Semua Bab All I Want Is You: The Youngers Book 3: Bab 11 - Bab 20
27 Bab
Chapter 10
Phin set down his office phone receiver with a gratified sigh. Apparently Josh Lassiter had finally posted bail and been released.When he’d contacted Violet about giving Emily a job, he hadn’t told her any specifics. Violet, despite her intense curiosity, had agreed to look into it. So, Violet must have hired Emily for a job, and Phin couldn’t help but be glad that he’d found a way to help her.Of course, he had no intention of telling her of his connection to Violet. There was no reason Emily needed to know. Just knowing he helped her was enough for him, and now, her brother was out of the detention center.And if he were honest, he’d admit that he hadn’t stopped thinking about that damn kiss since he’d dropped Emily off at her apartment. He’d dreamt of it, over and over again. In some of the dreams, he’d picked Emily up in his arms and taken her inside before the kiss had turned into something much more interesting.He gritted his teeth, telling his body to calm down. He already
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Chapter 11
Two weeks after Josh had gotten out of the detention center, Emily almost wished she hadn’t paid his bail. He was sulky, angry, and he didn’t care about anything. He’d been frustrating before he’d been arrested, but Emily didn’t recognize this Josh at all. When she pressed him about what had happened during his stay at the center, he got this tight-lipped look on his face and refused to answer the question.That morning during her shift at the diner, she dreamed of going home early and taking a nap. Or sleeping for twelve hours. She’d lain awake all last night, tossing and turning, worrying herself to death about her brother.And then when her thoughts decided they needed something new to agonize over, she thought of Phin Younger, and how stupid she’d felt leaving his office that afternoon.Had he figured out that she couldn’t read? That when he’d told her to sign that line that said legal guardian, she’d frozen like a rabbit in front of the barrel of a gun? She’d sat in his ch
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Chapter 12
Phin collected his things, exhaustion making him dream of going home and sleeping for the entire weekend. The court case involving a hit-and-run accident hadn’t gone as well as he’d hoped, and now Phin was going to have to deal with the repercussions of his client being a no-show today at court.Today was a day where Phin wondered why he did this job. What was the point when his clients refused to listen to his advice? When the outcome was that his client went to jail anyway? It was a pessimistic thought that he tried not to entertain for too long, but today it stuck in his craw.Phin walked to his car with heavy steps. When he heard a voice say his name, he grimaced. He did not have the patience to deal with Sterling McIntosh today of all days.“What a coincidence,” said Sterling. “Seeing you here again.”Phin tossed his briefcase into the passenger seat of his car. “We’re both lawyers. Not sure it’s a coincidence so much as an inevitability.”“This is why you don’t have any frie
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Chapter 13
Emily and Phin found Mike in the park as Peyton described, but to Emily’s frustration, Mike was of no help whatsoever. He was drunk, or high, or both, and when Emily pressed him for information, he laughed and said she was wasting her time.“He’s a big kid,” said Mike, his bloodshot eyes rolling his in head. “He’ll come home. Or he won’t. But you won’t find him.”Phin looked like he wanted to take Mike and shake him until the few teeth remaining in his head fell out. Emily was tempted to do the same.“Peyton said you might know where Josh is,” said Emily.Mike guffawed. “That stupid kid. Does he think I keep tabs on everyone this city? Jeezus, I can’t even remember what I ate last.”“You don’t have any idea where Josh might have gone? Nothing?”“Lady, give it up.” Mike gestured at Phin with his grizzled chin. “Take your man home and cook him somethin’ nice for making him come out here for no reason.”Emily opened her mouth to issue a sharp retort, until she felt Phin’s hand on h
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Chapter 14
August passed into September before Phin realized it, and as the leaves began to change, he became swamped under a load of work. He was grateful for it, because it gave him a reason to stop thinking about Emily. Each day he awoke, he considered calling her to tell her—what? That he was sorry? That he missed her?He didn’t call her, though. Josh’s case was still pending, and there was nothing to discuss until his next court date, which was months away. As far as Phin had heard, Josh had been attending school and hadn’t run away again. For that, he was thankful, because Emily didn’t need the stress.But Emily wasn’t his to worry about. He’d made that abundantly clear when he’d touched her and then driven off. He hated himself for that. Yet when Sterling continued to sniff around him, he knew he’d made the right choice.Emily didn’t need Phin making her life harder than it already was. Logically, he knew that. In this instance, though, logic didn’t soothe him like it normally would.T
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Chapter 15
Since Phin was a groomsman in his brother’s wedding, he needed to be there a few days beforehand, so Emily told him that she’d take the train up to Seattle the morning of the wedding. Phin had balked at first, but after she’d agreed to let him pick her up at the train station, plans had settled into place.“I talked to Violet, and she said you could hang out with her and the rest of the wedding party at her house,” said Phin as he pulled up at a charming bungalow house in north Seattle.Emily’s heart pounded with nerves. She would be introduced to the entirety of Phin’s family. Would they like her? She couldn’t bear to think that they’d dislike her.“I’ll take you inside and introduce you.” Phin took her hand and squeezed it. “They’ll love you, I promise.”Phin opened the front door without knocking, calling out, “Violet? Thea?”A woman with short blond hair and a septum ring came skipping down the stairs. “Phin! Finally!” The woman hugged Phin hard before turning to Emily. “You m
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Chapter 16
Emily followed Phin into the nearby hotel, saying a silent prayer of thanks that Ash and Violet had thought to have everything for the wedding within close proximity.Phin headed straight to the elevator, and when the doors closed with only the two of them inside, he started kissing her again. She’d never kissed a man in an elevator. But then again, she hadn’t been this desperate to be with a man in her entire life. All of her previous relationships paled in comparison to this lust burning through her.Phin nipped at her bottom lip before kissing the side of her mouth. “That beauty mark has driven me crazy since I first saw you,” he admitted. “It made me want to kiss you right then.”“In the courtroom? That judge would’ve had quite a show.”Phin laughed. “Honestly, it probably wouldn’t have been the craziest thing he’s seen. It would’ve probably been a regular morning for him.”At that, Emily started laughing, and she almost demanded to hear some of Phin’s crazier stories. But the
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Chapter 17
Emily awoke to the smell of coffee and the sound of rustling paper. She groaned before she stretched her aching muscles, blushing bright red when she remembered the cause of those body aches. Who also happened to be sitting next to her in bed, watching her nude stretching without batting an eyelash.“Good morning,” rumbled Phin, a smile on his face. “There’s coffee. I thought we could order room service if you’re hungry.”Emily needed a shower and, based on how fuzzy her teeth were, a toothbrush. “I need to go to my room and get my suitcase.”“I got it for you.” At her surprised look, he pointed to the bag in the corner. “I got your room key from your purse. I probably should’ve asked, but—”“Oh, no. Thank you. I think I’ll go take a shower.”“I’ll order us some food, then.”As Emily stood under the hot water of her shower, she couldn’t help but wonder at this feeling in her belly. She felt…unsettled. Her fuzzy mind came to the conclusion that it wasn’t that she was unhappy about
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Chapter 18
Emily’s stomach rumbled as she smelled the burger and fries waiting for her latest table. She hadn’t eaten since early that morning, and the diner had been so busy that she’d only had time to eat a quick granola bar on her break. Normally she tried to avoid the greasy meals here, but right then, she could’ve eaten that entire plate and then some.Jenson eyed her as she gazed longingly at the plate. “You hungry?” he grunted.“No.”“Yeah, you are.” Jenson pushed the burger and fries toward her. When she balked, he said, “I already made too many. Eat it. Otherwise I’ll trash it.”Emily was skeptical this was the case, but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Taking the plate, she found her favorite corner in the kitchen and chowed down. She almost moaned with pleasure as she took her first bite. She ate the entire plate in record time, practically licking it when she was done.“Thanks for that. I should get back to work.”Jenson didn’t say anything; he didn’t need to.
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Chapter 19
Saturday morning, Emily awoke to find Josh already up and making coffee. Considering her younger brother could barely make toast without burning it, she was shocked to find him making coffee in the first place.“I didn’t know you drank coffee,” she said.“I started drinking it when I was in juvie.”“It’s early for you to be up.” Normally Josh didn’t get up until midday on weekends.He shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”Emily slumped down onto one of the rickety kitchen chairs. “I couldn’t either. I kept staring up at the ceiling no matter how hard I tried to shut my eyes and sleep.”The coffee machine beeped, and Josh brought two mugs to the table. Emily stared at her brother in surprise. Where had the angry, selfish teenager gone? She kept getting whiplash from Josh’s personality changes; she was half-certain she’d get a concussion soon enough.“Did something happen last night?” said Josh. He was decidedly not looking at Emily when he asked the question.Last night—Emily swallowed, h
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