Semua Bab MATED TO HER: Bab 11 - Bab 20
93 Bab
CHAPTER 9 I don’t know what to say or what to react the moment our eyes met. His brows furrowed at the sight of me. I looked away and closed my eyes while still trying to be comfortable on the bed. Damn it! Why is he here? He still has class, right? Or…is it their break time? Damn! I almost forgot about it!“You’re sick?” I heard him asked. I felt him beside my bed. Why does he need to come near me? He’s looking for his father, right?“Why people come over to the clinic? Isn’t it obvious?” I can’t help it anymore. I am so irritated in this situation. My eyes remained close; I don’t want to look at his eyes. Damn it!“You don’t look sick, though.” He said coldly. My brows furrowed and gritted my teeth. I opened my eyes and glared at him. I don’t know why I am mad right now. My mind is not working well.“Are you saying that I am lying? Why w
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CHAPTER 10 I was five years old when I last saw my mother. She looks lovely when she smiles and her red hair like mine always shined through my eyes. We look alike. The only thing that differentiates us is our attitude. While my mom was a soft-hearted and kind woman, I am hard-headed and feisty girl. I always hang around boys because girls hate me. We always end up pulling each other’s hair, so I always prefer Alqamar’s group.But sometimes if the boys are too pervert and bad, I always end up beating them until they give up. That’s what I am. I don’t want others to see me as a weakling. I am not like my mother who always stays quiet in the corner. I always want to fight with my rights, and I will protect my family with all my strength especially that I don’t have a father.Mother said that my father was killed by the humans. She said that it was an accident. The humans were too scared of my father to see him in a wolf
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CHAPTER 11 I decided to follow Ronald since I saw that necklace of him. I want to know where he gets that or where did his mother get that. Could she probably know my mother? Or my father? I know that my parents are both gone in this world but seeing that necklace from Ronald…bothered me the most. So, I won’t let it pass.“Where are you going again?” I heard Rael asked while I am drinking a glass of water. I looked at him and I saw him putting a band aid from his knuckles. Maybe he did a training for himself.“Somewhere,” I said coldly.“Are you dating someone new again?” he teased. I glared at him. This man really didn’t know how to shut his mouth.“What? I am just asking!” he raised his both hands to defend himself. I rolled my eyes.“I would be happier if you shut your mouth up,” I said coldly before I walked out.I slammed the door and hea
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CHAPTER 12 “I-I am…your mother’s…” he sighed heavily and swallowed more, “…friend,” I stared at him for a long while. My lips parted as my heart contradicted. Friend. He’s my mother’s friend? How come that my mother has human friend? It wasn’t forbidden but it’s rare. I swallowed hard and watched him composed himself.“Do you want…to have some coffee with me?” he asked after the silence. I looked away and thoughts started to spin around my mind. If he’s my mother’s friend, then it’s understandable why Ronald gets link to me. I nodded at him, so he smiled and lead the way. I watched his broad back, and I can really tell how Ronald is so much like him. Even his back looks so much of his son. Now I wonder…how is he as a friend? If he is a friend, why was he not there when my mother died? Did they lose each other’s
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CHAPTER 13 I stared at his eyes. Zin Lumiere. That’s the name of my father. I bit my lower lip to stop it from trembling. My heart is breaking while staring at the man who’s named Zin Lumiere. I didn’t even know his face. I didn’t even know what he’s like. Mom never mentioned him to me or because I was not asking about it.“I didn’t know what happened and believe me…I chased your mother but still she chooses to leave and told me…to just marry Serene…” I looked at him when he said that. What does he mean by that? Mom told him to…marry Serene? Why would she say that?My lips parted when a realization hit me when I saw his tears rolling down his eyes. My hands turned cold. Don’t tell me…“I loved your mom…I didn’t know if she felt the same with me but the way she pushed me away maybe…she really chooses Zin over me, right?” hi
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CHAPTER 14 Our eyes met. His seriously dark eyes are piercing through me. I want to look away, but his eyes are magnetizing mine. It’s crazy. Damn it!He sighed heavily after that then I felt his hand hold mine. He lowers my hand and grips it tightly. My head tilted to cover up my nervousness. I have to remind myself that I should being crazy to him, or I’ll end up like Alqamar. I don’t want to be a slave in my own mate. I want to prove myself that I am different from the others. I removed his hold to me and lower my gaze to avoid his eyes.“You know what? Stop over thinking about it. I won’t be your stepmother so don’t worry,” I said casually. He didn’t talk so maybe it’s my time to leave.Everything is confusing. Mom loved someone else before his mate and it seems like Doctor Raymond didn’t know about the mate thing either. Maybe it was the decision that my mother had chosen. To l
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CHAPTER 15 We’re both quiet the whole time we’re walking down towards the ice cream shop. He’s walking behind me, and I am very conscious because of it. I feel like he’s staring at me. I can’t believe that I am getting conscious because of him. I have never felt this way before. Even with Alqamar. I was always proud and confident but when it comes to him…I am losing it all.We both stopped in front of the shop. I glanced at Ronald who’s also looking at the shop.“Find us a seat, I’ll order for us,” he suggested. We both looked at each other. I raised a brow and crossed my arms.“Do you think I’ll let that? I’m gonna pay my own ice cream,” I said snobbish and walked first inside the shop. I smirked when I felt him followed me. I suddenly forget why he chooses not to throw hate at me. The first time we had interaction, he hated me to the roof, maybe because he
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CHAPTER 16 After we finished our ice cream we decided to come outside. I noticed how dark the night is. The stars are only few, and the moon is covering with the fog from above.“I’m going now. It’s late,” I told him. I felt his eyes went to me, but I refused to look back. I remained my eyes to the lonely dark night.“Isn’t it a bit dangerous for you to stroll around when it’s late?” he said coldly. I was a bit stunned by his words that I couldn’t help myself anymore but to look at him, to know if he’s serious or just being funny. But when I met his eyes, it was so serious that I almost felt goosebumps.“I-It’s safe—”“Where’s your house? I’ll walk you home,” he insisted. I bit my lower lip as a smile slowly creeping on my lips. I don’t know why but it’s making my heart explode. What the hell am I feeling? I feel lik
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CHAPTER 17 “Are you sure you want to guard Lexis?” I heard Fin asked me while I am spreading the jam on my toasted bread. The morning is so clear and here is Fin still suspicious about my reason.“You know what? You’re paranoid. I won’t harm Lexis if that’s you’re worried about.” I shrugged and took a bite of my bread. He shifted on his seat, and I felt him glared at me, so I looked at him and raise a brow. He sighed heavily after that.“I am…worried about you,” he said in silent. I stopped at that and stared at him for a moment. He’s looking away. There’s something made me nervous, and it makes me uneasy. But I erase that idea. It’s impossible. Fin has been my friend since we’re still a little. He feels like a brother to me. He protects me and because of him I learned how to be a brave girl. So, maybe…he also treats me as his little sister.I c
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CHAPTER 18 I was so conscious while eating with him. I don’t know what’s wrong, but every bite is awkward for me. I would always steal glances at him and if I’ll notice that he’ll look at me I’ll look away. I hope he didn’t notice that or else I’ll be more embarrassed.The lunch finished quietly. When he stood up, I also did the same thinking that we’re done now and should leave this place but when he looked at me with his cold eyes I stiffened on my place. What the hell? Why am I getting nervous in just one look? This is so new to me. Damn it!“Stay here until my classes finishes. Don’t leave or I’ll know,” he warned. My brows furrowed. We’re now alone in the kitchen because the other nurses are on their work now so I can freely talk to Ronald without getting conscious by the others. But damn I am wrong. Ronald’s eyes are enough to make me feel so conscious. Shit!
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