Semua Bab Red Riding Hood Killed A Wolf: Bab 11 - Bab 20
124 Bab
Enya pov I struggle to pretend to be asleep. I keep my eyes closed and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. As his breathing slows, I sit up and wait a moment. I need to make sure he's fully asleep before I do something I might regret. I get up and move to the side of his bed. The faint hint of moonlight illuminates the dark room, my eyes linger on his face, and I wonder how a monster can look so incredibly peaceful. "How can someone so vile look so handsome?" I think to myself as a strange feeling of warmth spreads through my body like wildfire. Silently, I scold myself. I came here with a goal in mind, but now I'm acting like a teenager who doesn't know what she wants but won't give up until she gets something.I let out a breath, and in my right hand, I grip the knife I sna
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Vincent pov I look down at her and trace her curves with my eyes. My dick is harder than ever- to feel her ass press against me makes me want nothing more than to shred what she's wearing and take her like I'd take a bitch. The mixture of fear and confusion in her eyes excites me more than I am willing to admit out loud. Our kiss is deep, far too passionate to feel real. My tongue explores every corner of her mouth, and I could swear she moans into the kiss. I shift my weight as I lean on my right arm. I move my left hand down her side to her leg and pull it up. I dig my fingers into her leg and slowly grind against her as our lips part. My eyes catch a glimpse of her flushed cheeks; her lips are parted, glistering from the kiss. I want to ravish her, bury myself deep inside her and show her how a real man loves a woman. I regret the promise I made to myself; I regret all the times I claimed I wouldn't sleep with
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Enya pov   Today, the pain in my side is not the only thing for me to complain about. The idiot cuffed my hands, kissed me like no one ever has, and carried me to the sofa. Well, thanks for nothing; no wonder everyone calls you a goddamn animal. I curse under my breath and try to free myself. I'll jump out the window if that's what it takes for me to break free. I probably look like a turtle as I try to roll around and get to my feet, but I don't care. There could be an entire audience watching my struggle, and even then, I wouldn't care. My soul almost leaves my body when I look at the bed and notice the outline of what looks like a body under the sheets. Cautiously, I move closer and have to restrain myself from bursting out laughing. There's a pile of pillows and a sheet thrown over them. I scan the room, it doesn't look like anyone, but I have been here for an hou
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Vincent povThis woman, she is impossible. Sure, some of her ideas about nicknames were both offensive and hilarious, but for the most part, they were impossible to digest. I told her not to play games around me because I take no responsibility for Damian's actions, but she does everything to throw him another challenge. The words he hurled at her excited us both. Something about this human invites us to get a taste of her, but we both know how wrong that'd be. I tower over her and close my eyes as I fight my wolf. He wants to get out and show her who's in control, but I can't let him. "If I see you near that damn window again, I'll throw your ass in the cells and leave you to rot among the fucking rogues. Think twice about your next escape attempt because I'm not going to treat you like a child. You are a grown woman, so act like one, damn it!" In the heat of the moment, I punch the wall right next to her head. I don't bother to stay around and l
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Enya pov He left, not even bothering to take off the handcuffs. I want to get out of here, but to do that, I have to come up with a plan to stay two steps ahead of him. This man, Vincent, is impossible. It's like he can sense when I'm up to something.  I sit down on his bed, suppressing the fear that creeps up on me. He could come back at any moment, but I have made myself comfortable in his bed. Besides, my hands are cuffed, and technically it would be challenging to fight back if he attacked. I have no weapons and no advantages on my side. To win, I must first earn his trust. Only then can I strike when he least expects me to try to escape. I wonder how my father is and if his health has deteriorated due to stress. I'm sure they'll come after me; the tattoo I got guarantees me their utmost loyalty. If someone from the Alliance was captured by the w
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Enya pov When I open my eyes, all I see is complete darkness. The stench of rotting flesh and fresh blood rises to my nostrils.  The place reminds me of Aaron's playroom, as he calls it. The guy is a complete maniac; inflicting pain and experimenting on living subjects is his favourite hobby. When he joined the Alliance, no one took him seriously until the leaders discovered his mild obsession with rotting flesh. Since then, he's been the go-to guy when it comes to torture- I have seen shifters of all ages survive up to ninety days in his chambers. The result was always the same at the end of the day- the hunters carried out a pile of corpses.A slight smile spreads across my lips as I think of our memories together at Alliance headquarters. Maniac or not, Aaron is a fun guy, and at one point, my father t
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Enya pov  "Well, that's a wonderful son you got there. Not that I am Vince's biggest fan, but I am sure there are enough people, I mean dogs, who would disagree with me." I chuckle. A moment ago, I was having fun with the conversation, but just the thought of the two of them being related threw me off. What if the old man is a spy and he's just trying to get information from me? Before he can say a word, I lie down on the ground and wrap my arms around myself. "Don't mind me; I am going to take a quick nap. Wake me up when they bring food, water, or whips." The old man chortles. I can imagine him shaking his head in denial. "They won't torture you, kid. You can think a lot of bad things about us, but we aren't the bad guys." Yeah, like I'd ever believe one of the monsters pretending to be a good person. The fairytales weren't as sweet and bea
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Enya pov  I let his words sink in. Honestly, I didn't expect his side of the story to be so heartbreaking. No, I don't feel sorry for him, but looking at his experience as a stranger, it does sound pretty sad. I thought his son literally threw him here to get the title, but apparently, nothing is what it might seem. But what was I expecting? That I would know everything? Surely that can't happen, even if it was my greatest wish. I am stuck in a pack of wolf shifters; there's more to everything than meets the eye. I swear, sometimes I am so naive it makes me sick. The old man brings me back to reality as his voice sounds closer to me. He's probably standing near the metal bars that separate our cells. "Since you are so silent, I assume you have no comments or questions. I'm pretty much done with my story, so how about you tell me yours?"
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Vincent pov I laugh so hard my eyes water. I haven't heard anything so ridiculous and stupid in a long time. The last time someone made me laugh like that was in high school. But the look on my Beta's face can only mean how serious his question was. I wipe away my tears and straighten my posture. Like a kid trying to look serious, I clear my throat a few times before speaking up. "That was a great joke, my friend, but warn me next time before you try to say something so absurd. One of these days, I might choke on a piece of food and die. Do you want it?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "You are an asshole, Vince." Ares crosses his arms in front of his chest and frowns. I have never understood anyone who can freely express themselves yet won't allow the same luxury to others.
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Vincent pov As I approach the cells, I don't bother to turn on the lights. We only use them when someone brings food or water to the prisoners. My father has all the extras in his cell, but I assume they are talking since I don't see a spot of light. He never uses the light when anyone else is in the cell- it's his way of showing what he calls respect. Just as I expected, she talks to him. I hear his voice. “We're not the bad guys here, but as sad as it is to admit- it seems you are the real monster here."  The only problem is that I must have arrived near the end of their discussion, and my father will notice my presence. So, instead of trying to be smarter, I clear my throat and speak up. "Don't waste your breath on a lost cause, dad. She's not worth it." When I get close enough, I lean against the door of his cell. The
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