Semua Bab Almost Forever: Our Fake Romance Agreement: Bab 41 - Bab 50
52 Bab
Chapter 40 - You Gave Me All Your Love, And All I Gave You Was Goodbye
Reid These dreams have been haunting me since I got here - day after day, she taunts me with a smile, only to disappear. I see her again, just within reach, but as soon as I think I have her in my arms, she slips away again. How did this happen? How did I get here? I wake with a start, jumping up a little too quickly, and white spots cloud my eyes. How long has it been? A week? Two? Walking towards the windows in my room, I look out towards the frozen lake and sigh. Reid Grayson, you have become a coward hiding out at this lake house as if it genuinely were your sanctuary when you know your true sanctuary lay with her. Staying away from her proved nothing; I was as miserable as ever. My family have been trying to contact me since I arrived here, and to be honest, I wish they would all leave me alone. I chose to die, and they need to come to terms with it. My brother River will still be here, and he’s a better, more mat
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Chapter 41 - I Never Saw You Coming
Reid I open my eyes and immediately I am assaulted by the blinding headache that plagues me daily. These past few days have been nerve-wracking, the pain coming and going in waves and the fever dreams lasting even longer. As soon as my eyes adjusted, I found myself staring into the sleeping face of the woman with who I had involuntarily fallen in love with. Willow Creed looked even more beautiful as she slept, her brunette curls framing her heart-shaped face. She had a small frown forming on her brows and she was pouting; all these little things made my heart beat just a little bit faster. It takes me a second to realise that last night wasn’t in fact a dream. She was here, she confessed her love for me and said she would stay next to me regardless of the outcome. I know fighting her on this would prove futile as she would just annoy me with her own facts but the thought alone made me smile. I fell in love with her smart mouth
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Chapter 42 - Would It Be Enough If I Could Never Give You Peace?
Willow I watch as Reid heads to his wardrobe to get dressed, admiring his firm butt as he walks away. How did this happen? How did we end up here when last week we were both in tatters with broken hearts? I suppose that it started with that phone call from River; I should thank him when I see him again. I get up and walk towards the bathroom to clean up, grabbing my overnight bag on the way there. Currently, I stank of sex and Reid, something I wouldn't mind on any other day, but we needed to talk right now. When I am done in the bathroom, I notice that Reid has put clean bedding on and could hear the washing machine going down the hall. Smiling, I grab my glasses from the bedside table and head out to meet him. He stood in the kitchen with a frown on his face, deepening as he saw me walking toward him. "Did you get all of this?" he asks, pointing toward the grocery bags on the counter. I packed all the frozen stuff away but wasn't su
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Chapter 43 - You Need To Calm Down
Willow I’m watching Reid from the passenger seat and noting how completely calm he looks. Instead of the rigid lawyer now sat a man with his mind made up and chatting happily while sitting slightly slumped in his seat. I can’t help but think how much his decision weighed on him, knowing he could die at any given moment. Allowing myself to smile a little, I take in this different side of him with a happy heart. “My mom is looking forward to seeing you, as usual,” he says with a snicker, his eyes flickering towards me, then back to the road. “I’m a bit nervous about seeing your family after all this time,” I admit while fidgeting in my seat a bit. Yeah, it was all good and well that Reid had changed his mind about the surgery, but I had literally cut them all out of my life since we ‘broke up’ after Aspen. Would they still hold a grudge? Reid looks over at me and grins. “I can promise you now that you have nothing to be
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Chapter 44 - Tolerate It
Reid My father watches me with a glare, and before he even opens his mouth, I know what is coming. “Do you know how you’ve made your mother feel with this stunt you’ve pulled, Reid?” He says, the fake smile dropping from his face as promptly as he put it there. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose before straightening my back to answer him. “And I have apologised to her profusely for going MIA on all of you, have I not?” I say, leaning against the kitchen counter. River shakes his head. “That’s not what dad means, Reid.” He says, the joy in his eyes earlier replaced by disappointment. “Don’t think for one minute that we’re not happy you’ve decided to live. But how do you think mom feels knowing that she wasn’t the one to make you change your mind?” I look at both of them, dumbfounded that this would be the conclusion they would come to after all this time. “So you guys are happy that I’ve chosen to live, but not that
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Chapter 45 - Did You Hear About The Girl Who Lives In Delusion?
Willow I watch Reid slump against the car door and wrench the steering wheel from his hands, with my heart beating right out of my chest. Thank God that this is an automatic, or I probably would be dead right now. After I bring the car to a stop, I check Reid’s pulse and breathing, then pull out my cell phone to call River. Fuck their differences right now. I have no idea how I am remaining so calm, but I have a feeling that this will all probably hit me once the adrenaline leaves my body. I exhale, then dial River’s number, who answers on the first ring. “Willow! Hey, listen,-” “No, I don’t have time for that now, River. There’s been an accident and Reid has passed out.” I say and go on to tell him where we were currently before putting the phone down and actually calling an ambulance. When my eyes fall on Reid, I notice the side of his mouth is a bit turned down and realise what could have happened. He was so angry, so pissed off at his fami
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Chapter 46 - So If The Chain Is On Your Door I Understand
Reid My father is standing in front of me, sobbing his heart out because apparently, he blamed himself for my stroke. River said the same thing, even after I told them it was okay. What’s the point in whining over a death that would have ultimately come? Yes, they pissed me off with what they said, but that didn’t mean that I hated them for it. “You’re not a defective son, Reid. Please don’t ever think that about yourself! I am proud of what you’ve accomplished with your life, but I don’t want you to live your life to please me anymore. When you’re 100%, we can go over what you want to do from now on, okay?” My dad says while gripping my shoulder. I nod and give him a wan smile before he walks away again. My meningioma has grown no larger than my last check-up, so they have prepped me for an operation on the 30th, which was a few days away. I have to admit that I am terrified; even though everything still seems a bit hazy to me, I am still aw
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Chapter 47 - We Could Leave The Christmas Lights Up 'til January
Willow As soon as Reid was out, I left the hospital and made my way back to my condo while driving his car. As much as I wished to stay at his side, I was pretty drained and would do him no good by feeling this way. When I arrive at my condo, I grab a few more items I would need and head back to Reid’s lake house. Yeah, this was my home and all, but the lake house has come to be an important place for me as well. Within the hour, I was back at the lake house and didn’t even bother to shower as I headed straight for the bed. The pillowcases still smelled like him, and before I knew it, I had passed out with nothing but thoughts of Reid on my mind. When I open my eyes the following morning, I reach over to the spot where Reid should be, only to find it unoccupied. I had such a wonderful dream before I woke up, and to not see him beside me crushed my heart a bit. No worries, I suppose; he’s in the hospital and would probably get released
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Chapter 48 - That's The Kinda Heartbreak Time Could Never Mend
Reid How is everything so perfect and yet so devastatingly painful? I sat down opposite the woman who has come to mean so much to me, and she’s chatting away while we’re having lunch as if yesterday’s events didn’t loom over us. She’s decorated my home for Christmas to welcome me back, and she’s cooked for me - how could fate be so cruel as to give me someone like Willow Creed, knowing that I wouldn’t be long for this world? When River came to me this morning, I didn’t expect him to deliver the news he did since they gave me the all-clear on the operation. But he received a call this morning to say that there was an error in one of my MRI scans, and what do you know? They discovered another tumour and is clearly inoperable at this stage. He took some tissue samples this morning and would let me know if it was malignant or benign. But there is an out if it is cancerous, and it comes with radiation treatment and chemo, so that means man
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Chapter 49 - And When I Break It's In A Million Pieces
Willow Okay, I knew this would come; I didn’t know it would come so soon after we just made love. Reid looks at me and cups my cheek, wiping away the tears that had formed even before he told me. T hey discovered another tumour and had no idea if it was cancerous or not, but River would get back to him with the results in a day. If all goes well, they will remove the new tumour and proceed with chemo to eliminate the parts they couldn’t remove. But for now, they didn’t know if it was malignant or benign… the test would reveal that. “I didn’t want to ruin our first Christmas together, especially not after what you did for me. But it felt wrong to hide this from you,” he says while his bottom lip trembled. This was more difficult for him than it was for me, knowing that he just got this happiness and it might be taken away just as quickly. “I understand. Thank you for telling me. I’ll still be by your side, no matter the outcome
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