Lahat ng Kabanata ng At your service, my lady: Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
51 Kabanata
Nothing like home
When I was delivered back to the Fotiadis, the medic patched me up with magic, medicines, and other medical tools.I was inside my room, covered by the blanket of my bed. The Fotiadis family surrounded me as the doctor spoke with a notebook in his hand."Drink these pills to clean your system from the narcotics. Nausea should wear off after an hour. Also, your leg will be fine after a month of complete rest. Luckily, the blade didn´t cut deeper into your muscle, otherwise, your ability to run would have been gone for the rest of your days"A chill ran down my spine when I heard that.I saved my life and reputation with Herion, but I almost lost a leg.I need to be more careful from now on...The doctor went to Herion and handed him a note saying: "This will be enough for him". The man nodded as he thanked the medic for his services, and his wife followed both while leaving my room.Now I was alone with Verónica, who seemed quite angry.If I was in a better situation, I would be strugg
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Our time in the stables
It's been five days since the offer. I still have two, but my mind still can't come to a conclusion.If I accept, the story will be modified in greater ways than I can imagine.If I don't, then I could still follow the argument of the plot, but that could lead to an irreversible end if I'm not careful.The randomness of my own story, or the questionable path pavemented before my arrival to this world."Which is the correct answer?"With that question floating in my mind, I headed to the stables. I had to take care of Twilight as my new recurrent responsibility.**"My, the black panther is here for another day of work, huh""... Please don't call me that""Haha. You should be happy that your name is now roaming through the Fotiadis house, not everyone can become famous in the land of a duke""Still... That nickname's quite embarrassing"When I arrived, the first person to greet me was the caretaker of drakes. His clothes were covered in mud and blood, distinctive colors of someone who
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Our day
"My lord, I accept the offer, please let me be part of the Yatra house" Right after leaving the stables, I spent my remaining days planning my course of action for my new role. Veronica blessed me with her company during those days, explaining to me the methods to rise in the hierarchy of the kingdom. Once I was sure of my decision, I went to Herion's office to report my conviction. "Took you long enough boy, I already prepared everything for your transfer to the house, you leave tomorrow" I thought I could see a little more of a response, he was dead at this point in the original story, so I'm quite curious about his reactions. "Seems like in the end, I was only walking the road you prepared" Keeping his eyes on the paper of his desk, he answered with a sigh. "I expected you to say yes right after our come back from the raid, it is a mystery for all of us why you took so long to decide" They are not aware of the events about to happen once Veronica and I enter college, the wh
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Our date
As we walked through the streets of the capital, I couldn´t help but notice the glares that people were throwing at us; I also heard some of them saying things like: "I can´t believe a couple like that exists" or "Who would be so daring as to date the daughter of a duke?"I can stand several hours working under a scorching sun without sweating a break, but hearing people´s voices of jealously and mocking is another level of annoyingness."Don´t mind them, they are just curious"Reading my mind again, the beauty hugging my arm comforted my anxious thoughts."I know, I just wish they could be a little more discrete. It is quite irritating when they talk nonsense"I didn´t know what kind of face I was making while saying that, but I can get an idea from the fleeting people around us."Maybe, but they aren´t totally wrong. I am the well-known daughter of the duke Herion, and this is the first time I go on a date in public. They have enough reasons to be like that, to some extent"Releasin
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Greetings, your highness
All the ruckus and panic only served to make my mood worse.The staff was hurriedly taking out the customers while the capital guards entered the building and closed the zone around the corpse.One of the butlers that previously attended us practically begged us to leave. Unfortunately for him, Verónica wouldn´t have it."Miss, please, you have to leave, we can´t risk the security of our clients!""You don´t have to worry about my security, I can take care of myself just fine, and I also have him to watch my back""Huh?"Following her finger, the butler found himself trapped in my bad temperament. I knew that my expression wasn´t the most gentle since his skin became pale.I didn´t have the patience to wait for them to negotiate, so I stepped closer to the man and grabbed his shoulder."... Listen bud, do us a favor...""E-Even if you seem strong, I-I can´t let you stay, Ple-please leave at-"Cutting his words with my grip, I destroyed the distance between my mouth and his ear. Then,
Magbasa pa
A savage road
The cart was moving, but Nicholas´s mind stayed behind in that restaurant.Dominique Foe Yatra.In all his years of life, he was the first man besides his family and instructor to ever lay a hand on him. At first, he thought of him as any other plebeian acting accordingly to his status, but then his expectations were crushed by his grip and defying eyes.Bravery? Stupidity? An impulse to look good before Verónica?Whatever it was, it served well to gain a place in Nichola´s head."Heh..."...The soldiers accompanying Nicholas inside the cart were out of words. Not even once they have seen a pleasant reaction from the mechanical prince. At least not until today, when a subtle grin was resting upon his lips.Not knowing how to feel about this image, they choose to stay quiet to prevent any incidents with their comments and reactions.That would be safer."I wonder if we´ll meet again..."Tomb.The cart stopped."My lord, the road seems to be blocked" Reported the driver."What is block
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Moonlit battling
"It´s a shame that I have to kill another irregular like me... But work is work, so please don´t hate me. I´ll make sure to make it quick~"Just when she got the flute in her mouth I shot my gun. The bullet didn´t reach her since a barrier appeared, protecting her whole body."Tch. A magic item"A fast melody embraced us. It reminded me of that classic song about bees, but this one was messing with my senses the wrong way."HAAAAAAAARR!"An attack was coming, I lifted my gun but the world seemed to melt right in front of me, the sound became numb and the lights were too bright.I wasn´t able to aim properly."Dam it!"I tried to use magic but the results were the same, I either failed all my attempts or was too unfocused to sink into the shadows.With minimal choice, I had to prepare for the impact with my sword. Just when the blade was about to reach me, Twilight rushed forward and parried the attack with her claws, kicking the soldier in response and knocking him down."GREEEAAAaaa
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Newfound hope
That attack almost got me. Luckily for me, the darkness and the full moon gave me enough power to rip apart the tide of Nicholas; who was now lying on the ground with the mark of my fist still fresh on his perfect face.The others either fainted or held themselves with the little forces remaining in their bodies.And me? I was dealing with the author of all this ruckus.Saving her flute inside my shadows, I held her arms and legs with my magic. Since she had closed her eyes I had to force her to open them with my bare hands.Once we exchanged glances, she plead for a quick death. Placing me in her shoes, I´d say that is the common reaction, however, I wasn´t going to kill her, not yet at least.She gave me quite the stare, probably deep in thought about how to escape or fool me.Since I was getting impatient, I decided to break the silence. Applying a little bit of force into my grip, the new pressure on her neck returned her mind to reality."Hrgh!""Who are you? Why did you do thi
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Deals under the table
There was a chilling breeze still filling the air. The capital guards that had arrived were escorting the civilians back to their homes. Meanwhile, I was having a nice chat with our majesty, prince Nicolas. "You can´t possibly expect us to just forget what happened here, this witch must be executed at once!""Yhea right! As if you dogs of the kingdom are any better! How many civilians have you killed with your loyalty and sense of duty?! Huh! How many?!""...""..."Or at least that would have been the case if Jasmine and William weren´t trying to kill each other with their curses."Even if he helped us, letting go of a criminal that dangerous is impossible...""The nerve that irregulars have. That´s why they´ll never be good to be around"Other knights were talking behind our backs as if we were unable to hear them at this short distance.The nerve that some people have...Getting late and tired of this situation, I stepped forward to Nicolas, who was sitting on the step of his car
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Our reunion
Our way back to the mansion was silent, the only problem was Jasmine and her chest pressing against my back. I told her many times to make some room, but she refused, saying that Twilight was too fast and she was scared of falling. Normally, I would have taken those words for lies, but Twilight is indeed faster than most drakes, so she could have said the truth at that moment.Anyway, that awkwardness doesn´t compare to what I´m feeling now that Véronica is staring at me while Jasmine is clinging to my arm."... Let´s go inside first... I´ll explain everything there...""... Yes... You better..."Internally praying for my safety, we all entered the mansion as Twilight returned to the stables by herself.On our way to the living, I felt the gazes of many of the guards and servants walking around the mansion. Some of them let a little laugh escape while others gave me their condolences with a grin on their faces."What a way to say goodbye to the Fotiadis" Said one of the guards with hi
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