Semua Bab Wolfbane: Bab 11 - Bab 20
105 Bab
Chapter 11
JASMINE He drove to and parked in the same area as last time, immediately exiting the car and coming around to my side. Upon opening my door for me, he held his hand out to help me down. He grabbed his backpack from the back seat and led me to the base of the mountain so we could hike to the top. Once we got to the summit, he spread the blanket out for us to sit down and pulled out some sandwiches. “I put a little more effort into lunch today.” He grinned and handed me a ham and cheese sandwich and a water bottle. We sat in silence, eating our sandwiches, looking over the landscape of trees below, a carpet of green forest, with openings for bodies of water. I spotted the pond where we had gone swimming below, the sun reflecting off it, giving it a glass-like appearance. The view was spectacular, and I could see why Blake liked coming here. “Do you bring all your girls here?” I asked, suddenly wondering if I was just one of the many girls he was hanging out with, especially after his
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Chapter 12
JASMINE A week went by, and I hadn’t heard from Blake since the last time we went hiking. Lucy had called me that night begging me to tell her all the details, but I just told her that we hiked and talked. She obviously didn’t believe me, but I wasn’t ready to start spilling all the details of what had happened yet. The whole thing felt like a dream, and I didn’t know how to make sense of it. We were at work, and during a lull, she leaned over to me. “How’s Blake Sexy AF doing?” “I haven’t talked to him.” “I don’t believe you.” “I’m not lying. I haven’t heard from him since last time.” “Why don’t you text him and ask him to hang out?” “Because I don’t want to.” In reality, I did want to, but I was too ashamed to actually do it, and ashamed of myself for wanting to. I didn’t want to seem eager and was still determined to not allow things to advance any further than they had. “You’re definitely lying about that. I don’t think there’s a warm-blooded woman on this earth that wouldn
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Chapter 13
BLAKE It was now late July, and I was, once again, with my father and Beta Alfred in the packhouse office. We had spent the morning going over the pack budget with the pack accountant and office manager. My father was still mostly handling the casino along with the casino managers, which was where most of the funding for the pack came from. However, I would soon oversee the distribution of the funds that flowed down from the casino to different areas of the pack such as road repair, snow removal, security, school, temple, and housing subsidies. After lunch, my father, Beta Alfred, and I sat together in the office at the packhouse, situated around the desk on a conference call with Luke and Alpha Antoine from the Lune Nordique Pack. These phone calls were becoming a weekly occurrence. We were all concerned about Alpha Édouard, who led the Bois Sombre Pack in Quebec. He was a crazy motherfucker and was known for being sadistic and unhinged. He made my father look like a straight-up sa
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Chapter 14
JASMINE I knew, logically, I should say no. I knew I should reject the far-too-smug alpha. But something inside me wouldn’t allow me to do it. I had been feeling a yearning blossom within me. I loved how he broke down all my barriers and made me feel desired. After being Perfect Jasmine for so many years, it was energizing to do something so rebellious and wrong for once in my life. That was why, without argument, I found myself at the front of the café, looking forward to the evening. I had told my parents I would be eating dinner with friends that night so they wouldn’t expect me at home. As soon as I exited work, I spotted his Jeep parked across the street and walked over. He opened the passenger door for me and helped me in. Once he hopped into the driver’s seat, he turned to me. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but I’d like to invite you over to the packhouse. The parents are out of town on pack business and the staff doesn’t work on Mondays, so we’ll be the only ones t
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Chapter 15
JASMINE "What was it like growing up in the packhouse?" I asked, wanting to learn more about him. "It was interesting. I'm glad I had the beta family downstairs. My dad was an asshole growing up, so I'd go downstairs to get away from him. I'd usually hide in Luke's bedroom. He was a really good friend to me growing up." At the sound of Luke's name, I felt something ping within my chest, bringing him to the forefront of my mind, suddenly imagining if I were in Luke's bedroom instead, the thought somehow appealing. I blinked a few times, and pushed Luke from my mind, thinking how inappropriate it was to be thinking about him at that moment. As much as I kept trying to forget him, he always pushed himself back to the forefront of my consciousness, my old crush returning. I turned back to Blake and asked, "What about your mom?" "My mom's the best. She's the most kind-hearted woman you'll ever meet. I am so lucky to have her." He beamed as
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Chapter 16
JASMINE Emma and Kyle were married on a Saturday morning in mid-August. They had a small ceremony in the pack temple and invited their family and friends for an early-afternoon celebration in the backyard of Kyle’s parents’ house. Lucy made the wedding cake and desserts, and I helped Madison and Emma’s sisters decorate for the event. They had a tent with picnic tables set up and caterers to serve barbecue for the event. There were about fifty people crowded in the backyard. I grabbed a lemonade and went to stand by Lucy who was hovering near the dessert table, likely keeping watch over her masterpiece. Madison came over to mingle with us, followed by the bride herself. We fell into easy conversation and laughter, and Kyle kept sneaking by and rubbing himself against Emma. “Close quarters out here!” He’d laugh as he’d pretend to be trying to sneak by her to grab a cookie from the dessert table. “Kyle, you need to stop coming over here and stealing all the cookies!” Lucy glared at hi
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Chapter 17
JASMINE On Wednesday I was ready at ten. This time I wore my bathing suit underneath a T-shirt and shorts, prepared that he’d want to go swimming, seeing as the weather was predicted to be hot. I didn’t want to seem too eager. At least if I wore my bathing suit, it wouldn't appear I was determined to strip down to my underwear for him. I watched as his black Jeep pulled into my driveway, and I stepped outside to greet him. My anxiety about not hearing from him for two weeks instantly disappeared. As soon as I approached his car, he came over and kissed me on the cheek. “I missed you,” he said, leading me to the passenger door. “Sorry I haven’t been in touch. This alpha shit’s taking over my entire life.” I looked at him in shock. He missed me? My heart pulsed in my chest. Had he been wanting to see me as much as I’d been wanting to see him? He opened the door for me and helped me in, then hopped into the driver’s seat. When we were both settled, he pulled out of the driveway, not w
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Chapter 18
JASMINE He then moved his hands behind me and grabbed my ass, picking me up as if I weighed nothing. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. He carried me deeper until the water was just below our shoulders. Lust overtook my whole my body as Blake’s lips explored all my exposed skin—my lips, trailing my jaw, on my neck—then returning to my mouth. When we pulled apart, we looked into each other’s eyes as he smiled at me. Suddenly, and without warning, he pushed me up out of the water and launched my entire body backward, so I fell back and plunged into the water. I quickly raised my head into the air to see Blake laughing heartily, as if he were a little kid. I glared at him as he began swimming toward me. I splashed him and moved backward, continuing to splash him as he tried to get closer. He finally caught me and picked me up, and in turn, I screamed and slapped him on his chest. He carried me out of the water and lowered me onto the blanket where his li
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Chapter 19
JASMINE A few days after Blake’s confession, I was lying in bed late at night, absorbed in a book, when I heard a tapping on my window. Ping. The sound of something hitting the glass clanged. I got out of bed to see what was happening, pulled back the curtains, and looked out my window to see that Blake was outside my house winding his arm back. Ping. A pebble hit my window. I opened it, the warm summer air entering my room, and poked my head out to see him smiling at me and waving his hand, signaling for me to come out. What the. . . ? I stepped back, wondering what I should do. An internal battle ensued within me once again, the metaphorical angel and devil over my shoulders. I’d never snuck out of my house in my life. What would my parents do if they caught me? And should I really be sneaking around with someone, let alone someone who wasn’t my mate? But then, I thought, it would be exciting. So many years I’d denied myself so many things because I didn’t want my parents to be di
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Chapter 20
JASMINE Later that week, I found myself deep in thought, Blake on my mind. I was tempted to text him. While I couldn’t stop thinking about him, I didn’t think it was a good idea to make that known. I was afraid if he knew how much he’d gotten under my skin that things would go too far with him, both emotionally and physically. Additionally, if we started spending too much time together, it was bound to be noticed and it wouldn’t be long before word got back to my parents. While our pack was one of the larger ones in the area, it was still like living in a small town where everyone was in everyone else’s business. No, it was definitely better that I just tried my best to forget him. And if he also forgot about me, it was only for the better. I tried to convince myself. However, this thought made me feel miserable. As much as I tried to deny it, Blake had definitely gotten under my skin. He consumed all my thoughts. I’d become almost addicted to the sensations I felt when spending time
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