Lahat ng Kabanata ng DESPERATE LOVE: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
99 Kabanata
The restaurant is right on the corner of a busy Third Ave intersection. From any side when pedestrians pass or motorists pass, the restaurant will be seen very clearly with its bright yellow plaque. Emily, who saw the legendary restaurant, immediately shouted with joy at her mother so that she could buy a cup of her favorite McDonalds ice cream. Hazel ignored her daughter's whimper for a moment. Currently the focus is only on the pedestrians who are crowding around the McDonalds restaurant which looks so crowded at lunch time. She had made a deal with Calvin before they parted ways to carry out their respective duties. She told the man that she could not follow his plan if she was still a kidnap victim with her daughter. She certainly didn't want to risk Emily's life if she decided to join Calvin without consideration. So she comes up with a brilliant idea to outwit the geeky law enforcement officers while they travel to Idaho to gather evidence of past crimes that may still
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The Space Needle looked crowded, even busier than Hazel could have expected. The one hundred and eighty-four meter high observatory in fact managed to attract the attention of many people, both local and foreign tourists. Since the beginning the Space Needle was built as an icon of the city of Seattle and also to attract many tourists to visit Seattle. Calvin should be happy to be here, Hazel thought irritably. A few minutes ago they had just been arguing about Hazel's preferred location which was obviously very risky and very crowded. The man vehemently blamed her for never telling him about this place in the first place. But Hazel could also blame the man because he didn't ask at all when she told him to leave a message on Cassie's voicemail with a strange message that only the two of them knew. “There is a five percent discount on ticket purchases for active soldiers like you. I'm sure you've never been here before." Hazel purposely mocked Calvin to make the man e
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Pedro's cell phone vibrated gently in the pocket of his slick ironed pants and a long shirt top that was no less slick with the expensive pants he was currently wearing. Expensive clothes, handsome looks, and a charming smile are Pedro's charms that no one will be able to resist. Since he could make millions of dollars overnight, he no longer wanted to be the pathetic bum he had been so underrated in New Orleans. It could be said that his life has now drastically changed, from a dirty ugly boy to a rich and attractive adult man. "Yes, what is up?" He answered directly without further ado. While small talk wasn't his trademark, the person on the other end wouldn't want to hear a bunch of bullshit from him either. "What about Emma Shelter?" “Right in front of me. Two hundred meters in front of me, playing with five children who are so noisy. Her other comrades don't seem to care at all." Pedro took the time to glance at another young woman who was sitti
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Their journey was smooth at first. There were no strange things they encountered on the way. Calvin who is driving the car looks very calm. His instincts didn't give any warning at all. A hat covered his head, sunglasses perched over his nose, and he looked haughty. To get out of Seattle, they avoided the main road. They avoid cctv cameras installed at various points on the road as much as possible. Better to take a detour than to have to deal with the police. Neither Hazel nor Calvin, they would take that risk. But because their journey had been too smooth since earlier, it made Hazel very sleepy. She then asked Calvin's permission to turn on the radio. Though she used to drive herself if she wanted to visit her mother out of town on weekends, but this was very boring. The most boring trip she had ever taken because she didn't go with Emily. She couldn't chatter with the girl, while Calvin was a very quiet man who didn't like to talk. “Do you mind if I play
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Richmond stared at the look of his house flatly. He hadn't been home for two days to find the whereabouts of that bastard Calvin. He really couldn't remember coming home when he had wallowed in the case and all that had to do with Calvin McAdam. In fact, today he also intends not to go home. It's the same for him to go home or not. Tasteless. His wife would probably be happier he wasn't home than he was, but she always ignored him painfully.Sometimes he thought, maybe when he came home he would find his wife having an affair with another man in their house. But in the nine years they've been married, he's never once found Emma hanging out with another man. That woman was too good for such an irresponsible asshole.With unsteady steps, he got out of his car after parking the car in the garage of his house which was not too big. He immediately turned off the yellow light that lit up the garage, after which he closed the pull-out door in front of the garage and locked it
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The next day Richmond got up early and took a shower to get ready to go on a search for Calvin. Since last night he'd been making plans to go to some areas south of Seattle that he hadn't been with Michael. He shouldn't be too far from Seattle. In every corner of the city there is CCTV that is on for twenty-four hours. The man also had no allies to help his escape. It was clear that the man was not going anywhere and could only survive in cramped slums until in the end he would give up because he had nothing to survive. "You look really excited, Rich." Emma places a cup of coffee and a plate of pancakes in front of her husband who looks happy. It had been quite a while in these years that she had not seen her husband so excited like this. “Maybe because I can have breakfast with you. Sit down Em, let's eat together." For now Richmond didn't want to remember anything about his plans to divorce Emma. Though last night he had thought about telling Emma a
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"How did it happen?" Richmond dashed out of Hazel's apartment building to meet a woman who had reported yesterday that her car had been stolen by a foreign man. This morning the woman found her car parked in front of her apartment building. Then a mail courier gave her a medium-sized envelope without a clear sender's identity. At first she was afraid to open the envelope. Especially after her car was stolen by a man whose identity the police suspected as Calvin McAdam. Throughout the day she became very scared and just hid in her apartment while watching a movie to get rid of her boredom. But suddenly this morning she had to get out of her apartment. A security guard knocked on her apartment door and said that her car was parked in front of the apartment building. Not believing what the man said, she finally went downstairs to check the whereabouts of her car. "Are you Miss Lola Elizabeth?" "Yes, that's me." “Richmond Shelter. Police detective
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Following Hazel's lead, Calvin drove toward Idaho via Interstate-82 E towards Yakima, and they were now in Oregon. It was raining heavily in Oregon when they entered the city at seven o'clock in the evening. Strong winds blew violently throughout the city. Many cars decide to slow down or stop at the nearest rest area to avoid the various bad things that come from deliberately driving in the middle of a storm. Inside the silent SUV, Calvin was still concentrating on the road ahead which was dark, slippery, and occasionally the steering wheel seemed to move on its own when a strong wind began to blow against the car he was driving. It was clear that the trip was very unsafe for them. But Calvin saw no sign of Hazel wanting to quit. Ever since they had escaped police investigation five hours ago, the woman had remained silent, staring blankly at the window. None of the topics they discussed during the long journey from Seattle to Oregon. They still have half way to go
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Water from the shower rained down on Calvin as soon as he entered the shower cubicle after removing all his clothes and storing them neatly in the closet. Calvin closed his eyes for a long time under the warm water that flowed down from his head, then his face, until it ended under his feet. He hadn't felt this calm in a long time. Calmness that can really make his body relax and not feel anxious. But he did not forget that he was still a fugitive. Until he finds the evidence to uncover The Witness' identity and find the real killer, he will still be Seattle's most wanted fugitive. As he rubbed the bar of soap all over him, Calvin thought of Hazel. No sound was heard from the woman outside. Maybe she ran away while he was taking a shower. His voice echoed softly, but he refused to believe it. They've been together so far. It's gone so far to have to sacrifice a lot. The woman had to sacrifice her kid to be left at the government shelter. After this he could not interfere wit
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Hazel jumped up with a dazed expression on her face. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was. She was about to scream Emily's name before she realized she was in a motel with Calvin waiting for the storm to subside outside. But the strange silence caused Hazel to straighten herself on the bed, observing the silence around her. I’m alone? He tried to contain the panic that was starting to soar in her mind. Fear haunted her until now she felt sick to her stomach. Gastric acid immediately filled the empty stomach cavity. And before things got any worse, she began to close her eyes and count from one to ten to calm her panic-stricken heart. She couldn't panic, she cried to herself. Calvin couldn't left her. The man might be going out for coffee or getting something in the car. For five minutes Hazel mumbled to herself like a madman to calm her chaotic mind. After that she immediately went to the bathroom to clean herself. She hoped tha
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