Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 11 - Chapitre 20
Chapter eleven
Elliott It's been a week since I reunited with my family who I thought hated me. It turned out they actually wanted me, but my mother's parents made them give me up. It's been as long that Sarah has lived with us and we found out she suffers PTSD. She has frequent nightmares and that's as far as her episodes go thankfully. The first one earned me a punch in the face, but I didn't hold it against her. Jessie prescribed her some medication to help, and they seem to be working. She's been having fewer nightmares and last night she slept the whole night through. I checked on her periodically and she always seemed peacefully sleeping. She wanted to wait for her attacks to get under control before meeting with my captain and I was understanding about that. It's what we were doing today. I'm sitting in my uniform while she sits in street clothes and her shoulder now fully healed, but sore sometimes. I gave him a briefing last week so Sara
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Chapter twelve
Jessie After hearing Skye's confession last night Elliott and I let her sleep with us. Elliott was behind me and Skye laid facing me. She has her face between my neck and upper chest with her hand on my stomach. I rubbed her back to lull her to sleep.When I woke the next morning, she was tracing on my stomach, her way of talking to the twins. I lay there letting her continue to talk to them as they lightly kick the area she was tracing. I felt a lack of presence from Elliott and the smell of breakfast told me it was probably her.Sarah walks in, probably to check on us and smiles at what Skye was doing. "What is she doing," she asks curious. "Talking to them," I choke quietly as tears roll down my cheeks. "She's telling them how much she misses her mother, how she considers me mother now, how happy she is to be with us, how excited she is to meet them and can't wait for them to get here."I start sobbing softly and she looks up from my
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Chapter thirteen
Elliott I tried hard to wake up last night and felt my body jerking. Then this bright, blinding light engulfs me. I start walking blindly when I hear a familiar voice. "Oh Elliott," the voice chokes before Miranda appears in front of me."Miranda," I choke quietly, reaching to touch her face."Yes Elliott, it's me, but it's not your time yet," she chokes with a smile and turns my head.A shimmering portal reveals Jessie watching me being revived. "Am I...?""Yes Elliott, you're dead. She needs you more than I do," she chokes quietly. Melanie approaches us with tears in her eyes. "Get back to that woman Elliott," she signs and points to the portal. Jessie is pounding on my chest, begging me not to leave her. "We'll watch over your girls Elliott," Miranda chokes and shoves me.I can hear the sound of my heart slowly beating, back in the dark abyss of my head. I can hear Jessie talking about fighting for the one
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Chapter fourteen
Elliott A week has passed since I woke from my coma and today we were trying a third attempt at removing the breathing tube. Jessie left the room and I don't blame her. Carol turns off the ventilator and detaches the hose.A couple minutes passed and I was still breathing on my own. She removes the tube from my mouth and helps me drink water. "I'll go get her, just rest your throat for now," she says with a smile and goes to get Jessie. Moments later she walks in and relief fills her eyes. "Hi," I croak in a hoarse voice. She breaks into relieved sobs and comes give me a chaste kiss. "There's one more hose I want removed if possible," I sign to save my voice. "The catheter," she asks and I nod. "I have to ask Carol first."I groan and she giggles at me. "It's uncomfortable and I want to get out of bed," I sign with hopeful eyes. "Resting your throat I see, " Carol says as she reenters the room."Ye
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Chapter fifteen
Elliott It's the night before the wedding. Jessie and the girls are with her sister and parents while mine were here with me and Sarah. I picked at my dinner, unable to eat without the kids and Jessie. I leave the table without a word, able to walk away without the need of crutches. I lean in the doorway to Macy's room and tears fill my eyes. Aside from my two hospital stays, I've never been apart from her, especially after Miranda died. I pick up the bear Miranda got her before she died and walk to Skye's room. I know we're not close at the beginning, but we've grown inseparable since the accident. I take the ratted stuffed dog that Melanie gave her at birth and head to my room.I take off the walking boot and climb in on Jessie's side of the bed. I hug the stuffed toys to my chest and sink my face in her perfume coated pillow. I could feel sleep pulling me under and snuggle with Jessie's pillow the girls stuffed animals. As I continue to drift to s
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Chapter sixteen
Elliott I just got in front of Jessie in time as three shots were fired. After she left to get ready, I got this gut feeling something was going to happen. I tell Sarah and she said she'd wear a gun hidden in her suit while we both wear bulletproof vests. A forth shot goes off as Sarah takes out the shooter and I collapse in front of Jessie. I hear her screaming in fear as she kneels behind me, rolling me on my back. I hear her relieved breath when she realizes there's no blood. "Elliott," she chokes quietly tapping my cheeks. I take in a gasping breath and groan in pain. "I'm okay," I say out of breath and take her hand from my face. "Are you okay?""My heart is racing and the twins are kicking like crazy, I'll be okay," she chokes in a breathy whisper as I push myself to sit up. Tears roll down her cheeks and asks, "How did you know to wear a vest?""I had a gut feeling after you left this morning," I grunt as I pick each bullet
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Chapter seventeen
Jessie Mollie gives me a ride to work, two days later as Elliott was still asleep from our wild night. Mollie has become a part of our relationship,  but we're keeping it secret for now until her divorce is finalized. She has been sleeping in our bed with us and every night I get super horny and we both torment Elliott long into the late hours of the night.Mollie follows me to do a private blood draw to be sure she's pregnant, not trusting the at home test. I have her wait in my office while we wait to get the results. She rubs at my stomach as a distraction from the results, a light smile on her face. It falters when the lab tech brings in the envelope holding the results to her test.I feel her grow still beside me and saw that she was scared to see the results. When she doesn't take the offered envelope, I open it when we're alone again. We were both shocked to see what was written on the paper.It was negative. A second test showed he
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Chapter eighteen
Jessie  It's my day off and Mollie stayed home not feeling well. It's been six weeks since the wedding and I had her take a pregnancy test. We were waiting for the results, laying in bed. I was resting against the headboard with her head in my lap. I was playing with her hair, waiting for the timer to go off.  I haven't known her long, but I've never seen her sick. Elliott had already left early for her detective's exam. She finally got the cast off last week and it was her first day back to work. The timer goes off and I pick up the test on the nightstand. A smile forms as a plus sign stares up at me.  I hold it for Mollie to see and she breaks into uncontrolled sobs. I rub her arm in comfort. She fought with a suspect last week, taking a blow to the stomach. She came home hysterical thinking her chance of getting pregnant was gone. "Can we take a ride to get it confirmed," she asks in broken sobs.  "Of course baby," I say
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Chapter nineteen
Elliott My captain let himself in minutes after what went down with Ryan. I was still trying to calm Mollie down. She's been sobbing the same thing over and over again, "You shouldn't have told him."Her body trembling in my arms as I rocked her from side to side on the couch. Jessie did her best to hug at her back, whispering soothingly in her ear. My captain took one look at Mollie's state and looked at her with sympathy. His eyes flick up to mine and says softly, "Detective, the three of you can take however long she needs off. I'll handle Ryan."He turns protective eyes to Mollie and says, "It's the least I can do as a friend of her parents, God bless them."Hearing this, Mollie lets out a calming breath. I let out a relieved sigh and kiss both their heads. I lean back against the back of the couch and she held my hand to her stomach along with Jessie's. Mollie's parents were killed in a car accident, two years ago. I was the one there for her w
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Chapter twenty
ElliottIt's been a week since Jessie told me about the baby she lost before Reese. I haven't been letting her do anything while at home, Mollie either. They made a fuss the first couple of days until I gave them my reason why. After hearing about both babies Jessie lost, I don't want her to overwhelm herself with the twins. Being active at the hospital is one thing, it's her job. With everything going on with Ryan, I don't want Mollie stressing out during the first trimester of her pregnancy.Jackson called this morning and said that Ryan was found and taken into custody and charged with an account for attempted assault on a pregnant woman and for plotting a murder against a police officer. We were all relieved to hear that we no longer have to worry about him, but I'm not letting my guard down for nothing.As for Skye, we had an appointment with her doctor yesterday and she was eligible for the hearing implants. The doctor is supposed to call when they have what's needed for the pro
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