Semua Bab Natalia’s High School Manual: Bab 21 - Bab 30
56 Bab
CHAPTER 21: Season Two
           SOPHOMORES. Finally, we are not the lowest grade level here in Jackson High. We are not the newbies anymore, for we are now at our second year in high school. It’s pretty much exciting, having new activities that we could join in, and new class schedules where Nathan could be possibly one of my classmate.            Everything is going well... Not until I remember that this is the year when I’m going to help Scott get close to Becca, and Becca to my bestfriend Nathan. Thinking about it wasn’t that stressful as before, for I already knew how to handle that situation if ever.          If Scott asked for my help, then I’ll do it. If Becca did, then I’ll still do it. Nothing more, nothing less. I’ll just help anyone who needs a hand whenever they need it. I guess that’s just being fair. “Scott texted me earlier... He said that we should meet him at the Cafeteria,” Nath
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CHAPTER 22: The Clubs
        NOW that we are sophomores, we could finally join in the different clubs for our grades in extra curricular activities. If in our freshmen days some groups started to be formed, now it was worst. I mean, whoever got into the same clubs as you, they are going to be your friends. And what I mean by that is you have to stick with them during the whole year for clubs often organize some school activities.            Nothing in the list of clubs suites my taste. I mean, I like dancing, though I can still remember what happened the last time I tried to participate in this kind of activity. Becca snatched my moment, and I don’t want that to happen again. I mean, I’m sure she’s going to choose to be a part of the dance club. So I’m not going in there.          The cheer leading squad. More like another dance club, I guess. It was just mixed with using your loud voice and some props like pompom
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CHAPTER 23: The Rehearsals
          AFTER classes, our advisers told us to go to the theatre room, where all the members of the drama club will have a meeting, a special meeting, they said. So Nathan and I got there, without saying any word to each other.  “Nat...” He poked my cheeks, but I ignored him. “Hey...” From the corners of my eyes, I saw him pouting his lips, trying to look cute. “If I did something bad and I’m being insensitive about it, then tell me, Nat. I’m willing to apologized... Even better, I’ll apologized right now even if I don’t know what I did...”          I faced him, but this time, he’s trying to poke my cheeks again and it accidentally hit the corners of my eyes, causing me to wince in pain. Thankfully, I already closed it even before his fingers touch my eyeball. “Ouch...” I complained. “Sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!” Nathan stated, panicking as he realized what happened. “Are you oka
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CHAPTER 24: Helping A Friend
“REALLY? You two are going to help me?” Scott asked for a hundred times, still unbelievable to the fact that Nathan and I decided to help him get Becca. “Yeah. Natalia told me about you asking for her help. You know, I was pretty much disappointed when you didn’t ask me first. Though after a few days, I just realized why not me... It’s because of Becca, isn’t it?” Nathan lengthy asked. “Uhm... Yeah. You know, Becca likes you so much... And I don’t know how you feel about her so I chose to tell Natalia instead...” “Sorry, Scott. I’m sorry if I told Nathan about it. I just... I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore...” I apologized. “It’s alright. Now I got more hands than I needed. Thank you, Natalia. And thank you, Nathan.” “You’re always welcome...”         Nathan smiled at him, before tapping his shoulder. I was about to say something when the three of us heard a familiar voice, causing us to stop and shut our mouths
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CHAPTER 25: The Rumors
         TODAY is the day I’ve waiting for. The first game of the sports club. The chosen sport for this week is basketball, where Nathan and Scott will be participating in the same team. The opposing team is leaded by Tyler, of course, as well as Liam and Jake, the new kid.         Before the game started, I’ve already heard a lot about some rumors spreading here in Jackson High. The top one trending news is still the same as before... Freeda and Tyler’s break up.        Not that I care nor concern about them, it’s just that it’s becoming more and more bothering to think how many times they broke up and came back to each other. I mean, how can they still trust each other after all those things that happened into their relationship? Or is there even a thing like that between the both of them? Because believe me, I’ve seen how Freeda is treating Tyler these past f
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CHAPTER 26: The Confrontation
“WHOAH. You missed me that bad huh?” “No, I’m worried...” I stated, my statement coming out muffled because I’m currently burying myself in his chest. “Hey...” He gently caressed my hair before I felt him planting a kiss in my forehead... Wait, what? He kissed me?             I looked up, seeing his face. He looked like he’s still in pain but he’s just trying to suppress or hide it from me. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look so terrible...” I stated without any brakes, making him laughed. “I’m fine. The nurse told me that they already called an ambulance for me.” “What?! They are going to bring you to the hospital?!” I asked in shocked, before my tears started to stream down on my cheeks.          Poor Nathan. I feel bad and sorry for him. I mean, I pity him for having to go through that traumatic place. I hate it. Every time that the nurses are giving me some shots, I’ll
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CHAPTER 27: Asking Another Favor
        IT’S been a week since that accident happened. The accident where Nathan sprained his ankle. But thankfully, he’s fine right now. I mean, he can’t still play basketball or any vigorous activities. So for now, he’s just focusing more on school and in the rehearsals of the drama club. “Everyone! Pay attention! This is one of the biggest play that our drama club ever conducted. So I want you to focus on your roles and start memorizing your script,” our adviser stated. “Yes, Ma’am.”          The members of the club suddenly walked towards the different directions, getting the copy of their script as they started memorizing their lines. Nathan and I sat down in the corner, me looking at his sprained ankle. “Are you sure you’re alright now?” I asked. “Uhm, yeah. I’m fine. Don’t worry. The doctor said that I can participate in this drama for I’m just sitting for the whole duration of the play.”
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CHAPTER 28: The Kiss
        WE are now at the Cafeteria, eating lunch with the whole squad. Everything is normal, I guess. Becca is now talking to us and she’s even being kinder to me than before. I mean, this is what I wanted, right?          Even if it was against Nathan and Scott’s plan, I decided to closed the deal between me and Becca and help her instead of Scott. I even quit in the drama club and decided to be just a normal student with no clubs being joined in.            Thankfully, Nathan and Scott didn’t notice anything unusual about my recent action for they thought that I’m just being a lazy person as I was for not memorizing the script and quiting the play. I even anonymously recommended Becca to our adviser as an replacement to my role and as Nathan’s partner. “I have an announcement to make!” Becca squealed, tapping her glass using some stainless spoon. “What is it?” Scott asked, l
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CHAPTER 29: Nathan’s Confession
“WHAT do you mean?” he asked, confused. “Scott... I did this. I helped Becca get that role by quitting in the drama club... Even if I already promised you that Nathan and I will going to help you instead of Becca...” I trailed off. “What?!” he shouted, sounding furious as ever. “Now you just gave me enough reason never to trust anyone except myself.”           He shook his head in disapproval, before walking away. As soon as he vanished into my sight, I cried. I cried a lot. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let Becca got that chance to be with Nathan. Now our squad and friendship were completely wrecked.           I sat down at the corner, hugging my knees as I cried out loud. I don’t know what to do, and just thinking about being left out and alone again makes me really scared to the point that I don’t know if I could still face the world as same as before if ever that I loose everyone of my fri
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CHAPTER 30: The Witches
         RULE number twenty-four... Never fall in love with your bestfriend. Because love is overrated. It can cause some weird feelings and complicated scenarios in your life... For the lives of both people entangled with the situation. Aside from those life changing things that happened right after the confession, it could lead you into an awkward friendship... And worst, it could ruin your friendship itself.           Love could only lead you into two different paths. First is the joyful one... Having a happily ever after right after the other one decided to confess to his or her friend that was secretly in love with them too and just keeping it to themselves for a long period of time.           The second one is the tragic one. The one that can lead the both of you into having a broken friendship. And before you even know it, things had already change a lot and you two aren’t talking to ea
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