Lahat ng Kabanata ng MY FOOTBALL BOYFRIEND: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 29
29 Kabanata
Chapter 20
BellaThe entire walk up to the top of the stadium I cursed at Harold. With my legs burning like no tomorrow I hurled insults at him but he just laughed them off. It was pure torture and add on that I was wearing a sweater I was dying of heat. Sweat running down my chest, back and my face, plastering a few pieces of my hair to my forehead.The only thing that made the whole thing better was seeing Harold struggle as well. We were about halfway up when he started to pant and little beads of sweat appeared on his forehead; at least he had some common sense to leave his jacket in the car. It was nice seeing I wasn't the only one struggling up the stairs. Proved he wasn't invincible.Harold hadn't meant to but as he hiked beside me my gaze kept going over to his tattoos. Without the jacket I could clearly see the sleeve of tattoos running up his arms. I wanted to know what made him get them since he didn't have any the last time we were together. Bu
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Chapter 21
Harold followed behind my car as I lead him back to my apartment. I kept glancing through my review mirror every few seconds to make sure he was still following and didn't turn around. The fact that he said yes and was following me filled my heart with a bit of hope that he was feeling something. What that something was, I'm not sure yet.My palms were slightly sweaty as I parked my car and got out, meeting Harold at the front of the car. Silently we walked towards the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I could feel the shift between us.Our bodies turned to face one another and I stared up at him, desire pooling in my stomach. All my pent up emotions were slowly coming to the surface as I looked at him. Harold's eyes were a midnight blue as he gazed down at me intently.Thoughts that I had been suppressing from the moment I saw him last night rushed forward. One second we were looking at each other and the next my lips were pressed against his. My hands r
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Chapter 22
Harold followed behind my car as I lead him back to my apartment. I kept glancing through my review mirror every few seconds to make sure he was still following and didn't turn around. The fact that he said yes and was following me filled my heart with a bit of hope that he was feeling something. What that something was, I'm not sure yet.My palms were slightly sweaty as I parked my car and got out, meeting Harold at the front of the car. Silently we walked towards the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I could feel the shift between us.Our bodies turned to face one another and I stared up at him, desire pooling in my stomach. All my pent up emotions were slowly coming to the surface as I looked at him. Harold's eyes were a midnight blue as he gazed down at me intently.Thoughts that I had been suppressing from the moment I saw him last night rushed forward. One second we were looking at each other and the next my lips were pressed against his. My hands r
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Chapter 23
I didn't want to have this conversation but the look on Harold's face told me I wasn't going to get out of it. We were finally going to have this talk."Harold." I sighed placing my fork down. "Your parents never liked me. From the moment they laid eyes on me they deemed me unworthy.""What the hell are you talking about?""You never saw it!" I snapped. "You never saw the looks or the comments made about me. Every single person hated that I was with you and trust me they made that well known." He started to talk but I held a hand up to stop him."You never noticed the way all the girls made fun of the way I dressed, the way I looked, even my hair. Everyday I had to hear about how I wasn't good enough to be with you, the star quarterback. The guy who deserved someone better, prettier." I could feel tears wanting to gather in my eyes but I pushed them back."Your own parents said the same thing. The moment your mother laid eyes on me she deemed me un
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Chapter 24
4 months later....."Five more!""No!""I said. Five. More.""I can't. I'm done. No more." I panted, my arms falling to from underneath of me as I fell to the ground. I laid there on the cool grass with my eyes closed as my poor arms felt dead."You are cruel, like so cruel. Worse than a dictator." I panted, making myself roll onto my back. As I gazed up at the sky a head came into view, blocking the sun in my face."You're the one who asked to train with me." Harold chuckled looking down at me."Yeah before I realized how hard you workout. I can't feel my arms.""Come on it wasn't that bad." I glared up at his beautiful face."If I could lift my arms I would punch you but thankfully for you I can't.""Did you kill my best friend Harold?" Another familiar head came into view. One of Harold's teammates, Ben, grinned down at me.I hadn't known it at the time but getting back with Har
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Chapter 25
"Harold told me you are in a nursing program. That's really cool." I made conversation with Harold's sister Haley."It's been a lot of hard work but I enjoy it. And helping people is something I've always been passionate about."It was a bit crazy sitting here beside her after all these years. She was so grown up it baffled me."I could never. I get squeamish around blood.""It actually took me awhile not to want to pass out when I drew blood or say something horrible during my internships." I couldn't imagine the things she saw, definitely not for me. Before I could say more an arm wrapped around my shoulders."So what are you doing with my brother gorgeous?" Harold's younger brother, Dylan spoke above me as he perched on the side of the couch next to me."Are you seriously flirting with Bella?" Haley rolled her eyes at her brother."What? Someone's got to free her from our brother. Bella," He used his arm to turn me to face him. "Bl
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Chapter 26
"Damn these are great seats." Hannah practically gasped as she looked around us. I had to admit these were amazing seats. We were literally right above the player and in the middle of the stadium. From here we would be able to see everything happening."It pays to have two well-liked boyfriends." I nodded along with her. Harold and Ryan got the two of us front row seats and we literally were able to by pass the crowds which was super nice. At first Harold wanted us to be in one of the booths high up but I wanted to be front and center to watch. Being up in the booth you can't see as well as down here."You okay Bella?" Hannah asked after her gawking was over."Yeah's just the first time I've seen Harold play in person in years. I'm kinda nervous.""Why?""I don't know." I really didn't know why I was nervous. "Maybe I'm nervous he'll get hurt or something." I chewed my bottom lip."He'll be fine, trust me. And with you here to watch h
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Chapter 27
"Harold I told you to pick up your socks!""I did!""No you didn't! I am staring right at them." I stared down at the three pairs sitting in the middle of the living room. Harold had a bad habit of taking his socks off wherever he was and leaving them there until I pick them up."I put them away!" Harold yelled from the kitchen."Harold." I placed my hands on my hips. We've had this argument at least once a week since we've moved in together four months ago."I swear it wasn't me." Harold came out of the kitchen. I pointed to the socks sitting in the living room and gave him a look."Everyone is going to be here in 5 minutes and we don't need these front and center." I scolded."I put them away like you asked ten minutes ago.""Clearly not.""Why would I put them away and then take them back out." Harold raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms."They don't magically crawl out of the closet.""Bella-" The sound
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Chapter 28
"Make sure to tell her the dress will be ready in a week. She'll have plenty of time to try it and make any more adjustments before her big day." I spoke loudly into the speaker phone as I placed another pin in the dress in front of me. Grabbing another piece of fabric I placed it where I wanted it to go, holding multiple pins between my teeth."How is Hannah's coming." Rina asked."I'm almost finished with it." I spoke around the pins."Bella are you still working? Don't you have a date to get ready for?" Rina questioned through the phone."I wanted to add one more piece, I'm practically ready.""You work too much Bella." Rina sighed."Once this dress is done I promise I'll take a few days off." She wasn't wrong. For the past four months I have been working non-stop on this wedding dress and I only had about a week to go before it was finished."You better. I'll go ahead and call Ms. Anderson to let her know. Anything else you need?"
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