Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 11 - Chapitre 20
Wedding Lock
CHAPTER 11     Far, far away in a distant land, a bride stood in front of the entrance of the church fidgeting and very worried about her future. Agnes felt her secure world tumbling down on her as she gazed at the heavy door of the church. She must have lost her mind to agree to this solemn and religious event turning into a farce of make-believe love story that the world thought was perfect as the media continually hype for the sake of one Chris Duvier.      "Lord, please do not strike me with lighting." Agnes silently prayed. Her cold clammy hands gripped the floral bouquet that cascaded down to the floor. It was like carrying sacksful of guilt and remorse on this momentous occasion. She dreaded this day but there was no turning back now. It is a do-or-die moment for her now. Agnes holds back her tears as she suddenly heard the orchestra start the wedding march. The steps she took, timid and uneasy and each step se
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Run Mrs. Duvier
CHAPTER 12 Sunshine poured inside her bedroom making her wince when she opens her eyes. She looked around and saw her wedding gown fold neatly in a box. She remembered, her Aunt Liz and the servants waiting for the newlywed at the castle entrance. Her new husband, step down from the car while she followed clumsily behind with the bellows of white lace and tulle. Ann ran towards her and help her with the gown she was wearing. The maid stopped in her tracks when she saw Agnes’ face, mascara and makeup dried up on her cheeks after she stops crying.     Ann hurriedly pulls out from her pocket a white handkerchief and wipes her face tenderly. “Beas, the man is a beast. I can’t believe he made you cry.”     Chris strode at the steps of the castle and smiled triumphantly. His eyes roamed at the old building with possession in his eyes.     He smi
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Bed of Roses
CHAPTER 13               The early morning fog covered her figure as she tries to sneak in back to Winshord. Agnes climbed stealthily to the back gate and sprinted towards the veranda where her bedroom was located. She ran to the stone steps, open the sliding door with her spare key, and safely entered her room with no hitched.      She sighed in relief. At last, she was safe in her bedroom. Undressing quickly, she dived in the covers of her bed. A blissful sigh escapes from her lips. At last, she sleeps peacefully.      Fuzzily, she felt a presence beside her on the bed. Sleepily, she pushes the covers beside her and saw an arm. A male arm lazily stroked her leg. She screams but before she can do so, a hand covered her mouth. She struggled and push and kicked him on the stomach.      “Ouch!” Chris Duvier rol
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CHAPTER 14             “The man is impossible!”, she stormed inside the castle startling the servants who were cleaning the room. The usually amiable and nice heiress frightened the new maid who fought with Ann, just a couple of days ago. It cemented her observation that the master and mistress of the castle would surely end their marriage very soon. She could just feel her pockets full of money after she and Ann, wager their monthly salaries.      Agnes plopped down on one of the chairs. Her anger increased by the minute when she recalled what Chris Duvier said to her. It’s been a week since he has been treating her like a pariah. He ignored her doggedly and refuse to even look at her. When she cannot take it anymore, she decided to settle the matter by baking him a cake as a form of appeasement for her lack of experience in lovemaking. She assumed that the reason her husband
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  CHAPTER 15        “Where are my clothes?!” Agnes screamed at the maid who looked frightened at her outburst.      Ann averted her eyes and looked the other way. “Your aunt told me to throw away your clothes and your er---lingerie.”      Pulling at one of the new clothes hanging neatly in her closet, Agnes almost cringes at the open neckline when she inspected the piece of cloth.      “You can’t expect me to wear this garbage. Are you?” she asked incredulously at Ann, who looks more uncomfortable every minute.      Ann cleared her throat and said, “Mario, your wedding gown designer pick all the clothes and underwear for you. He said all of these are exquisite and suited to your form perfectly. Chris Duvier will drool when he sees you wearing these clothes.”      She laughed
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To Tame A Man
  CHAPTER 16        How true were David’s concerns and keen observation? Chris Duvier was assaulted by a roller coaster of emotion. The witch has amp her spell on him. He's been avoiding Agnes especially during meal time but it seems she always ends up dining with him.      The first Monday morning when he had his breakfast supposed to be alone, she joins him wearing almost nothing. Even Smith who was guiding the maid while serving the food almost collapses in shock.      She was wearing flowing lacy lingerie in pink that left nothing to the imagination. He almost chokes on his coffee.      “What are you doing here?!” he demanded. “Wearing that?”      “Of course, having my breakfast.” She smiled innocently at him. “You like it, love?”      He never knows that food could be se
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Tempting Truce
 CHAPTER 17       Agnes excitedly aboard at the balloon basket. It was her first time riding one. She has been looking forward to it. Her aunt gave her an envelope completely with an itinerary and a week's stay in a very secluded town where the only transport would be horses and balloons. The balloon, however, was the main transport and it only flew twice a week. She needs to be out of Winshord Castle. The stunt she just made for the week was making her more agitated. She lost a lot of sleep trying to find a way to appeal to her husband. The timing of going on a vacation was a relief.      "Aren't we flying yet?" She shouted at the deaf older man. She realized he couldn't hear her when he ignored her completely.      The old pilot glances at his watch. "I'm not going to wait for that guy. So late already---" He started untying the rope.      "
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CHAPTER 18   Dinner with Chris was quiet. She watched him attack a piece of steak and gulp his wine like water.”      “You’re going to get drunk.” She cannot help but warn him. After leaving her in a foul mood, he returns to the cottage angrier.      “Worried of your husband, wife?”      “I’m worried for me. No woman would like to sleep with a drunk on her bedside.”      “Bedside?” Amused, Chris mockingly at her. “If you like to sleep with me instead of the floor, I can accommodate you.”      “You know that’s not what I mean.”      “Tell me, Agnes, what do you mean.”      Silence. Then, she took a deep breath, “I’m afraid of you.”      Chris Duvier looked at her intently, “Fear.” he smiled at her, “You’re afraid of me? Why? I
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CHAPTER 19        He thought he got her, but hours later, he was already sweating bullets. She can play. He did not know he married a Chessmaster. Agnes seems to move her pieces with no care, but it becomes a trap for him. In the third round, he gives up. A beautiful green-eyed witch genuinely beat him.      "Are you sure you want to give up?" She asked innocently.     "Don't laugh." He growled at her.     Her laughter echoed in the cottage room. It was music to hear her laugh. She was beautiful, and Chris felt the urge to kiss her.     "What is my punishment?" Chris gently touched the rim of his wine glass
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Standing Ground
CHAPTER 20       Sweet torture, that's the word that keeps on haunting him about Agnes' new assault. He can't sleep nor eat. His mind is filled with desire with the rate that his wife is going; it looks like she is calling the shot. He dreaded going for his meals since Agnes kept joining him, yet he wanted to see her badly. His body is so taut that he doesn't know if he can take it anymore. After Agnes returned from her vacation, something changed in her. She was feistier and intentionally provoked him.      Agnes watched him intently as he was having his afternoon coffee. She especially made a beautiful cake for him. He stared at the cake decorated with a smiley face and the word "thank you" on it.     "What is this for?"     "A thank you cake."     Chris frowned, "Why do I deserve it? Are you trying to mock me?"    
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