Semua Bab Pregnant For My Bully: Bab 11 - Bab 20
88 Bab
Amelia Forbes It started during the first period after lunch, in math class. The weird looks and knowing stares. At first, I shrugged it off, ignoring them and taking my regular seat, just beside the window that overlooked the football field. But as the classes rolled by, the stares kept getting worse and worse and I even heard someone make an odd remark, one I couldn't quite grasp. The blonde had said from behind me, just before our Physics teacher came in, "And here I was thinking she was different."I didn't understand. Was she talking about me? Figuring it was probably just a conversation between her and her friend, I shrugged and focused on the lesson at hand, the only thought on my mind being how to face Jason. And beg him, if I had to, not to tell anyone about what had happened with us. He hadn't been at the cafeteria today-pretty much the only period I had with him today being Monday-which I found odd and weird. And upsetting too. Jason had never misse
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Jason Davenport I was upset. Scratch that. I was beyond upset. I was furious. Murderous. If I got my hands on Amelia, only two things could happen: I beat the shit out of her, or I punish her so bad she wished I beat her up instead. She thought she'd won this one, didn't she? In her mind, we were even, right?I scoffed. Till tomorrow. The bitch better not show up at school tomorrow, because by the time I'm done with her, she'll be begging to write my apology letter herself. Which she will, by the way. I wasn't going to pick any goddamn pen and say I was writing an apology letter for her. That apology letter was going to be written by she herself. Who did she think was, punching me that way? Humiliating me in front of Coach Hens. And to think Coach took her side. And Adrian actually shoved me, for her. "By the time I'm done with you, Amelia," I said through clenched teeth, my hand gripping the elastic ball in it harder. So hard the veins in my arm bulged.
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Amelia Forbes The video had been taken down. That I was certain of, because I'd personally gone on Leila's vlog in search of it, but couldn't find it. Coach Hens had kept his word, and for that I was grateful. And by the looks of it, it seemed like he was already enforcing the punishment he'd meted out to Jason. This morning, after I arrived at school, I spotted Jason leaving the coach's office, a deep frown etched onto his face. He'd probably gone to beg so he didn't have to write the letter but had been turned down. Good for him. That'll teach him. Aside from spotting him earlier, I'd also had two classes with him today, Geometry and English, and all the while, there'd been no spitballs or chewed gum. Throughout the classes, he'd done nothing but sit crossed armed, staring at the teacher, obviously not comprehending a word from the look on his face. What did Jason really think? That he could just do anything he liked to me and go scot free? That I was some
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Jason Davenport "Dear Amelia. An apology letter written on behalf of my offenses. Please accept my sincere apologies for the scandal created in your name, solely caused by me. I accept complete responsibility for my actions and shortcomings and the inconveniences it has caused you by far. I am truly sorry for them and completely understand your disappointment in me. "I cannot defend my actions, and if I could reverse them, I would, but I can not. However, I can personally assure you that no such mistake would be made in my name again. Once again, please accept my sincerest apologies. Sincerely, Jason Davenport."At the last word, I heaved a "remorseful" sigh and looked up with hope in my eyes, folding the letter in my hands. The crowd of students was in a mild disarray from the letter I'd just read, clearly the ones doing the forgiving for Amelia, who on the other hand, sat at a corner of the bleachers, somewhat isolated from the others, her head hung low and her hands fo
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Amelia Forbes182 days left, I reminded myself, simultaneously trying to calm my breathing. Realizing I was griping at my newly changed bedsheets, I slowly released my fingers.I wiped the furious tears that had started to form in my eyes, watching a single tear fall and sink gracefully on the fresh sheets."Why do I keep falling for Jason's pranks?" I queried myself aloud.By now I should be used to this. To everything. Used to him pulling my legs and making fun of me, used to hearing how worthless I truly was. Then why?Why do I keep believing every darn word that comes out of his mouth? Was I really that stupid to think that he would tell Mrs Sandra he didn't want to be partnered with me?Of course he wouldn't. It was a great opportunity for him to keep making my life a living hell-not that he wasn't doing that already-so why not? Right?I guess I really was stupid like he always said.Swallowing with difficulty, I trudged
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Jason DavenportI woke up angry. Reaching for my phone to see what time I was, I remembered I didn't have one anymore. Just great.Dad had finally found a way to take my life away from me. Maybe now he'd have the chance to enjoy life with his fucking underage mistress. I'm sure Ashley would love that. A knock interrupted my thoughts, irritating me further."Who the fuck is that?" I barked. One of the many servants who worked for us walked briskly inside, leaving the door half closed. "Mr Davenport demands that you come down for dinner." He said curtly."Tell him to go fuck himself," I snarled.He made no sign to show he heard me. Instead he only said, "Mr Davenport insists."I've never wanted so desperately to smash someone's head against the wall-well, except Amelia-as I did at that moment. I contemplated on punching him, maybe take out some teeth, as I clenched my fists. But I knew there would be consequences.
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Jason DavenportI lay on my bed feeling full, and grateful that I had my phone back.That bitch Ashley had been useful for once. That doesn't mean we were buddies now. I scoffed. If this was her way of trying to get me to warm up to her, then she was in for a hell of a surprise. Dad was obviously whipped. He was so wrong if he thought any of these sleazy women he kept tying the knot with were ever, ever going to be good enough to replace Mom. And now he obviously believed Ashley was doing well as a sweet, considerate mother.Bullshit.He had decided that he was going to be blind to the whore's tactics. Hissing, I swiped my hand over my hair. It would eventually bite him in the ass, I decided. Whipping out my phone from my jeans pocket, I tapped on the Instagram app and went straight to my dms. Messages from a bunch of people asking if I was down to hang out.I hissed. Well, I can't now can I?Thanks Dad.
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Amelia ForbesI couldn't help but feel really jumpy at school today. I ducked at the sight of every six feet male figure, feeling incredibly foolish when I realized it wasn't Jason.Okay. It wasn't my fault. He had literally threatened me last night so. . .I checked my timetable. We only had once class together today.Not that it would prevent the threats from happening. But it'd be nice to not have to see him till later. A tall, sandy haired figure came into view and I let out a small yelp and attempted to hide my head in my locker. After a few uneventful moments, I carefully inched my head out just in time to see the sandy haired guy-who was definitely shorter than Jason and had a pair of glasses on-give me a strange wondering look as he walked past.I restrained from slapping my forehead as that would only make me look worse, and confirm the fact that I had gone nuts. Instead, I grabbed my books and fled to find an empty space to hide.
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Jason DavenportMy eyes narrowed as I saw Amelia emerge from the stairs leading to the back of the school. What the fuck?She looked. . . happy. I hadn't seen her all day and I was starting to think that she was avoiding me because she was scared-which was good, of course.But here she was. The bitch was smiling like she just won the fucking lottery. Seeing her look so calm and relaxed pierced at something in my chest, rage beginning to bubble through me.What right did this bitch have to happy? It's her fault that mom isn't with me today. So what right did she have to look so happy. She was destined to be lonely and miserable for the rest of her fucking pathetic life. And I was going to make sure of that.Jason DavenportMy hands formed a fist in pocket as I leaned against a desk in the library. I checked my watch. I'd been here for 15 minutes? This bitch was making me wait for her. Again. Didn't she lear
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Jason DavenportAssorted bottles of alcohol lined up in the center of Adrian's huge living room as the gang sat in an uneven circle, exchanging the latest juicy gossip and snickering heartily. We had all agreed to hang out at Adrian's today as I'd told them I wouldn't be available to do so for a while as I was helping my dad on an important project he was working on.No way was I telling them I was grounded.That was embarrassing.The only person who knew was Adrian of course, although I didn't tell him why.As Greg plunged into a story of the best blowjob he'd ever received- everyone laughing and chipping in at intervals-I noticed that the only odd ones out were Kimberly and Adrian. Kimberly sat in the center of a large sofa-Malia and Aneeka on either side of her-joining in the conversation once in a while, but mostly staring daggers at me everytime our eyes met.We hadn't talked since the shit that went down at my house. I pretended not to
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