Все главы My Hope: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Hope   I ride home with Noah. The boys take their car. I hope no one sees us. Maybe I should be riding with the twins. But I really want to stay right where I am. It was a good day. We spent as much time together as we possibly could. It definitely helps.    I have been thinking about something for a while now. I heard the story of Raiden, my Father, being killed. Along with Noah’s father. Then the boys said I need to learn self-defense. No one has said who killed my father or why. And could the same thing happen to Noah? I still have lots of questions.     At Noah’s house, we enter the kitchen to a spread of food. “Eat up everyone.” Delilah says. I am starving. “You need to eat a lot more right before you change, so you are probably hungrier than usual.” Noah tells me. Well, that explains that.  “So, are there any other changes I should know about?” I ask everyo
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Noah    All night I worried about what I would do if anyone ever tried to take Hope. It was a fear I had since Dad was killed. But now that I know her, and love her, I am even more concerned. I have to do everything I can to ensure her safety. I’m exhausted and miserable by the time I get into my car. Picking her up is a savior to me. This beautiful person walks out of the house and sits next to me. She is everything. Her smile is like a ray of sunlight. My heart starts beating faster, just at the sight of her.    “Good morning love. Did you sleep alright?” I asked. “Not, really, but I feel better now.” She admits. “I might have to start running by your house in the middle of the night. Would you like that?” “Do you think it will make a difference? I don’t want you to have to go to any trouble for me.” She says. “It might. It’s worth a try. If I’m awake anyway,
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Hope   I think Dad regretted his question the moment he said it. “I mean, not that you two should start touching each other. I just wondered if it would make any difference at this point.” I see Mom laughing a little behind her hand. Noah’s face is blank. I believe he is thinking that he should have just been touching me all along. I feel the same way. Now I’m a little irritated with myself for not just going for it.     I overheard Noah explaining to Dad how much he cares about me. This werewolf hearing really comes in handy sometimes. Okay, maybe I was listening in on purpose, just a little.  It really meant a lot to me. I teared up just a little bit. I think Delilah knew what I was doing. She gave me one of her sweet smiles.    “Well, Mr. Christianson, I will respect your wishes and not get any closer to Hope until she turns 18, if that is what you decide is right.” &ldqu
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Noah  I am mesmerized by Hope as I listen to her open her heart to me and my wolf. I want to hold her. But I am going to wait. She is the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen. Her heart and soul are beautiful. How was I so fortunate to be blessed with her as my Mate? I know she is cold out here. I am in my fur, so I will be okay. Once she is quiet for a while, I get up and walk over to her sliding door that leads to the kitchen. She follows. “Do you think I should go in?” She asks. I nod my head. “Thank you for coming Noah. I will see you soon.” She waves and I run home. Maybe I can sleep now.  The week goes by without any problems or surprises. I go to her yard every night and watch over her house for at least an hour. She usually comes out to see me. I think she wakes up when I arrive. I don’t text her first anymore. She just appears. I know it helps the separation sickness. She always thanks me for it. I am doing it for m
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Hope   I feel so refreshed when I wake up. I haven’t slept like that since Noah, and I met. I can smell breakfast cooking. I jump out of bed and go to my bathroom to shower and get ready. I’m so excited for today. It’s our first actual date. He said we will be walking a lot. So, I barely squeeze my rounder hips into some jeans and a cute flowy top, since I am literally busting out of all my t shirts. I really need a new bra. This is getting ridiculous. But I shouldn’t complain.  Oh, to be a werewolf.   Noah’s wing of the house is on the other side from his family’s. He took this space when he became Alpha. He said it is for the privacy of the Alpha and Luna. But he didn’t like being all the way over on the other side of the house until now. He said that now he understands the benefits. Even though we haven’t made use of any of those “benefits”.  Noah rushes up the stairs
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Noah  “Hope, I love you with all my heart.” I tell her while holding her soft, beautiful face in my hand. I look her in the eyes and hope her response will be the same. I just wait.  She smiles. “Noah, I love you too. I never knew that I could feel like this. You are everything to me.” She tells me honestly. I pull her back to my chest and hold her tight. I am so happy at this moment. I have my Soul Mate, in my arms, and she loves me. I am feeling this electricity running through me from our connection. It’s amazing. I don’t even have words to explain it. How will I not touch her all the time so that I can feel these amazing tingles. It’s exhilarating and soothing at the same time. I will only have this feeling with her.  After I hold her for a little longer, we go put the picnic basket back in the car. Then we drive to a different part of the park. We hike for a little while. I hold her hand the entire time. I
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Hope    Today I will meet the rest of Noah’s pack. I’m nervous but excited. After breakfast, Delilah and I pick up Mom and we head to the mall to find a dress for tonight and some better fitting undergarments. I tell them all about our first date. They are both shooting me questions like teenage girls. They are cute together. I can tell they were best friends by their interactions.  I tell them that Noah finally held my hand and how amazing it felt.   After shopping, talking and eating, I finally have my dress. It’s form fitting but modest and covers me well enough for me to feel comfortable.  It’s a bluish green that reminds me of Noah’s eyes.  Mom was almost in tears when I came out of the dressing room with it on. “That’s the one.” She told me with certainty. I knew she was right. Delilah agreed.  Back at Noah’s house, there was a lot to do for tonigh
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Noah    “Thank you everyone for coming. I am so honored to welcome my Mate, and your Luna to our pack tonight. Over the next few weeks, we will be training her. I hope that some of you can participate in helping with that. She will be 18 very soon and will undergo the change. I would like to invite you all to attend her transformation. It will be a day of celebration!”  Those gathered applaud and cheer. “Because she has been unfamiliar with our customs her entire life, I would appreciate if you continue to honor her by showing her consideration and understanding as her life changes drastically.  I know that she will be an unbelievably caring and devoted Luna.   Our union ceremony date is yet to be determined. I know this is unusual for an Alpha to not claim his Luna right away, but extenuating circumstances have changed things a little in our case. You may not know that Hope is currently one of my students.
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Hope   Today was tough. The separation sickness is definitely getting worse. The closer we get, the more the bond increases. Just moments away from him and I am dizzy and nauseous.  I can’t wait for my transition so we can complete this mate bond. I need to ask Noah about the details. I’m not sure I understand what happens next.   I also hear some whispering about me and Noah. That is not good. I need to be more careful. I mentioned it to Zander, and he suggests putting his arm around my shoulders when walking me to my classes. I agree that it’s a good idea. Give them something else to gossip about and divert attention away from Noah.  I need to tell Noah, so he doesn’t get jealous. I’m certain he trusts his brothers, but the bond intensifies his protective instincts right now. I realize how I would feel if I saw Noah wrapped around any other female at this delicate time.   After re
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Noah    I have been running to Hopes house every night at around 1:00 a.m.  That seems to be as long as I can stand the separation. She comes outside every time. We can definitely sense one another more now. I stay in my wolf form. I don’t think her parents know about the late-night visits. She comes out with shoes and a coat on every time now.  She put a large blanket on the swing that sits on her back porch. We sit there every night with my warm form around hers. She pets my fur soothingly. Sometimes she talks to me about things she normally wouldn’t. Sometimes she simply falls asleep. Either way, I enjoy the closeness I get to experience with my Soul Mate.   She has been doing really well in training. I’m proud of her. She is getting stronger every day. I hope her transition will be as smooth as possible. I will be with her the entire day, in order to help her and comfort her. It is this Friday, and we a
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