Semua Bab The single wedding photographer: Bab 41 - Bab 50
164 Bab
The feeling of being over dressed
When Rebecca got his call, what she feels, could not be explained differently, she was so happy, and angry at the same time, she immediately called Josh, and told him about it."He couldn't even ask how I am, he just went further to tell me about business". She was angry with him, speaking to herself freely, as her mother is not home.How could he be so cruel, he went away with that Lady, whose body built is oppressing, I hate him, I hate that I love him so much, I just hate everything about him". She kept talking to herself in anger, then she calmed down, went and stood near the window, looking out, all of a sudden, her vision went blurry, she felt a chilly breeze blow her hair backwards, when she looked out again, it was raining, she knew she was only imagining things, when she sees him waving at her, she had to slap herself, to get her back into form.I know you are not real, but I guess loving you is my cross, and I have to carry it.But today, I am not going to look like my prese
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I understand if you don't want me, but I love you.
I should have asked her if she was feeling better, I just went straight to the point.That is usually how I act with clients, but I don't see her as a client, I see her, as someone I have known, for a long time.She must think I am cruel, I would apologize for my behaviour, the next time I see her". Charles kept battling with himself, after his meeting with the Indian investor, when he should be happy, that he nailed the contract with him.He glanced at his wrist, for a second, as he was thinking about the time left, before he would be able to meet with her.I should get to the house first, and see Sandra, she must be devastated, and after my meeting with Rebecca today, I will know, what is meant to be done". He concluded, as he drove into the compound, he was shocked, to find the three of them outside the house waiting for him.Seeing him with the same car that have caused him so much pain, and without a driver, they looked so worried, but he seem happier than before, he has conquere
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please sign here ma". She looked down and her tears dropped.
He stood for a long time, starring at her, as if wanting to be sure, he isn't mistaken.When the receptionist saw him, he showed Rebecca's crew the stairs, so that they could go with Andre, who was still starring at Rebecca as if he just saw a ghost."Hello I am Rebecca from Rejosh planning home, we are here to see Mr Charles Peterson". He would have stopped her from going further, if not that, he was stunned, by how she had transformed, from a pitiful ugly shaped, low class girl, to this classy person, that Charles even found her fascinating."After me". He finally says, and started walking up the stairs, back to the board room.Just knowing that they are behind him, he didn't want to miss his step, as his heart, was filled with so many mix ups.Rebecca wouldn't say she did not notice how the guy was staring at her, as if he was lost, and she didn't care, she just looked away, trying not to get distracted, by their looks, she knows why they are looking, she too, have glared at hersel
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I want to have it here, so she can watch
Rebecca obviously looks angry, and she was waiting for him to say something, before she lashes at him. "Please can I speak with you alone? He asked, but Josh didn't move, he wanted to get the clearance from her, before he would leave her, so when she nodded to him and Logan to leave them, they moved to the other side, not too far from where they are, so that, they could be there, to intervene, if need be."I am sorry about earlier". He started, but she stopped him with her hands raised high."You were there, you didn't try to stop her, and here you are, behind her back, to tell me you are sorry. well, I am sorry too, but I don't need your sorry, and in advance, I won't be able to plan your wedding to her, maybe you can get someone else, all I owe you right now, is this party, after that, I don't think I would want to see you.I thought you were different, like you were my friend? Charles replied immediately."Yes I am". She was also quick to stop him."I don't want a friend, who would
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You really wanna act like that didn't happen?
She watched them, till they were done, then she got up and started clapping for them, for putting up a great show.Sydney didn't expect such reaction, but instead of acting shocked, she smiles back at her, and even winked."That was really great, fucking him in my presence, just to taunt me". She spoke, thinking that was the first time, they were being that close.You have been eyeing him for a long time, and I get that, but you should have known, that, he doesn't like you, but now that you have been able to get him to at least fuck you, I will leave him for you, take all of him". "I guess you didn't know we almost had it earlier today, but we were caught by your husband to be, who won't be your husband anymore, after he hears, what I have got to say". Sandra started laughing at her, when she saw that she was touching her phone, she suspected that she wants to record her speech, so she started saying thing, that did not match up."I love Charles okay, and I have heard that you want h
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You are going nowhere
Sandra was still on her way home, riding slowly, with so much anger, welling up inside of her, from Sydney, to Andre, and then back at her last even ta lake spring, when she got a call from Andre, she thought he wants to apologize to her, since she had found out that Andre and Sydney had been together, and was caught by Charles, so she refused to take the call, but he wasn't ready to give up, as he kept calling her."What is it? She asked harshly, when she took the call, but his voice was calm."I sent you a video, on your handle, check it now". Since he wasn't calling to talk with her, then the video must be very important, then her heart skipped a beat, she remembers Loretta, they had her sex video. She started breathing hard, at some point, she lost her breath, as it stopped."My world is crumbling and all my relationships would be Burton". she says, as she stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, to cry, but she remembered, that Andre, wouldn't be so calm, of he had seen her sex
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We are doing this today
The week was tiring for Rebecca, that she did not get a chance to pick a dress for herself to the party, she took all her time to plan, but just as before, her friends were there, to help her through with whatever she needed.They brought a dress, that was not too loud for her, and she felt happy, when she saw it.It was a brown dress, but still curvy enough for anyone looking at it, to see, that she is really shappy."Today is the day, and we must be ready, for any unforseen circumstances, as that Lady doesn't like you at all". Josh tells her, while adjusting her dress, with that of Josh."I am sorry Josh". Rebecca says, and Josh turned, looking shocked."For what? He asked, still with the same expression."I just told him that I was no longer interested in planning his wedding, without talking to the crew first, I am really sorry". Josh nodded his head on agreement. He had been angry at first, when he heard it, but he couldn't be angry with her, with everything happening around her,
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We are going to go in there, and act like nothing happened
Each step they take, was making her feel more on ease, as the cameras in the hall, turned to face her, she knows that whatever happens, her face will be all over the internet the next day.It almost felt like she was twining with Sandra, as they were both wearing Brown dress. When they finally got to her, she forced herself to smile, but even a blind person, could feel she was only forcing herself."Hey Becca, you look so beautiful in that dress". Came Sandra's voice, she was trying really hard to sound genuine, but even though she would have loved to believe she is, she couldn't, that would be too soon."Thank you, yours looks great on you too". She responds, avoiding Charles' look.There was a particular press man, who came very close to them, but funny enough, he was not sent away."I am sorry, about our last meeting together, I was just overreacting because of the baby, I never knew pregnancy have a way, of making one react in an unlikely manner". Rebecca was shocked, that she wa
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a floating body in the pool
Logan and Josh were still keeping a straight face with each other, trying to act like they didn't care about each other, but they kept stealing glances at each other, and whenever each feel the other isn't watching, he takes his time, to take a longer look.Another photographer approached Josh, he looked like he isn't straight, and even from afar, one could see, that he was flirting with Josh. Logan was so angry, with the way he kept blinking his eyes, and twirling his nose, in the twilight of the evening."What does he think he is doing, he is my man". He says to himself, but still, remembering that he was having issues with Josh, he didn't want to go to him, or stop whatever the intruder was doing.Rebecca sighted Josh talking with the photographer, and decided to tease Logan a bit, even though she knows, that Josh loves Logan too much, and wouldn't want to cheat on him, or do anything, that would hurt him.They have both come from way back, keeping it up from that time. They have b
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You left the door open, so I let myself in
Sandra was expecting to hear noise from the guards, that a body have been found in the pool, but each time, she hears a sound, it is usually, that of laughter or celebration.Andre, was seated at a corner, drinking himself to stupor.She took one look at him, wondering why she fell for him in the first place."Such weakling". She cursed, and shook her head disgustedly, as she looked away, but then her eye caught Rebecca, staring at Charles, admiring his every move.In her eyes, it could be seen, that she was taken by Charles. Sandra grew red with anger, feeling happy that she had been able to destroy Sydney, destroying Rebecca after their fight won't be nice, people would suspect her, she should take her time, then, gently destroy her, from inside out.Though she was angry, she still needed to smile, as she could feel lights on her face, she knows that it is camera, she wouldn't want to take chances at all.She approached Rebecca who was alone, and decided to chat a little with her."
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