truly the best. I couldn't imagine my life, here on, without him. He wasn't a prince but he sure acted like my Prince. The door of the bathroom opened and Elliot appeared. He had pulled on a black showercoat and was rubbing a towel through his black longer hair. His red
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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO For someone who was deep in sleep, I opened my eyes sharply. Like a resting crocodile would when another reptile tried to steal her eggs. I was sleeping but when I remembered Elliot and couldn't feel Kim on the bed, I had to get up. 'Did Elliot kill Kim?' That was a very stupid thought. If Elliot could let go of me when he wanted me the most to let me take care of a little girl then he could take anything. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, searching for Kim but I couldn't catch even a glimpse of her. She opened all the windows in the room and the bright light blinded me for a second. "Kim. Kim, where are you?!" I screamed, getting out of the bed. The room was big... she could be anywhere. I turned to the bathroom when I heard her mischievous giggle. She had to be in there. I opened the bathroom door. "Good morning, Auntie Lexa," she said with a mouthful of strawberry toothpaste. She was brushing her teeth
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Lexa sharply turned to Elliot like he had committed a great sin. She stood up and stepped back, fearing for the worst to come. "P-poisoned? By-by who?!" Elliot held her hand and placed her on the bench with minimal struggle. He noticed that when she was worried or her thoughts were scattered, she couldn't use her powers to the maximum. That explained how the nurses could move her away so easily. She still needed training. 'Calm down, Alexa.' "Who would want to poison her?! Why?! She's already dying and yet she was... I'm gonna sue this hospital!" She turned her focus to the passing nurses and doctors, as well as the hospital itself. "How did my mother get poisoned?! Someone answer me!" Elliot had to drag her out of the hallway and into an unused room in the hospital but that didn't stop her from continually screaming. He placed her hand over her mouth and wouldn't stop unless she promised to. The colour of her green eyes had tu
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He sat beside her on the sick bed, watching her breath slowly and waiting for her eyes to pop open. He had been there for an hour, waiting for any sign of recovery from her. He was so patient and for the first time, Lot waited with him without throwing any tantrums at him. He held her hand and kept looking at her fingers. He always saw something new when he looked harder. He felt her blood flowing but yet no response from her. He tried talking to her and begging her to wake up but nothing. Yes, he was frustrated but he didn't find it in his heart to leave her. He felt terrible about everything. Kimberly was dead and Lexa was broken because of it. Elliot too was also broken but he knew that the bond they shared was stronger than the bond he could ever have with Kim. He sighed and bent his head, placing her hand on his forehead... waiting for something. "Any response from her, Mr Vile?" Elliot didn't know when he entered but he d
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