Semua Bab Shh, Don't Tell Daddy: Bab 21 - Bab 30
56 Bab
I spend the day at home, my dad watching my every move while he sends Damon to ask around to find out who it was. I doubt anyone will find out. Nothing happened where he is asking about. "Right, princess, I will take you to Damon's. Make sure you stay inside; if less, you have to go out. I will get Damon to grab your stuff from the hotel." He hands me a jacket, and I smile. "Thank you, daddy. I'm sorry as well." I look up at him. "About what princess?" He hugs me. "Never coming home or spending time with you." I feel awful for disappearing. "You're like me. You like your freedom, princess. I always knew you did. Just remember to call in some time." "You know what would make it easier, daddy?" I smile at him. "What princess?" "A bike, I could ride up here, or anywhere and meet you and just go out on the bikes." His face whitens. "Your mother would kill me, princess." He laughs. "Only if you paid. All I ne
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His Silent Words
We don't speak for the rest of the night. Damon cuddles me as I sleep, yet in my mind, I am worried. I'm worried that the woman who was attacked is down to Paul. I'm worried that Paul is actually now trying to kill me. I'm also worried that all it will take is Damon to see Paul walk out of my room one more time for him to figure out something is going on. I wake up and cuddle closer to him as I feel his finger stroke down my back. I stay still, pretending I am asleep just so we get longer to cuddle before he insists on me getting up and drinking water. It's perfect, and I have to smile because here with him feels like home. I feel more welcomed here than I do in my parents’ house. "One day, baby girl, one day soon, I will tell you." His words confuse me, and I hear him sigh. "Soon." He moves slightly, and I decide now is the time for me to pretend he woke me with his movements. I move slightly and yawn, feeling him pulling me into his arms mor
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Falling Down
We leave, and I drive. Which feels crazy. I keep looking over at him and laugh as I don't think I have ever seen him in a car before. "Don't get used to it, baby girl." He laughs and winks. "But daddy looks so cute in the passenger seat." I laugh as he groans. "We're going shopping. Depending on what you buy, it won't fit on the bike. Just drive, baby girl, because if I get bored, I may start to play." He winks at me. "Play, with me daddy?" I watch as he nods. "How will you play, daddy? Your fingers stroking along my body before pushing into my hot, wet pussy." His eyes widen as he stares at me. "Baby girl, don't fucking taunt me, or I swear!" I laugh and nod. "But taunting daddy is so fucking hot." I hear him groan and watch as his cock hardens more. "It won't be when you can't sit for a week, brat." "I think that will make it hotter, daddy, don't you?" "Okay, enough! Just because we're out, don
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Nothing Left
I walk to my dad. He turns and smiles. His smile dropping. "Princess?" "I'm fine, but I have to get back. They called and needed me in daddy." That is my excuse. "Okay, but meet some of the guys, say hello to the old ones you know." He sits me down. "Everyone remember my princess, Trix? She's my little angel." My dad smiles at me, and I hear a laugh. I look up to see Damon glaring our way. "Sure, daddy’s little angel." I stare at him, shocked. "What?" My dad turns and looks at him. "Oh, I forgot, we all act like little Trix is a virgin, but we all know she isn't. She likes her bikers." I feel my heart shatter, my dad glancing around. His eyes settle on Trevor. Shit! "You!" My dad steps towards him. "Not me. I think you should look closer to home, Scorpion, two people very close to your home, as news travels fast." "Apparently not, as I didn't even see it happening right under my n
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New Beginning
I wake up in my apartment. Groaning, I go to move, finding my hands tied to the radiator. My face hurts a lot. I pull against the rope, but it doesn't seem to want to give away or break. "Trix, you're awake." I hear Paul and freeze. "Last time you ran, this time, I won't give you a chance. Hence the rope." I ignore his words and keep pulling. The rope is burning against my wrists. "I can see you're not ready to talk. That's fine, Trix. Maybe later you will talk after another nap." I look at him confused, his hand holding a cloth. "Don't, I will talk. Just don't." I don't like it. When he uses that to make me pass out, I have no idea what happened while I was asleep. "Now you're listening." I watch as he sits on the bed and faces me. "You want freedom, right, Trix?" He looks at me, and I nod. "Yes!" "So, let's make a deal. You behave, for say four months. I will let you get a job." "Four months?" I won't make it
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Escape In Sight
I have watched as yet another month passes. Paul has barely spoken about me getting a job. I wonder if he will allow it? He seems quiet, almost like he is rethinking his plan. I do my best to act like the perfect girlfriend. I cook his meals, clean the apartment. Do everything he says and follow his orders as soon as he says them. I'm lucky I know him, know what he expects. It means when we talk, my mind is quick to tell me what to say. The things that make him smile and feel safer. Like I won't run, but I will. I will be running. I've watched him the entire month. The baby, to him, is money. I've listened to his calls, to him finding someone who would buy the baby. It just confirms I need to escape sooner rather than later. I can't let him sell the baby, so even if I struggle to get free, I will find a way to make sure the baby is safe. He wants money, an idea comes. An idea which might mean if I can't escape before I have the baby, we keep i
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The Final Fight
I don’t sleep well at all. I continue to fight against the rope, but all it does is cause me to scream as it pulls on my wrist. My neck is bleeding, so I spent my time leaning forward to remove some of the tension. Unfortunately, if I sit up straight, the spikes dig in deeper. I hear him moving all day. He hasn’t given me a drink, nothing. I watch the clock, hours passing, and the more time that passes, the more I consider just standing, even if it rips my neck open and kills me. It will be a quicker death than they will give me. Then, I look down at my stomach and feel like fighting. Fighting, though, won’t work. I can’t fight that many men. I can’t escape them all. I have no escape. If I survive today, we move. Then what? Depending on where it is, if I scream and make noise, people might care. Here, no one does. I hear the door and watch as he walks in with a knife. My body freezes. He’s going to kill me. I watch as he walks to me and kneels ahead o
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Secrets Revealed
I have spent the week asleep. I’ve barely left the bedroom. Damon keeps sleeping on the chair. I’m not sure if he is staying away because he is worried about how it will affect me or if he isn’t ready to let me in yet. I have slept a lot. In between it, I have eaten and drank water. Trying to gain back my strength. Every time I get in the bath, I avoid the mirror. I still feel the cuts and bruises. I had to laugh at that. I refused not to bathe, so Damon got a stand in it. Now when I am in the bath, my leg can stay raised above the water. The cast is staying dry. It’s awkward, especially with my stomach, but it’s better than nothing. I haven’t really seen my dad. I have heard him. I have heard Damon telling him repeatedly that I am asleep, tired or worn out and need my rest. I’m grateful for that. My dad won’t understand, and I know I need to see him. He will be angry. I kept everything a secret, though. I get dressed and use the crutches to walk out. I don’t
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A Picture Worth Millions
I wake to feel Damon still wrapped around me. It's comforting, but I still feel like running to save him and everyone else. "Baby girl, you need to leave the house today." I hear his words and freeze. "Look at me." His hand grips my chin and forces me to look at him. "I-" His hand covers my mouth. "You need checking by a doctor, in a place. You need a scan for the baby. You told us you haven't seen a doctor once. You could have low iron or any number of things. So, it may be harsh, it may be cruel. But snap out of this trance, think about the baby, then when we get back, you can hibernate until you go into labour if you must." His words aren't cruel. Straight forward and blunt, but I can see his worry, so I nod and agree. I watch as he relaxes when I agree. His lips press against mine. "I can't wait to get these off." I wave my hand with the case, and he laughs. "You were told six to eight weeks. Luckily, they weren't f
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Something For Us
I look at Damon and wait for him to tell me where we're going, but he doesn't. After so long, he stops outside some shops and pretty much just drags me along with him. "What are we doing, Daddy?" I question, but he ignores. "Okay, so you're not even going to tell me?" I continue to waddle beside him, but his silence is making me nervous. "Okay, so apparently, daddy would suit being a slave and a pup. He is good at staying silent." That stops him. My smile widens, and his eyes look at me, shocked. "I dare you to do it, daddy." I smile, feeling excited just seeing him as him. "Not happening. Come on, just let it be a surprise, please." He looks at me, waiting, and I nod. We walk, and a few minutes later, we're walking into a shop. I wasn't even paying attention to things, so I had no idea what it was until we were inside. I look at the walls and see houses. Is he seriously planning to buy a house? "Daddy, what are we doing here?"
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