Semua Bab Hunter and the Hybrid princess: Bab 41 - Bab 50
120 Bab
Hello wolf...
Asena sat down on the carpet and crosses her legs, patting it as a gesture for Rebecca to join her."Firstly, I need to see if there are any signs your wolf has stirred, your mother's wolf was prematurely awoken due to a situation were she got lost in the forests and was starving, her wolf woke and helped her out of that situation""Very well" Rebecca said."Close your eyes and listen, that's all I can say, call to that wolf and find out if it answers back""What? Just, speak in my mind into the dark and listen?""Yes, but call to the wolf, don't just think of it, see it as a being in you that can respond"Rebecca closed her eyes, feeling rather stupid about the idea she already felt her mind wandering, especially back to Danté.'Oh, so you'd rather think of him than try and talk to me?' The voice whispered to her and she opened her eyes."Excuse me?" "We didn't say anything?" Asena said."But? I heard a voice?""Th
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"We're under attack!" Someone screamed... Till this day he didn't know who? Did he die first?Screams of terror from those whom it was too late, those capable fighting back stood fighting a losing battle, Danté saw the flashes of lightning, fire sprawling over the dark sky with roars like dragons and the hiss and snarls of the fiends swarming them.Then his mother and father... Next to each other as always, as he remembers them in life, dying together by the grips and bites of vampires."Fuck!" He screamed shaking in his chair, Xena and Nightingale looked at him confused, he was breathless, sweating and bewildered."Are you okay?" Xena asked."Y– yes it was just a nightmare" he said rubbing his face.It has been a while since he had that one, Danté realised no matter how much time passed it was edged into his mind like stone carvings.He rubbed his arms free of the sweat then lifted his hand to press the attendant button.T
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I never knew
Provideniya Bay Airport, it was a few hours travel to there but now it felt they went back in time, the population was scarce and there weren't many structures."Is this the right place mom?" Rebecca asked following Villa to the nearest building, Rebecca decided to baptize them as that, she couldn't read the language, so she couldn't say what the building was meant for."Not this place specific, we still have two days travel by car up to the location""Two days!? Wasn't there an airport closer by?""No, this part of Russia is still vastly unpopulated, I can understand why the wolves came here""How big is this 'part' of Russia?" Rebecca asked shifting her bag to her other shoulder."One moment" Villa came to the man behind the counter and Rebecca's jaw dropped hearing her speak to him in his language.She nodded as the man handed her papers, she signed them, paid and received a set of keys."Transport sorted" Villa said swivelling the keys to Rebecca."Mah
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La Ville Du Bois Muirgheal
Villa frowned at Rebecca "Yes, I'm a woman, I'm allowed to fall in love you know?"Rebecca broke with laughter but wove a hand "Please forgive me ma, you're such a rough nut its hard to picture you in love with someone""Oh~! I feel offended!"Rebecca still laughing gave Villa a slight push "So? Who was he?""His name was Fable, his hunter name, that's all I knew him by""He was a hunter like you?""Yes"Rebecca folded her arms with a stare."I know what you're thinking... And for situations like that they implemented the Rachel and Vlad contest""Contest?""They figured out we loved each other, and they forced us into such a contest" Villa said, her eyes on the road again but Rebecca saw the life left them "We face each other in combat, until one is left standing with his life, that's the only way they get to keep at least one hunter, and not risk losing both"Rebecca lost her frown as tears started to build."That place has no room for love Rebe
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Like old times
Asena might have been out if action for the past few years but she has managed to still have her ties around New York to keep up to a degree.So Skyler became a therapist, Asena didn't think the freshly bitten girl would settle into her new life that well, yet here it was, the sign said it all.Asena rang the bell and waited, her heart fluttered but her stomach turned, what if Skyler was one of those vampires who dislikes werewolves?No response came from the buzzer and she started over thinking it, what is Skyler saw her and was ignoring her? She scanned the windows, it was dead quiet.She quickly checked the street and saw no one, then she turned her ear and tuned into her heightened hearing, nothing still, not even someone breathing...Another quick scan of the street and she leapt over the gates, walked up to the door and knocked "Skyler!?"She tried the door, it wasn't locked, instantly her alert level climbed as she entered slowly, deciding to silently scan t
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Where is she?
Raphael cleared his throat averting his eyes I from her glare, not because he was afraid, but he knew better not to go into a stare down with a wolf, that will only escalate things."Just as I have focused on the wolves, the Cross focused on vampires""You're not a sadistic vampire Raphael, you don't just order and send hunters to kill werewolves?""It was to prevent the twin blood gene to come forth again""It means you're afraid of us! You aided in the twin blood initiative""Yes, but now? Aren't you afraid of us?""No, I respect you... Respected...""The last pack of wolves I left in peace, I did not wipe them out""I almost want to lose my temper, but I'll let it slide since the vampires took quite a nock from the Silver cross""For a wolf hiding in her cave for twenty years you're well informed?""I have my eyes where I need them""Ah, of course""Its funny how the tables have turned hey Raphael?""Oh?""Now with the mighty Vlad ashed,
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Finding Rachel's tomb
Skyler flew up and shook her head, right after they killed Vincent Roman shot her with a dart, she didn't even have time to see who killed the man.Rubbing her eyes she looked around, this wasn't the cell anymore, it was some sort of office, complete with book shelves, desk and a very expensive looking computer setup on it, she looked down and brushed over the soft cotton draped couch, this was a nice place to wake up in compared to that musky old sell.She stood up, freedom? They seriously had the bravery to place her inside a different room with no bars to hold her in!? She walked to the nearest door and grabbed the doorknob but a loud hiss accompanied by smoke made her shriek and leave it.She watched the burn in her hand then the knob, so they did some sort of blessing on it... Still idiotic! She grabbed a hand full of her shirt and turned the knob, it was locked but that only meant she broke it open, true freedom! How stupid are these hunters!?She wanted to
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Right place, right time?
Apapelgino airport, Siberia. Danté felt the mint cool air in his nostrils a relief as he stepped out the stuffy airplane, after his nightmare the alcohol kept flowing and he finally made peace with the two women constantly challenging each other over who gets to sleep with him first.Regardless of it, he decided Hannah was the last woman he'd just go sleep with, sex isn't something that should be taken up lightly and he decided to see it the same way. But does this mean he will never do it again? The Cross had loads of say in the matter and if he didn't take the opportunity to go lie down with a woman around every occasion he might never do it again.Rebecca came to his thought's at that moment, he'll admit it was the first time today and it felt like a relief to see a face in his memory that didn't belong to that cursed Silver cross.He looked over his shoulder at the two women with him, beautiful in all rights, but they only follow the creed as they should, t
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Tell me about Vlad
When reading one doesn't take the time into account, whilst waiting for Hannah Skyler decided to pour through history books to educate herself over Vlad, that time she met him she didn't even know he was real, to her merely Turkish folklore, but now, twenty years later she found herself staring at a picture of the Count himself again.If he was here now? If she had a moment of peace with him around a cup of tea? What would they talk about? Skyler read how he was married to Rachel but after that nothing, from here on she presumed only a vampire will know the rest.She jumped in her seat when the other woman sat across from her on a couch, Skyler didn't even hear her enter."How marvelous to meet you countess~" Skyler found her voice nectar sweet, almost like that voice was made to draw you in, a moth to a flame, referring to a vampire term the older the stronger made sense to Skyler, now that she's a vampire as well at least, as a human she would never have
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Alister and Amber
The towns on the map being so small many of them where not even registered, only the third stop later did they reach Mys Smidtha, the told location of the werewolf attack.It wasn't much, just like the road they used to reach here the tar was badly maintained and many roads didn't even have tar."Now it makes sense why they'd shrugg off a werewolf attack" Nightingale said scanning the place as they headed through the town."How's that?" Dante asked."Its, barren, I mean look at it, its one step short of a ghost town""Many towns are like this here, Siberia is extremely vast and the population is just more than a quarter of America, even if its almost the same size""I wonder why?" "Maybe its because of the harsh conditions, remember if you go far enough east you'll find Alaska just over the ocean, the conditions are similar..." Danté said looking at the lake not far off "But, it still doesn't make sense, this town is between a lake and the ocean, its not i
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