Semua Bab The Alpha Queen: Bab 41 - Bab 50
59 Bab
Chapter Forty-One
After Magnus left my office to allow me to finish my work, I was so busy I had no time to think. I was focused solely on completing the day's work so that I had nothing distracting me from finally being with Magnus. I was vibrating with nervous energy as I sat in my office the rest of the day, my insides churning and my dragon thrumming just under my skin. She yearned for her mate and I could feel it in every fibre of my being. It was a somewhat more intense yearning than what my wolf felt for Kane, maybe because Kane and my wolf had already mated whereas my dragon had never had the chance to fulfil that until now. She was also restless and I could feel her scratching to get out, to stretch her wings and feel the sun on her scales. I hadn’t let her out since we flew home and she was not happy. She wasn’t a completely separate entity, more like she was me but different, with separate insti
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Chapter Forty-Two
“Shall we go in Darling? I can smell dinner from here.” Magnus said as he tilted his head up into the air and scented before turning back to look at me, his indigo eyes bright and pulling my focus.I nipped some scales at his neck before scenting the air and inhaling the scent of hearty pot roast, savoury potatoes and vegetables. I felt my mouth water and my stomach rumbled loud in anticipation of the meal. I detangled myself from Magnus, rather clumsily might I add. After an indignant huff in response to his chuckling, I picked myself off the ground and shook out my body, stretching out my wings and legs. I could feel my dragon's reluctance to switch back and as such, it took longer to shed the form and slip back to my human form. It left me a little drained as I made my way toward my clothes.“The shift looked difficult. Are you ok?” M
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Chapter Forty-Three
The next morning I woke to feather-light kisses along my bare shoulders and the feeling of fingertips being dragged slowly and delicately along my back. I hummed with a smile on my face and rolled over, smiling at Magnus as he gazed down at me, a warm smile on his face, his indigo eyes shining. I lifted my hand and ran it through his hair before cupping his face and rubbing my thumb over his soft bottom lip. He chuckled and nipped the pad of my thumb before capturing my lips in a slow and sweet good morning kiss. “Morning Darling. Did you sleep well?” He asked quietly, his warm breath fanning across my lips. I nodded and kissed him once more before pulling back to look at him. “I had an amazing sleep, Magnus. Did you?” “I did. The best sleep I’ve had in a very long time. I am a bit of an insomniac and sleep is ha
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Chapter Forty-Four
After they were gone, I took a shower and then decided to relax in a nice warm bubble bath. I was wrapped in a towel, fresh from the shower and filling the tub up with water and adding in a few bath bombs when I felt him come into the room. I turned my head and watched as Blaze grinned at me and leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his bare chest and his pants low on his hips and not at all hiding what he had under them. I blushed and looked down, feeling the temperature of the water and turning it off once it was full.I turned back to look at Blaze as he watched me, his eyes glowing like rubies with the power of his dragon, a dark and hungry look as he watched me. I undid the tie of my robe and slipped it off my shoulders and let it drop onto the floor, shivering at the low rumble to come out of his chest. I stood there naked as I put my hair up into a messy bun, my skin covered in goosebu
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Chapter Forty-Five
I woke a few hours later to see the sun streaming through the windows brightly and a glance at the clock showed that it was well into the afternoon. I was surprised to have slept so long and a little annoyed that no one thought to wake me, I was Alpha and shouldn’t be shirking my responsibilities because I needed a nap to recoup after amazing sex. I stretched in bed and felt a good ache in my hips and legs, groaning with how good it felt to stretch. I sat up and looked to see Blaze still sound asleep beside me on the bed, on his stomach with his one hand hanging off the bed. I chuckled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on his shoulder before climbing out of bed and heading to the closet in search of clothes.Once dressed in worn jeans and an equally worn shirt, the kind that was soft to the touch from the number of times it’s been worn and washed, I left the closet. I closed the curtains so
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Chapter Forty-Six
I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion, turning in a small slow circle to take in the sight around me. This was no forest I was familiar with. It was covered in snow, thick foliage, large close-together trees and on a mountain range I had no geographical place for. Without a doubt, I was dreaming, much like I did with the Isle of Dragons.  Though what could call me here I had no idea. The wind was fierce and it was a complete white-out, blowing snow and the wind howling through the trees. I was in my sleep shirt yet I was not cold. That only furthered the dreaming hypothesis. Even being a wolf and a dragon I’d be freezing in this weather while in panties and a t-shirt.  I wrapped my arms around my middle, a chill seeping into my bones the longer I stood in the knee-deep snow. Not seeing any other option, I moved forward, pushing my way thro
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Chapter Forty-Seven
“Kara, you have to move your hands so I can see.” Cadmus soothed as he tried to pull my hands away. I jerked away from his touch and launched myself off the bed, running into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me. I could hear him sigh and lean against the closed door. “Kara, let me help you.” He urged softly. I stood in front of the mirror, gripping the counter so hard my hands ached. My hair was in the way and I didn’t have a clear view of my neck. I was too afraid to reach up and move my hair. And I needed to collect myself and my fractured and chaotic emotions before I went back out to him, afraid he’d see it on me and I couldn’t have that. I could not let him know, let any of them know, that despite my pain and fear, my wolf was drawn to him. Drawn to the power he had, the power that poured from him effortlessly. I was ashamed and I needed to
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Chapter Forty-Eight
The atmosphere in the room was utterly tense and uncomfortable. Staying in here was making me anxious and giving me a headache. I stood up and immediately all eyes were on me once again. I ignored their stares and went into my closet, finding a pair of sweats and pulling them on. I slipped my feet into shoes and pulled on a sweater before making my way back into the room.“Kara, what are you doing?” Cadmus asked as he stood up and took a step towards me. I held up my hand and took a step back, the action causing him to freeze and watch me in concern.“I can’t think with all of you around right now. Your emotions are overwhelming and it's making it impossible for me to sort through everything. My dragon keeps trying to push to the surface, fueled by your possessiveness and rage and my wolf...she's too quiet. I need time on my own to sort through the combined emotions. Please understand, I need that time alone.” I looked at each of them, seeing the confusion, the con
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Chapter Forty-Nine
The next few days I threw myself into work and training, I was up early, ate breakfast quickly and off to morning training before I’d break for lunch, clean myself up and then barricade myself in my office for the rest of the day until supper. Once supper was over I couldn’t avoid them anymore and they’d bombard me in the living room and ask how I was doing and why I was avoiding them. I felt like an utter asshole but I didn’t have a clear head yet and I didn’t know what to do.  I know I was being stupid and childish but even still I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I didn’t want to push them away but I was on edge and my nerves were frayed and both my dragon and my wolf were riding me hard with the absence of Kane and Magnus. They needed their mates back with them and no matter the amount of assurance both men gave me, I had a gnawing sense of dread that was chewing up my insides and no matter what I c
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Chapter Fifty
“Let me get this straight. You want to leave your pack and travel to Kane’s, even though there is a very real threat after you?” Cadmus asked for what was probably the thousandth time since I came into the office. I just looked at him with a very unimpressed face and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not asking for permission, Cadmus. I was letting you know what’s going on and that I will be going regardless and setting things up here so everything is taken care of in my absence. I’m also not going to be travelling alone. I will take Brodryn with me and either one of my scouts or Echo.” I explained as I walked towards him and climbed into his lap, straddling him in the office chair and wrapping my arms around his neck. He looked momentarily surprised before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. “I don’t like the thought of you leaving th
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