Semua Bab Atlantis: Bab 11 - Bab 20
88 Bab
Chapter 11
World Academic Convention (WAC)The outskirts of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory The great monumental glass-covered structure of the glinting Cyrus reflected against the lenses of Alec Archer's dark shades on their approached."Wow! It's amazing!" he declared of the diamond-shaped building that is the size of a football stadium - the great, hot, dry and sandy expansive Australian desert as its backdrop.Alec accelerated the car in excitement."Definitely," Phil calmly remarked beside him. "The Cyrus is built for the prestigious WAC. It should therefore be made extraordinary. To mark the World Government's advocacy of worldwide academic excellence, the venue among other things should emphasize that,"Phil was only reiterating what Alec, and for that matter, everyone on Earth knew. The World Academic Convention, commonly known as the WAC, is an event that happens every four years that exclusively brings together all the to
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Chapter 12
He couldn't believe his eyes.She appeared at the ship's doorstep like a ray of sunshine. She had an air of freshness about her. Dressed in a long-sleeved, laced neckline orange A-line dress that was under a gray, velvet, waist-length jacket and high-heeled ivory shoes, she walked daintily and effeminately. Her eyes sparkled as she looked about her, a slight tinge of a smile gracing her lips and her eyes.And he stood there, enchanted.The last time he saw her she was dead-to-the-world. Looking at her now, he fell into a trance as he watched her every move, at how she crinkles her nose, how her eyes blinks, how her shoulder-long hair bounces on her shoulders, how her lips smiled.She's the all too familiar girl from Alaska; but this time, she was so full of life and her eyes sparkled with excitement as she paused at the doorstep, looking around. He failed to catch himself giving a small smile...a happy kind of smile.She then began to move away fro
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Chapter 13
The rooms prepared for the delegates were lavishly ornamented and themed with relaxation and leisure. Despite the serious agenda of the WAC, it was made to feel like a holiday. Alec just learned earlier about the recreation amenities that grazed one of the floors of the airship. Phil shared to him that it's a tactic to highlight the prestige of the WAC and enthuse more achievers. They also learned that the whole airship structure is five-storey soccer stadium huge. Each floors seemed to have appointed purposes; the top floor being the symposium site.Their room is masculine and well equipped. There were two beds and a Visual Comlink for external and internal communication is built-in. These Comlinks are hi-tech but any WDF militiaman would know that it's not hi-tech enough to link up with the sophisticated communication network system of the System.Alec was lying on one of the beds, looking up the ceiling with his hands behind his head. "I didn't tell her who I am, Ph
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Chapter 14
A stocky, middle-aged woman opened the door from the inside on their third knock on the door that was supposed to be Ava Kinski's.Alec looked at Phil chidingly. "For someone who is hard to miss, she looked absolutely unrecognizably different, Phil."Phil side glanced him with a sharp look then asked the woman. "Sorry to bother you, we thought this ""Ah you are looking for Miss Ava?" the woman replied gaily, raising her hand above her head to indicate a height. "Tall, beautiful young lady with red hair?"The boys were not sure about 'tall' and 'beautiful' but they nodded anyway."Yes, this is her room. I'm housekeeping. She is not here right now. She literally just stepped out 5 minutes ago. You just missed her. Friends of hers? ""Ah yes - we are old uni friends," Phil said dismissively as they looked at each other; Alec giving him the 'what now?' look."The exhibitions are opening today, this
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Chapter 15
"We split up from here," Phil instructed as they came upon the entrance to the WAC exhibitions. "You cover the Eastern part and I will cover the other side. If you find her, make sure to give me a buzz immediately. Do not engage unless I tell you to.""Yes, lieutenant,"And they parted ways.The WAC exhibitions is a showcase area where student delegates from each of the different study fields gets to put up a floor booth to share relevant topics or interesting subject matter in their respective fields. Alec could see that many of the students are still in the middle of setting up their booths halfway through the opening of the exhibition. He strode through the Medical studies booths and there was a myriad of fascinating exhibits on new medical technologies, latest discoveries in medicine, etc. Then there was the Political Science area, then the Geology exhibits.No sign of Ava Kinski. Truth be told, he wasn't looking very hard. There were too many distrac
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Chapter 16
The portal could have been one of the greatest inventions of all time.But such a dream is nothing but a dormant display in the airship's museum---useless and abandoned.Alec and Phil stood by the life-size, tubular structure in front of him. As Alec skimmed through the plate inscriptions on the stand, he couldn't help but feel the loss of what was to be man's greatest invention. A machine that can transport you anywhere is a stuff of dreams. Still, despite being just a display the amazement was there. For the tubular machine may be inactive but it is 100% operational! Yet the one that's standing in front of him right now, the only existing one, sadly is barred for used.It had been a global sensation when announcements of the breakthrough came. Now, it only stood there as a monument of the many unsuccessful attempts to perfect it, waiting for that inspired young genius, if there is one, who is going to break through the pitfalls of its perfection an
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Chapter 17
She was tall and lean, donned on a full sleeved, waist-length gray, fabric coat that hugged her slim body. Beneath it is a white sleeveless top with a slanting strap on one side that crossed her chest. A short, skirt was worn over a pair of gray tights and knee high fabric, flat boots. There is no mistaking that she is the same young girl in the lab photo because of her sharp features. It's very familiar...and yet somehow different.Different from what he expected.As she stood expressionlessly looking at the consoles of the portal, he watched her keenly: The thick red, shoulder length straight hair plain and loose around her head and resting on her shoulder, snow-white skin, high forehead, stunning sharp nose. She was beautiful but not the Hollywood kind of standard. Her beauty is exotic; a conglomeration of races - most prominent of which is possibly Greek which gave her well-textured facial bones and yet there was a softness about her face. Like an angel - a fierc
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Chapter 18
No matter what happened, Ava, don't you dare come back to Sybil. She could almost hear her father again as she walked down the hallway away from the men from Sybil. But she need not be told. She knew better than to go back. She could not allow the enemy to get hold of her. Ever. ** "And she called herself a civilian-" Alec muttered as he took a gulp of beer. "Heck, she's been acting General on us. We can even act more civil than her. She's no longer in the military premises yet she is more cold-blooded than any hardened soldier. What is up with her?" He recalled her stiffness, her inanimate way of speaking which is a steady lifeless tone... and yet there was no impatience in it. How can she spoke forcefully yet managed a calm voice, he had wondered. They were in a classy bar on the second floor of the ship, seated beside each other on a b
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Chapter 19
Today, the first academic symposium of the month long convention will be held. Something tickled his nose that made him got up immediately: coffee. And he knew it wasn't just any coffee like that one they get in Sybil for breakfast; it's a freshly brewed aromatic coffee delivered to their room. "Do you know what time is it?" Phil who was sitting on the dining table tinkering with his computer greeted him. "Uh, let me's 7'o clock like yesterday," replied Alec without a slight hint of remorse as he was getting up from the bed. "How come you still don't have it in your blood to wake up early when that is what you've been routinely doing for the past seven months?" Phil asked as Alec sat opposite him at the dining table, helping himself with the coffee. "Must be the bed; I haven't slept in such a comfortable bed in seven months," "It wasn't so comforta
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Chapter 20
The spacious auditorium occupied the entire top floor of the airship. Today, it is brimming with people for the first day of the WAC symposium.   With a seat capacity of thousands, it is enough for the vast student population in Cyrus.   It offered a 360 degrees sky view through the glass panels that circumvents it like a glass igloo. Sunlight flared all around seamlessly, filtered through tinted anti-ultraviolet glass panels.   Up front is a large stage. On its backdrop is a billboard-size monitor and Phil, Alec and Sanders recognized it to be belonging to the World Government's Communication Network - the Centralink. They were surprised to find it in this civilian activity. The WAC being outfitted with the sophisticated official government commlink technology only goes to show the prestigious support the World Government accords to this academic event.   They wondered who would appear there. They d
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