Все главы Primal desire: Глава 1 - Глава 10
Chapter 1
Hi I'm Ren, I'm 15 I come from a huge family at least that's what i tell everyone that does'nt know my secret. I'm a werewolf everyone in my pack has a wolf and can turn when ever they want I think its amazing, but i am scared of my first shift. my friends that are older then me have told me that it hurts, but in the long run it is worth it, because you get a life long best friend and you get to find your soulmate that will love you no matter what.P.O.V. Ren                                               "Ren, you need to get your ass up and get your ass to school cuz i am not driving you again" my older sister yells from outside of my room waking me up. "I was having a very good dream...now I cant remember it" i grumble under my breath as i get out of bed and head for my closet. I grab my favorite T-shirt and ripped jeans and make my way to my bathr
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Chapter 2
P.O.V. jacki ploped down next to thomas and our other friends. i sat in the best spot i can eat my food and watch ren. i cant wait for her to know who i am and maybe then she will stop hating me so much. i dont even know why she hates me."Ren, hes staring at you again." her bestfriend katie whispers to her"seriously? do i have something on my face or something?" Ren whispers back katie giggles "no....honestly i think he likes you, probably the reason he is always doing the stuff he does. talk to him and find out" katie whispers back"but..."katie interupts her "no missy you need to at least talk to a guy other then our friends. how do you expect to find you mate this weekend" she whisper yells at heri snicker, little does katie know she is talking to the future luna of my pack. maybe when i become alpha i will let katie come shes funny. i watch as Ren grumpily stands up and starts walking over to my table. she stops right b
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Chapter 3
P.O.V jackthe rest of the night wasnt really eventful. so i went to bed just to pass the time.**************************************when i got up the next morning i had to call thomas to come over and help me i was kind of stressing out over not knowing what to wear. "bro you really need to stop being a girl over this just wear what you always do its not like she will reject you just because of this....plus didnt you say that you told them that you would be over at noon?" he says flopping down on my bed."ya i did say that...why?""well noon is in like....5 min""what?!!! why didnt you say anything before now" i yell at him as i grab a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt and shove my feet in my cons and running to my car and speed towards her house hoping that i am able to make it there on time before noon hits. i pull into her drive way with a few seconds to spare. i sigh and climb out and walk up to the door, before i could e
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Chapter 4
P.O.V. jack I woke up to my dad pounding on my door telling me to get up so that we could start getting stuff ready to bring over to the girls house.“I am up dad… I’m going to take a shower then I’ll be down” I yell back grabbing clothes and head to the shower.‘I hope she accepts us when she realizes we are her mate’ onyx says“She will or she will make us work for it”‘I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go over there with out the boys. We should make it harder for her to figure out who we are’“I agree that they should go… I will talk to dad about it” I say getting out of the shower, get dressed and head down stairs.I walk into the kitchen and sit down. I see dad pulling meat out of the freezer.“ hey dad onyx brought something up and I agree with him… we should bring the boys so that it’s harder fo
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Chapter 5
 P.O.V. jacki can tell by the look on her face that she can smell us but she hasnt figured out who it is but she will know later. onyx has been very silent since we pulling put to the house we can smell her and its driving us crazy i have no idea how i am going to wait until her shift tonight. i mind link my dad "im not sure if i can do this dad...onyx and i can smell her its driving us crazy""dont worry son you can do this i know how are it is trust me i know but i believe in you" he says going up to Ren and telling her happy birthday.i stand in the back of the group not wanting to get any closer i dont think i can control my self if i get any closer her scent is so much stronger than before."im going to go get the cooler dad thomas why dont you come help me out" i say walking to the front door. thomas fallows me out side."dude what is wrong with you. you were acting al
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chapter 6
P.O.V. jaden That slut she is trying to get with my man how dare she do this he is mine. The alpha promised him to me when i sided with him over my family. I start to run after jack and grab his arm. “Jaden, what the hell are you still doing here and let go i have to go meet up with the rest of them” he says trying to remove my hand from his arm. “Why do you even care its not like any of them are you mate” i say flirting and put my free hand on his chest. All of a sudden Ren burst through the trees furry written all over her face.The look of shock all over jacks face. “Ren i swear
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chapter 7
P.O.V. ren It felt weird at first being on all fours, jack looked amazing in his wolf form i had no words.‘Do you feel the pull to him now?’ phoenix asks ‘Yes i can feel the pull it is so strong...this is going to be harder than i thought to resist not going after him’ ‘You mean jumping his bones’ phoenix says laughing ‘You forget i can hear your thoughts’‘I would never think like that’‘Ren can you hear me?’ Jack asks in my head, making me jump back a bit. ‘
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chapter 8
P.O.V. Ren  ‘REN YOU NEED TO WAKE UP NOW!!!’ phoenix screams at me in my head. I groan at her volume and then i remember what happened and i shoot up straight. I groan and put my hand to my head and its sticky and stings.‘You hit your head on the window when we started to flip, i also think you might have a few bruised ribs, your arm is sprained and theres cuts and scrapes down your arms and legs’ phoenix says in a huff. I look around and get really confused from the looks of it im in a dungen i stand up and touch the bars  and my hand sizzles.“Fuck that hurt….wolfsbane” i snap rubbing my hand. I hear foot steps out side the doors and i rush to the bed and lay down and pretend to still be
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chapter 9
P.O.V. Renthe last thing i remember is seeing jack i am home. we are safe but why is it that i dont feel right i feel off in a way im not sure why. 'phoenix why cant i move''they have you sudated to help us heal well be able to heal soon i promise just calm down' phoenix says i try to relax but it hard my body feels heavy. then all of a sudden my senses start coming back and i can feel someone right next to me grabing my hand. tingles and sparks start going up my hand."ren i hope you can hear me....you have to wake up i cant live without you this week has been so hard with you gone....you need to come back to me" jack says. i try to tighten my hand around his. he gasps which tells me i was able to grab his hand back."o thank the goddess...ren open your eyes please i need to see your gorgous firey eyes." he says with so much need in his voice. i try to open my eyes but `fail.'ren you have to relax or it wont work' phoenix says feel
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chapter 10
P.O.V. Ren jack didnt come back for the rest of the night, katie and beth came by and i told them what happened and why jack reacted the way he did. they tried to reasure me that everything will be okay. 'is he mad at me' i ask phoenix 'from what ive over heard from onyx no hes not hes mad at who ever took you, hes also mad at him self for not being able to protect you like he should of' 'he shouldnt be mad at him self' i say rolling over starting to feel very tired. 'go to sleep we will talk in the morning' she says as i drift off to sleep. ******************************************************* P.O.V. jack  i come back to find ren fast asleep. i sigh walking over to her and lay down behind her carefully wraping my arms around her. she jerks awake and sits straight up screaming. "get away from me!" she yells pushing me off the bed i hit the ground with a loud thud. "Ren its me calm down baby" i say
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