Semua Bab His Rogue: Bab 21 - Bab 30
49 Bab
Chapter Twenty One
CLOVER   When I woke up we were back in Titan pack and I was feeling much better. Kinda like I never went through the pain.   Phoenix parked the car in the pack house garage and came around to open the door for me, "Are you okay?Do you need to see a doctor?" He asked. A smile graced my lips, " Awww...look at you being all nice and caring" I said and got out of the car.    He rolled his eyes and closed the door, " I'm okay though " I told him and stretched out my tired limbs. He frowned, " Could it be something you ate?"" Probably, cause I ate like a pig...a classy pig" I said and rubbed my tummy while reminiscing about the food at the party.   He scowled at me and walked around the other cars towards the door leading to only goddess knows. I followed closely behind, admiring the cars around.   
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Chapter Twenty Two
CLOVER It was so quiet that all you could hear was the annoying sounds of silverware meeting fine china.  No one dared to ask questions, even as they felt the tension in the room. But that didn't stop them from glancing from me to Phoenix, who was sitting beside me, then they shared some looks.  As much I felt a little agitated, I ignored them and tried to concentrate on my food. The most constant stares came from Aunt Renee and Doe, of course. The rest, Tobias, hardly looked away from his food. The only people missing at the table were Landon and Millicent. I cut my steak and stuffed it into my mouth, silently praying to the goddess that the two curious women would read the mood. Small talks were thrown in between and I expected one of the two women to say something at anytime.
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Chapter Twenty Three
 Knock. Knock. The cold winter air blew against my pale cheeks causing me to shiver furiously.  Still a little shocked as how the weather changed so quickly, I knocked on the door again, and stood waiting for someone to answer.  I wish Phoenix was around.... Why? So we can snuggle... Idiot... you'll just have to wait... he'll be back in the evening... Stupid....meetings... I looked around me and noticed that I was the only one heavily clothed with thick winter wears. 'No wonder they were giving me weird looks and awkward bows on my way here' I thought to myself as I remembered a couple of teenagers I met around the block. I guess I looked like some awkward potato, wobbling down the road. We
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Chapter Twenty Four
Phoenix Everything's a mess.  The pack house got burnt. Clover is mad at me. And my wolf won't speak to me. It's all my fault. " How about you start from the bigger issue?"" Fixing the pack house?" I asked her.  I received a slap at the back of my head, " Ow!" I mumbled and rubbed the aching spot. Aunt Renee sighed, " Your mate is more important than fixing a six-day job". " oh" was all I said and looked up at the colourful sky.  Hues of red, orange, yellow, pink and purple painted the clouds as they accompanied the setting sun. Birds flew by as they returned to their nests. The view of the sun set was amazing. Looking away from the alluring colours, I sighed , " what should I do? I've been messing up right from the b
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Chapter Twenty Five
CLOVER  " Phoenix. Help me" I said and dragged my body up to my feet. I staggered and almost fell but I stabled myself by holding onto my bedside table.  Phoenix stood frozen in the same spot. His eyes followed my every move and his body tensed.  Why is he just standing there? Won't he help me? I asked myself as I made my way towards him.  " Clover"" Won't you help me? I'm your mate" I found myself saying. I reached out to touch him, but he took a step back. My heart broke, " You...don't" I asked bitterly. PHOENIX "You...don't" I saw pain in her eyes, but I had to hold back. My wolf was clawing and growling at my mind. It was getting harder to stay in control, especially now that I was wrapp
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Chapter Twenty Six
  CLOVER My fingers and toes were starting to prune from how long I've been standing under the shower. I reached up and scratched the mark on my neck. Normally, when a wolf is marked willingly by his/ her mate, the mark would heal and it makes the individual feel nice. But since mine was forced, it's itchy and painful.  I growled, and slammed my fist against the wall angrily. I turned off the shower and got out. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it tightly around my body.   I left the bathroom and went to my closet. I put on some sweatpants and a big turtle neck sweater, to cover the mark. Then I dried my hair and went downstairs. As I approached the last step, I heard two familiar voices coming from the living room. One was loud and chirpy, while the other was c
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Chapter Twenty Seven
 " Phoenix.... Phoenix?" I whispered in his ear. He groaned and went back to sleep. 'Great. Now I can leave ' I thought as I quietly snuck out of the bed and replaced myself with my pillow. Then I left the room and snuck down the stairs towards the front door.  I had a lot of questions and I needed answers. Those two are the only ones who can help me. Once I was outside, I let go of the breath I had been holding. I looked around the white covered ground, " Damn. That's a lot of snow" I muttered and stuffed my fingers into my warm pockets.  I tried to be as quiet as possible as I headed towards the dungeons. The darkness of the night helped me camouflage and become one with nature. I didn't want to alert the warriors on patrol.  Soon, I was at my
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Chapter Twenty Eight
 Phoenix A sigh escaped my lips as my eyes wandered to the clock. Clover has been in her room for hours now. I get the reason anyway. Who wouldn't be perplexed and confused about such  a news. But....  None of this was making any sense! How could it be that someone, who fell off a cliff and died, is suddenly alive? It doesn't make sense. According to what Clover told me, the cliff was really high up, no living thing can survive it.  Maybe it's a miracle. Maybe the moon goddess didn't want her dead... Be real...she's not that gracious... True...or what if mates mother never actually fell? What if she was saved? Or what if that Alpha already had a plan?...Think about it... 
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Chapter Twenty Nine
 This week has been so hectic. We are planning the silver moon festival and it's been a disaster. Why?... because as the luna, I have failed to get the job right.  I literally destroyed the plan and now nobody trusts me. I felt worthless when Aunt Renee said I should just leave it to the pack members. I knew she meant no harm, but...I sighed, " This isn't for me" I mumbled and buried my face into the pillow.  Knock. Knock.  I groaned, " Go away" I said and hoped the intruder got the message. The person knocked again, " I said go away. Don't you understand?" I snapped.  The other side became quiet. I guess the person left.  Suddenly
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Chapter Thirty
 LANDON  I was seating on the ground in a clearing, I watched the birds and the squirrels return to their trees and nests. The sun was setting in the distance and so my surroundings became quiet. I hadn't gone home since yesterday. I dug my fingers into the thin layered snow. The cold days had come. I stared up at the sky and sighed, " what am I to do?" I asked myself. Flashes of yesterday's event invade my thoughts and I quickly grow frustrated.  Go home to mate... My wolf answers my question quietly. I scoffed at the suggestion, " And do what? She doesn't want to see me...or have you forgotten?" I asked him. He whimpers and crawls to the back of my mind.  Everything was going so well until yesterday. She was starting to open up to me about her worries, we were final
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