Semua Bab Alpha Sin: Bab 51 - Bab 60
104 Bab
ArtemisiaWhat was that law which states anything that goes wrong could go wrong again?Oh yeah, Murphy's law!Everything was wrong today. Aside from the queasiness and lightheadedness, I was feeling. The scream coming from outside signified we were under attack.We were freaking under attack and taken by surprise!Young werewolves scurried into the room I share with Sin, which seemed like the safest place at the moment. The meeting hall where they often resided was surrounded.How did the enemy get here without us noticing?My mind flashback to earlier, Sin had left with Laurent and some Eta.The Eta were acting as spies, which was the best thing, as they could defend themselves. Whilst Sin, Laurent, and the others were scouring the forests and towns of Merene to see if anything was out of the ordinary. And maybe they'd encounter an intruder.Nico and some of his pack members had joined in as well.Leaving me with the other werewolves. Emma was nowhere to be found. I wondered where sh
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ARTEMISIA“Where the hell is that b*tch!” The voice roared, followed by a groan from Rhoda.I grimaced at the sound of bones breaking, and the scent of blood wafted into my nostrils.I winced, pushing down the vomit that tried to resurface again.“Don't, My lady! Don't come out!”That was what Rhoda said over and over again. Even after receiving multiple blows and maybe severe injuries from whoever was with her.“Then, you will have to suffer, as well as these ugly-looking pups!” The intruder rumbled, making me shiver.What was I wanted for?!Was it because of me, they had come here, just to capture me?But, I was an ordinary human! What would they do with me?My head reeled as several unanswered questions swirled around in my head.“Where are you, Sin,” I mumbled, breathing in and out.For a few seconds, everything in the room was silent. I strained my ears, but I couldn't hear a sound. Not even that of the children, I had almost risked my life to save.I wondered what had become of t
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SINI panted whilst hopping over several logs of wood.My throat felt parched as I had barely tasted anything. I was also weak.A lot of us from the group that went in search of intruders had resulted feeding on the animals they could get hold of.But, I was trying my best to discipline myself. Even when Laurent had come with the deer he was feeding on, I had willed myself not to think of how juicy it was going to taste.And I succeeded. But then, I got hungrier as well as weaker.It was a surprise I was able to transform into my wolf form whilst the news of the palace being under attack came to us.I grunted whilst channelling my inner strength.Getting to Artemisia was all that was on my mind, and I would do anything to get to her.I didn't know how long I had been running, but I knew I was getting exhausted. I glanced back and noticed the others were behind. Even though I hadn't partaken in the animal feast they had, I was still ahead and seemed more agile.Maybe self-control and di
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ARTEMISIAI had been walking inside the woods for a while now. I couldn't tell what the time was, but the night sky was still dark and due to how chilly it was becoming, I believe it might be getting to midnight.Again, I noticed I was arriving at the same spot, which was starting to infuriate me.I glared at the giant sequoia tree that I had passed before. I breathed out, shutting my eyes whilst trying to recall the reason I had come out.But, I couldn't remember. All I knew, was I had followed something out. But my brain was a bit muddled.I tried racking it to get the information I was searching for. Whenever I think harder, no matter how hard the situation seems, I tend to find a solution or answer to it.“A bright light!” I exclaimed as something clicked in my head.I remembered seeing a bright light whilst looking out of the window, and it enthralled me. My legs had moved on their own, leading me here.However, I couldn't see the light any more when I got to the forest, all I saw
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ArtemisiaAfter the storm, comes the calm. I guess that was how the saying goes.Sin had said what had happened was barely an attack. The werewolves that had attacked were just a small fraction of the pack that was terrorizing them. The Lycan Night Pack.They were the most dreaded werewolf in Merene, and they had come looking for only God knows what.Blue Moon pack had lost a lot of werewolves, but the casualties were mostly from the Omega. Still, that didn’t stop them from planning the attack that was in their mind.The amnesia I had disappeared as soon as it came, and I remembered everything that happened the next day.From how I got slammed into the wash-hand basin by Murphy, to how I had felt myself slipping out of consciousness whilst trying to watch Sin battle with him.Also, I recall the strange feelings I felt inside of me and what I had done to Murphy before Sin disentangled his head from his body.Still, it confused me. The sudden surge of power that had bubbled within me. I
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ArtemisiaI shrieked as I jerked awake. My heart palpitated, and my eyes widened as they gazed around. Sweat dribbled down my forehead. It wasn't like I had seen a monster chasing me like always, I had had the dream of Artemis again, but I couldn't remember what she had said.I wanted to get the information about why I was seeing the goddess in my dream and the strange sensation I had been feeling inside me since the attack. But I couldn't due to the activity that was happening. The pack members were trying to get to the cause of the attack and training to curb several damages of unexpected future attacks.I gazed at myself and I remembered what had happened last night as I stared at the ripped nightie on me.Shame coursed through me, and the trashy feelings from last night surfaced. But there was nothing I could do to wipe away the feeling from me. The nightie I donned was ripped from the shoulder downwards, one of my breasts was on display, and it looked like I had gone into battle w
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Artemisia“I can't believe he'll do that to me!”“I can't either,” Julie said. She sighed, sitting on the sofa whilst I paced around the room.I kicked the door, paced towards the window and breathed in. I let it out slowly, then glared at nothing in particular.It was a good thing when we came inside, Sin was nowhere around the room, I wonder what I would have done if he was inside.I was still in shock about what I had seen and found it hard to accept.I didn't think I could ever be backstabbed by someone close to me. Not even Sin, whom I had come to trust!My parents had sold me off to him, I shouldn't be surprised Emma would do the same as betraying me since she had the same gene as them!But Sin…“You need to keep calm, Artemisia.”“Keep calm?!” I shouted, with my hands raised.“I know if you were the one, you'd have done something drastic back there. I know what you can do.”“That is right,” Julie said. “You need to calm down to think of what to do next. Pacing would do you no go
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ArtemisiaI groaned, shielding my eyes from the ray of the sun. I didn't know who let the curtains up.I was certain I didn't because I had slept with it down.Sitting up on the bed, I ran a hand through my dishevelled hair whilst I gazed around the room.My eyes were just as they were always whenever I cried. Swollen and dried from having cried too much the night before. And I dared not check the mirror to see how they were because I was sure I'd be terrified by what I'd see.I patted the side where Sin often slept, it was cold to my touch.Last night, I waited for him until I couldn't any more. So, I slept off.Feeling the part he sleeps on meant he hadn't come last night.Although I was meaning to talk with him and see if everything would turn out fine, I was glad he didn't come because seeing him again would make me break down and that was the last thing I wanted.Stepping to the bathroom, I walked towards the sink to wash my face.I grimaced whilst I saw how horrible I looked. My
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ArtemisiaThe next few days were the worst. And I wished I could just die. Or maybe run back to where I had come from, but I know that I wouldn't be welcomed.When my parents sold me off, they had done so with all my rights. So, I was bound to Sin forever.After the confrontation in the garden, Sin punished me for confronting him. He didn't even mind the condition I was in, he had shoved me and chained me in the werewolf room he used in transforming.He had forced me to watch himself transform.But, he had kept me at a safe distance, which was surprising.He had kept me there, so he wouldn't hurt me, I believe. Still, he kept on treating me like some piece of junk he got from the gutter.I sighed, rubbing my side. These days, my body ached due to the constant abuse from him.He snapped at me in front of everyone now. Whenever I went to the meeting hall, he'd glowered at me and yammered for me to leave.No one knew what had got into him to act that way.It had been an awkward experience
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SinWhack!Whack!I heard the sound of the punching bag as I thumped harder on it. The bag swirled and dust poured out of it, enveloping the area before it drifted out of the tall window.“Arggg!” I yelled whilst punching harder. I could feel my hands giving out and my body weakened, yet I didn't stop.The pain I had caused Artemisia was far worse than what I was feeling.I reckon she was in the room, huddled somewhere crying herself to sleep, like every night.Even though I was aware of all that I was doing to her. The pain I caused her for no reason. I couldn't help myself.I could not bring myself to stop.Now, I believe I was just like the monster I was before she came. She had made me see the good side of me. She had made me believe I was not a monster.Still, it wasn't so.I was a monster! A freaking monster who was not capable of loving anyone.I didn't deserve her. She deserved better. I didn't think any amount of apology could take away the guilt I feel inside me. Even if she
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